Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!) (2024)




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21 Comments / By Eileen / October 29, 2016

Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!) (1)

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”
~ Molière

Low-FODMAP + Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

Both the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) and the Low-FODMAP diet are a challenge to do on their own. Combining their restrictions is incredibly hard! So, why do it? Honestly, most people shouldn’t. We want to eat the widest variety of foods possible, because nutrient-density is essential to reversing autoimmune disease. However, there are two health conditions that sometimes accompany autoimmune disease: Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A Low-FODMAP diet can be part of the treatment plan for these conditions. Only follow this diet if prescribed by your practitioner, and remember, it’s not meant to last forever. Just like the AIP, a Low-FODMAP diet has an elimination phase and a reintroduction phase, where you test your body against specific foods to see which ones you can safely add back into your diet. I compiled this recipe roundup for those of you combining these temporary protocols. My goal is to make it a little bit easier, and a lot more delicious!

Finding Accurate Food Lists

There’s a lot of misinformation on the internet when it comes to FODMAPS and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. Monash University is the world expert on Low-FODMAP diets, and they have an app that I recommend you use if you are following this protocol. Also, here’s an AIP Grocery List of allowed foods on the AIP. Cross-reference both lists when combining these diets, because many recipes on the internet are mis-labeled. However, with this recipe roundup, I cross-referenced these lists for you!

Meat Recipes

Perfect Breakfast Sausage from Phoenix Helix
50/50/50 Burgers from The Paleo Mom
Meatloaf from Instinctual Wellbeing
Beef Stew from Sweet Treats
Instant Pot Beef Curry Stew from Eat Beautiful
Asian Beef Liver Paté from Beyond the Bite
Stuffed Pattypan Squash from Don’t Eat the Spatula
Beef Skillet Supper from Sweet Treats
Steak Salad with Arugula from Phoenix Helix
10 Minute Blueberry Pork Chops from Pure and Simple Nourishment
Shepherd’s Pie with Golden Horseradish Mash from Healing Family Eats

Poultry Recipes

Easy Crispy Duck Breast from Phoenix Helix
Chicken Liver Paté from Sweet Treats
Chicken and Ginger Mini Meatloaves from Healing Family Eats
Oven Roasted Chicken Pieces with Sage and Lemon from A Squirrel in the Kitchen
Lemon and Mint Roasted Whole Chicken from Healing Family Eats
Creamy Chicken Soup from Beyond the Bite
The LBD of Chicken Soups from Joanna Frankham (follow low-FODMAP notes)
Easy Baked Kale and Turkey Meatballs from The Open Cookbook (follow low-FODMAP notes)

Seafood Recipes

Slow Roasted Salmon with Herbed Yogurt from Sweet Treats
Simple Salmon Cakes from Food By Mars
Roasted Herb Cod from A Clean Plate (follow low-FODMAP notes)
Cilantro Grilled Tuna Steak with Duck Fat Plantains from Beyond the Bite
Simple Shrimp Scampi from A Clean Plate
Grilled Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Scampi from Beyond the Bite

Vegetable Recipes

Banana Cinnamon “Oatmeal” (featuring Spaghetti Squash) from Healing Family Eats
Simple Roasted Carrot and Fennel Soup from The Open Cookbook
Sea Salt & Vinegar Rutabaga Fries from Beyond the Bite
Roasted Leek Greens from Beyond the Bite
Tostones from A Clean Plate
Cilantro Carrot Mash from Healing Family Eats
Celeriac Fries from A Clean Plate
Turnip, Radish and Fennel Sauté from Autoimmune Wellness
Crushed Roots with Herbs from Healing Family Eats
Bacon Braised Collard Greens from A Clean Plate
Turnip-Dill Puree with Bacon and Chives from Autoimmune Wellness
Mediterranean Baked Olives from A Clean Plate

Condiment Recipes

5-Ingredient Tzatziki from The Open Cookbook
Zucchini Olive Tapenade from The Open Cookbook

Dessert & Drink Recipes

Spiced Pumpkin Tea Latte from Sweet Treats
Blueberry Tigernut Muffins from The Open Cookbook
Arnold Palmer Gummies from Sweet Treats
No-Bake Green Banana Collagen Protein Bites from The Open Cookbook
Blueberry Lemonade from A Clean Plate

Low-FODMAP AIP Meal Plans with Recipes

Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!) (2)

Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!) (3)

My Paleo AIP Instant Pot Cookbook includes low-FODMAP adaptations for over half the recipes

This recipe roundup was first published in 2016 but is updated annually. Last update 1/9/24.




