Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (2024)

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Today’s vegan Irish soda bread recipe is a vegan twist on the traditional unleavened bread popular in rural Ireland for generations. My version of vegan soda bread is made with no buttermilk, plus it’s free of yeast or eggs. Make a loaf around St. Patrick’s Day or any time of the year, and the whole family will enjoy its slightly sweet flavor and rustic texture!

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (1)

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There are conflicting opinions on whether raisins and caraway seeds belong in the authentic Irish soda bread. The purists will say that you’ll never find them in the soda bread served in Ireland. But then, the purists say a lot of stuff.

I hesitated on adding the raisins and caraway seeds at first, but then I read some more about the history of Irish soda bread as it traveled from Ireland to the US, and found out that there’s actually merit in using them.

In case you’ve never tried this type of bread before, I decided to lay out everything you have to know about Irish soda bread (and a few things you don’t). This includes how to make it vegan by skipping buttermilk, and how to bake it to perfection. Bear with me!

Table Of Contents

  1. What is authentic Irish soda bread?
  2. What is vegan Irish soda bread made of?
  3. What does vegan Irish soda bread recipe use instead of buttermilk?
  4. Why does Irish soda bread use soda instead of yeast?
  5. Why does Irish soda bread have a cross on it?
  6. What's the best way to bake vegan Irish soda bread?
  7. How do I store Irish soda bread?

What is authentic Irish soda bread?

The traditional Irish soda bread is a quick unleavened (made yeast free) type of bread that people in Ireland have served with their meals since the 19th century.

A number of other countries also have variations of soda bread, but the Irish variety is known the best in the US.

As the tradition has it, the most authentic version of Irish soda bread contains just four ingredients – flour, baking soda, salt, and buttermilk.

In the US, however, the notion of Irish soda bread always brings raisins and caraway seeds to mind. Some sources believe that it’s an Irish twist on the traditional English Spotted Dick (or Spotty Dog) – a steamed pudding made with animal fat and currants or raisins.

Other sources believe that adding raisins and caraway seeds to soda bread became popular in the US when Irish immigrants settled in large cities like New York City or Boston.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (2)

Once they assimilated with other immigrant groups, the Irish adapted new ingredients and cooking techniques from their neighbors, like adding caraway seeds from Jewish rye bread.

To sum things up, if you want the type of soda bread that’s been served in Irish homes for two centuries, don’t add raisins or caraway seeds. If you aren’t interested in going that far back in history, those add-ins will do just fine.

What is vegan Irish soda bread made of?

My version of vegan Irish soda bread is made with simple plant-based ingredients like all-purpose flour, baking soda, cornstarch, almond milk, apple cider vinegar, raisins and caraway seeds. See the full ingredient list in the recipe card below.

I also experimented with adding aquafaba as one of the ingredients. That’s definitely not a traditional way to make Irish soda bread, but it worked nicely to improve its texture that otherwise can be dry and tough.

I know that some of these ingredients don’t have ‘Ireland’ written all over them, but if we want to turn things in the vegan direction, we’ll have to accept a few changes. If the resulting vegan loaf of soda bread is just as good as the non-vegan one, who cares?

Aquafaba is also one of the key ingredients in my ultra fudgy aquafaba brownies and vegan oatmeal raisin cookies.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (3)

What does vegan Irish soda bread recipe use instead of buttermilk?

Buttermilk is one of the main ingredients in the traditional Irish soda bread. There are a few ways to make a reliable vegan alternative. For my vegan soda bread, I combined almond milk with a little bit of apple cider vinegar to make the milk curdle.

After that, I decided to thicken my vegan “buttermilk” with some aquafaba.

There was one more issue to resolve. Dairy-based buttermilk is fairly high in fat, which works well to make a softer, more moist soda bread. My almond milk-based “buttermilk” wasn’t nearly close to that in its fat content.

I didn’t want my soda bread to come out with the texture of a brick, so I decided to add some melted coconut oil (vegan butter can be used instead).

Also see: How to find alternatives to butter and eggs in vegan baking and not end up with cardboard.