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21 comments on “Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!)”

    1. Eileen @ Phoenix Helix

      April 13, 2021 at 3:20 pm

      Hi Kinga. I’m glad you found it, too! I don’t know if you’re a podcast listener, but there’s a recent episode that might interest you. My guest talked about Histamine Tolerance overall and different types and ways to treat: Episode 168.


  1. Alisha Franco

    April 4, 2018 at 3:29 am

    This has all been so overwhelming. I’m glad i found this article with recipies. I’m currently on the AIP diet and now I’m trying to treat my SIBO. I felt my diet was already so limited and now half the stuff i was eating, i can no longer eat because I’m starting the SCD diet. I googled SCD diet/aip and no luck. I was about to cry, and then i found this article. Thanks!


    1. Eileen @ Phoenix Helix

      April 4, 2018 at 5:11 pm

      Hi Alisha. The SCD diet isn’t the same as Low-FODMAP. SCD is low-Starch instead. Either one can be used short-term as part of a SIBO protocol, but I don’t recommend combining all three of these diets together, because that’s too restrictive. Are you working with a practitioner? That’s important when treating SIBO because usually herbs or antibiotics are necessary in addition to the diet, for successful treatment. Listen to Episode 29 of my podcast for more SIBO information. Wishing you wellness!


  2. December 13, 2017 at 6:48 am

    Thank you so much! I have a Candida Overgrowth, Leaky Gut & IBS and my kids are allergic to almost everything so this list is going to come in handy


    1. Eileen @ Phoenix Helix

      December 15, 2017 at 7:08 pm

      I’m happy to help, Jacinta! Wishing you all delicious meals and improving health.


  3. Sinem

    June 2, 2017 at 12:37 pm

    Hi! since I know myself I always have problems like cramps because of gas and bloating. For the first time, I went to doctor and did fodmap diet a month with some supplements and antibiotics. He told me that I have IBS. Bloating and gas problems are solved %90, but seeing mucus after or even with gas has remained… They say it is normal to see it because my GI tracks are full of gas and it makes bowel movements hard. However, every time I see it (especially when I see them the high amount, yellow-brownies color and smelling it makes me question myself that I have no problem why I see them? And, I always read if the mucus is in this form it means that there is an inflammation. Btw, I did the colonoscopy and almost every test. I am ready to try AIP any diet would help me. I just don’t know which to follow. I would be gratefu, if you could inform me about which diet to follow and if there is a solution for mucus.



    1. Eileen

      June 4, 2017 at 3:47 pm

      Hi Sinem. At this point, I recommend you consult with a functional medicine practitioner. There are many possible causes of your symptoms, and diet by itself is unlikely to resolve them. The tests you need are functional medicine gut tests – not the ones usually prescribed by a conventional MD. Here’s a link to practitioner directories: . And here are 2 podcasts you might find helpful: Episode 29: SIBO and Episode 42: Infections and Autoimmunity. Wishing you wellness.


  4. Kristy

    November 4, 2016 at 12:26 am

    Thank you Eileen! You are so kind to take the time to answer me. I’ve been working with a functional medicine practitioner for the last year but he hasn’t been able to help with the gut or brain (just thyroid and hormones and adrenal fatigue). I have found a functional neurologist but he is out of state so I’m pondering on whether to just dive in after so many failed attempts with doctors. Thanks again for your response, it is pretty isolating when there are very few people who speak this “language.” I will continue to use your site and have seen you in several podcasts and I appreciate your willingness to help people.


    1. Carmen

      December 8, 2016 at 11:52 pm

      Hi Kristy,
      Dr Rosario is a Functional Neurologist in Sacramento Ca. at Functional Longevity Institute. They have a remote program.


  5. yvonne

    November 3, 2016 at 7:07 pm

    I have issues with all fish. It started with an anaphylaxis response to shellfish, then other salt water fish began to cause digestive issues and now freshwater fish does the same. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto. I eat gluten-free but have begun to have many digestive issues now and am considering AIP/Paleo. How do I address the issue of not being able to eat fish of any kind?


    1. Eileen

      November 4, 2016 at 12:22 am

      Yvonne, you would just personalize your diet accordingly. There are plenty of other protein sources on the AIP, such as chicken, turkey, duck, bison, beef, venison, etc. In order to optimize your omega 3 ratio without seafood, be sure to prioritize grass-fed/pasture-raised animals. One other thought, though – sometimes histamine intolerance can be at play when you have trouble eating fish. If you’d like to learn more about that, listen to Episode 36 of my podcast.


  6. Kristy

    November 3, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    Thanks! I have read that book and listened to that interview, they are awesome.


    1. Kristy

      November 3, 2016 at 4:26 pm

      Your meaning of “the root cause” would be getting treatment for the brain injury before anything will help with the gut?


      1. Eileen

        November 4, 2016 at 12:19 am

        I mean that diet alone is unlikely to resolve your issues. That’s why it would be great if you found a functional medicine practitioner who could help guide you. But those links I gave you will give you a headstart on what directions to pursue. Diet is definitely one piece- it’s just not every piece. Does that make sense?


  7. Kristy

    November 2, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Thank you! I have been trying this on my own for about 6 months and haven’t been able to stick with it because I am always so hungry and have major blood sugar disregulation. In your opinion, how long does one eat AIP LowFODMAP before reintroducing? I keep starting it with no end in sight and it just seems impossible to me. I have been having gut problems for 5 years now (major bloating- even just eating zucchini) and my food sensitivities are off the chart- can’t even eat beef. I thought for sure I had SIBO but doctors will not agree with me. This all began with a traumatic brain injury- which immediately affected my gut. It has been a nightmare and I am discouraged because I have started and failed this diet so many times. Hopefully I can stick with it this time so I can start healing.


    1. Eileen

      November 3, 2016 at 2:01 am

      Hi Kristy. I have heard of others with your exact experience – a brain injury affecting their digestion, since the gut-brain connection goes both ways. If your doctors say you don’t have SIBO, they are likely right, so a different diet and treatment protocol might be indicated instead. Would you consider consulting with one of the professionals at The Paleo Mom Consulting? Anne Angelone has been trained by Dr. Kharrazian, who is an expert in the gut-brain axis. She might be able to point you in a more helpful direction. I know it’s very frustrating to have symptoms with no relief in sight. Wishing you wellness in every way!


      1. Kristy

        November 3, 2016 at 5:03 am

        Actually I met with Anne several times last year, but didn’t feel that she was able to help me. If I can’t handle FODMAPs whatsoever and I have reactions to pretty much everything except what is on AIP, I think that’s the way to go, whether I have SIBO or not. I have not come across anyone with brain injury affecting digestion, and I’ve done a lot of searching, so if you ever hear of anyone with a blog or something documenting their experience, I’d appreciate it if you shared. Thanks for your time!


        1. Eileen

          November 3, 2016 at 4:18 pm

          Kristy, my concern is that you won’t be able to get off this diet if you don’t address the root causes of your food sensitivities. If you want to do your own research, I recommend the book, Why Isn’t My Brain Working? by Dr. Datis Kharrazian. Here’s a paper he wrote on the TBI-Gut connection: And here’s an interview he did on traumatic brain injuries:


  8. Valerie

    October 30, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    OMG. Thank you so much!!! your an angel. I have Hashi and Sibo so this is perfect for me!!! Can’t thank you enough! Love your podcasts, so informative. I’m a big fan. 🙂


    1. Eileen

      October 30, 2016 at 9:13 pm

      My pleasure, Valerie! Wishing you healing on both levels.