I whisked coconut oil with sugar, then added my vegan “buttermilk” mixture. Once the wet ingredients were mixed into the dry, the acidic vinegar and alkaline baking soda did their magic to release lots of tiny gas bubbles that in turn helped the bread rise during baking.

Why does Irish soda bread use soda instead of yeast?

History and geography play a role once again. Because of the cool, damp climate of Ireland, only soft wheat used to grow there successfully. Soft wheat doesn’t have the ability to create strong strings of gluten that are so necessary for bread to rise well.

At the same time, soft wheat turned out to be perfect for using in soda bread. When baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, first became commercially available in Britain, the first recipes for soda bread were introduced, and its popularity quickly rose.

Another reason why soda bread became so popular in Ireland – it was quick to make. It didn’t need extra time for rising like yeast bread.

Baking soda and the acidic components of buttermilk (a traditionally used ingredient) react immediately, so the bread is sent into the oven as soon as the dough is mixed.

Other yeast-free baking goods recipes from the blog:

  • Vegan Pumpkin Walnut Bread
  • Vegan Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
  • Healthy Vegan Double Chocolate Zucchini Muffins
  • Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies with Aquafaba

Why does Irish soda bread have a cross on it?

The traditional loaf of Irish soda bread has a wide cross cut into its top before the bread is baked. There are a several theories for why it’s done.

The most logical reason – cutting the loaf before baking allows the heat of the oven to reach the center and bake it more thoroughly. Nobody wants to eat raw bread, right?

Another reason (also logical) – it’s easier to break the loaf into quarters once it’s baked. Soda bread can be quite crumbly sometimes, so it’s easier to split it up this way without cutting (if you have an appetite for eating the whole quarter).

One more reason (logical if you’re into that stuff) – the old-timey Irish bakers cut the cross into the bread to release evil spirits before baking. Hope it worked for them!

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (4)

How do you cut a cross into the Irish soda bread loaf? You use a sharp knife, of course. A serrated steak knife worked the best for me.

The cut is made from side to side across the center, about 1/2 inch deep to make sure that the loaf doesn’t crack when rising in the oven – plus the heat gets through to the center better.

What’s the best way to bake vegan Irish soda bread?

Traditionally, Irish soda bread was baked in a Dutch oven-like cast iron pot called bastible. Instead of putting the pot in the oven like you’d expect, Irish housewives would hang it over a source of open fire and even put a few hot coals on top of its lid.

Times have changed, and today it’s widely accepted to bake the Irish soda bread in the oven.

A number of sources online suggest to bake the bread in a regular cake pan (I love these cake pans by Calphalon). This ensures the round shape of the loaf, plus it’s quite simple.

I’ve also seen suggestions to put another cake pan of the same size on top in an inverted position, and keep it there for most of the baking time. The moisture gets trapped as it exits the baking loaf, and helps it develop a nice, crispy exterior without overdrying the interior.

I was intrigued by that steam-baking process. Also, I’ve been a big fan of baking regular bread in a cast iron Dutch oven – another way to trap the moisture and create a great crust.

That’s why I decided to bake my first vegan Irish soda bread loaf in a cast iron Dutch oven.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (5)

The bread came out looking beautiful, as you can see above. However, as I realized right away, the cast iron got reeeeeally hot sitting in the oven for an hour (about 20 min before the dough went in, and then 40 minutes after).

As a result, even though the bread was delicious, the crust turned out to be overbaked. See the darker brown color around the edges of the piece on top:

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (6)

I knew I could do better, so I decided to try again.

This time, however, I used a regular baking sheet similar to this one lined with parchment paper. I still wanted to reap the benefits of the “steam baking”, so I put a round Pyrex container filled with water right on the bottom of my oven before turning the heat on.

Important if you’re baking bread with a water-filled container on the bottom of your oven: always put the container in before you turn the heat on. If you do so after the oven has been preheated, even the most ovenproof container may crack.

This time around, I got a much better result, as you can see in the picture above. The crust was just the right thickness, with a perfect crispy texture. The loaf also rose better, and was easier to cut.

I found that the dough held its round form quite well on a baking sheet before I sent it to the oven, so I don’t think that it’s necessary to use a cake pan if you want to make sure your vegan Irish soda bread comes out nice and round.