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Paleo AIP + Low-FODMAP Recipe Roundup (45 Recipes!) (2024)


What is the difference between AIP and low FODMAP? ›

Both diets focus on consuming whole foods and eliminating processed foods. They are also similar in avoiding gluten, but the AIP diet does not allow any grains at all. The AIP diet and low FODMAP diet have varying allowances for vegetables and herbs, as well as for fruits and nuts.

What is the difference between AIP and Paleo diet? ›

An Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet plan can be similar to the paleo diet but is usually more strict. It primarily involves eliminating certain foods that may cause inflammation and reintroducing them gradually once symptoms improve.

What is the difference between low FODMAP and Paleo? ›

However, the most notable differences are that the Low FODMAP diet allows for flexibility when it comes to beans, dairy, and grains whereas the Paleo Diet eliminates them completely.

What diet is closest to AIP? ›

The essence of the AIP diet is meat and vegetables, which makes it similar to the paleo diet, only more severe in its restrictions. For example, people on the paleo diet can eat tomatoes and nuts; foods that are restricted from the autoimmune protocol. Leafy green vegetables (spinach, endive, herbs, etc.)

Why do I feel worse on low FODMAP diet? ›

If you have SIBO, the process of starving your overgrown gut bacteria may produce detox symptoms, making you feel worse before you feel better. But even if you feel great on the elimination phase, it's not meant to be permanent.

What are the top 5 worst autoimmune diseases? ›

What Are The Most Serious Autoimmune Diseases?
  • Giant Cell Myocarditis. Giant cell myocarditis is a very rare autoimmune disorder causing inflammation of the heart. ...
  • Vasculitis. ...
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) ...
  • Lupus. ...
  • Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.

What is a super food for autoimmune? ›

Protein: Amino acid powerhouses for immune support

Protein is vital for repairing tissues and supporting the immune system. Emphasise lean protein sources like poultry, organ meat, fish, beans, and tofu. Key amino acids, such as glutamine, lysine and taurine, play crucial roles in immune function.

What is the best diet to reverse autoimmune disease? ›

Ways diet can help improve your condition
  • Eliminate highly processed or refined foods. ...
  • Eliminate added sugars. ...
  • Eat more plant-based foods. ...
  • Get an adequate amount of protein, plus healthy fats and oils. ...
  • Sprinkle in some fermented foods. ...
  • Address food sensitivities.
Feb 26, 2017

Why can't you stay on a low FODMAP diet? ›

The low FODMAP diet is very restrictive and often removes many well-loved foods. It can impact on qualify of life and social eating, which can be psychologically and emotionally damaging. In addition, the risk of nutrient deficiencies can increase following unnecessary long-term food restriction.

What is a low FODMAP breakfast? ›

Here are some simple egg based low FODMAP breakfast ideas to try: Eggs, gluten-free bread (watch for those sneak FODMAP such as inulin, chicory root, and fruit juice concentrates, and soy flour) or sourdough toast with butter or sugar sweetened strawberry or raspberry jam, and a serving of low FODMAP fruit.

What diet is closest to low FODMAP? ›

The gluten free diet has some similarities to the FODMAP diet and it is often tried first before undetaking the low FODMAP diet.

Is the AIP diet good for IBS? ›

Kyle recommends two anti-inflammatory diets for IBS and other autoimmune conditions: the autoimmune protocol (AIP), also known as the paleo autoimmune protocol, and the Lifestyle, Eating and Performance Therapy (LEAP) test with individual dietary protocol.

Why is low-FODMAP not good long term? ›

There is also concern that long-term restriction of high-FODMAP foods changes the makeup of bacterial colonies in the gut, which may negatively impact intestinal health and possibly worsen digestive issues over time. Oligosaccharides, in particular, are an important energy source for beneficial bacteria.

What diet is closest to low-FODMAP? ›

The gluten free diet has some similarities to the FODMAP diet and it is often tried first before undetaking the low FODMAP diet.

Which is better high-FODMAP or low-FODMAP? ›

Summary. High-FODMAP foods like dairy and legumes cause higher levels of gas and liquid in the intestines. Low-FODMAP fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and protein are less likely to cause symptoms like gas and bloating and may be ideal if you are struggling with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.