My verdict: the best way to bake Irish soda bread is on a regular parchment-lined baking sheet. If you place an ovenproof container of water on the bottom of the oven before preheating, it will provide a steamy environment that’s beneficial for a perfectly crispy, golden crust.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (7)

How do I store Irish soda bread?

While Irish soda bread, vegan or non-vegan, tastes best right after it’s been baked, it can also be stored for 3-4 days.

To keep a loaf of vegan soda bread fresh, wait till it fully cools off, then wrap it tightly with plastic wrap, and store on your countertop.

Soda bread is naturally quite dense, but it’s going to be the softest on the day of baking. The crust stays crispy on day one, and becomes chewy on day two.

How to revive stale Irish soda bread: wrap a slice into a damp paper towel, then microwave for 10-15 seconds. That’s it!

And now here’s something that I’m sure your scroll finger has been begging for – the actual recipe! 🙂

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (8)

Yield: 12 servings

Vegan Irish Soda Bread

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (9)

This vegan Irish soda bread recipe yields a beautiful and wholesome rustic loaf speckled with raisins and caraway seeds. You're guaranteed to go for seconds! Dairy free, soy free, suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time50 minutes

Total Time1 hour


Dry Ingredients:

  • 3 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (17 oz/485 g)
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp salt

Wet Ingredients:



    1. Put a small ovenproof dish like Pyrex filled with water on the bottom of your oven. Preheat the oven to 400° F. The oven needs to be well heated with the water nearly boiling before you put the soda bread loaf in. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
    2. Make vegan "buttermilk" with aquafaba. Put aquafaba into a measuring cup, then start pouring almond milk until it reaches 1 1/2 cup mark (you will have a little bit of milk left). Add apple cider vinegar and whisk lightly. Set aside to curdle.
    3. In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients - flour, baking soda, cornstarch and salt. Mix well, then sprinkle in caraway seeds.
    4. In a medium bowl, whisk melted coconut oil (or butter) with sugar until well combined. Pour in the vegan "buttermilk" mixture. Whisk well until foamy, then add raisins.
    5. Pour wet ingredients into the bowl with dry ingredients. Using a wooden spoon, start mixing the dough until it mostly comes together, then use your hands to knead lightly. You don't want to do a lot of kneading, or the soda bread will come out tough. Just make sure that everything looks hom*ogeneous, and there's almost no loose flour left in the bowl. The dough will be sticky but soft and light.
    6. Pat the dough to form a slightly flattened ball. Carefully transfer the dough ball onto the prepared baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cut a cross from side to side using a sharp knife (I had best results with a steak knife), aiming to cut about 1/2 inch deep. The cross helps the heat of the oven reach the center of the dough ball and bake it through better.
    7. Bake for 40 minutes, then lower the heat to 350° F and bake another 10 minutes. If the top of the loaf starts looking too brown before the 40 minute mark, lower the heat to 350° F and bake for a few additional minutes.
    8. Let the loaf cool on a cooling rack for at least 30 minutes before cutting it. This vegan Irish soda bread is especially good with a dab of vegan butter. Enjoy!

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1/12 of a loaf

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 188Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 3mgCarbohydrates: 38gFiber: 2gSugar: 8gProtein: 4g

Please note that the provided nutritional information data is approximate.

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Question for you: Have you tried making Irish soda bread with no buttermilk or yeast before? I’d love to hear what steps you took to make it vegan!

If you’ve enjoyed this post, share it with your friends on social media! And stick around for more awesomeness – subscribe to Vegan Runner Eats to receive the latest posts (I’ll send you a free copy of my vegan dinner recipe e-book as a thank you), or follow the blog on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (13)

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Alina first made a switch to a vegan diet in 2013 to optimize her athletic performance as a marathon runner. Eventually she embraced veganism as a way to be kinder to fellow living beings and the environment. Alina hopes that this blog helps its readers on their path to becoming vegan and making this world a better place.

See Full Bio

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (14)Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (15)Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (16)

Vegan Irish Soda Bread Recipe (2024)
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