Let The World Burn - Chapter 4 - NewTaste (2024)

Chapter Text

That night, Sasuke bathed in ice cold water. He did not know what had possessed him to act so irrational. His face flushed when he thought about Naruto and he thought about him a lot. He was mostly blaming himself: how could he be so careless? He tried to deny it but he knew the way he acted with the blond was suggesting, to say the least. He knew anyone could have seen them, and they probably did. He knew there could be gossips the next day. He knew he played a dangerous game. He remembered how Naruto looked at him, with fiery eyes, with his daring smile. Sasuke buried his face in his palms filled with the chilly water. He must stop thinking about that.

What he did not know was what actually happened to him. He tried to find reasons, logical explanations, but he failed miserably. It was as if he was drunk with no self-control and his emotions took advantage. He could not give it a name. He acted unusual, that was all he admitted to himself. If it really had been something immoral, Naruto surely would have stopped him.

I was just overwhelmed with emotions from the victory. I was physically drained. I was exhausted from all the tasks Itachi had given me. I was confused.

Yes, that was it. He was confused and exhausted. He sighed and finally settled his thoughts. There was nothing wrong with him, everything that happened was perfectly normal, and this was his strange way of working off some tension. Itachi and Sakura did not seem to see his pitiful act with Naruto, but the stableboy surely did. Sasuke remembered how he looked at him, almost in disgust. He did not know who the boy was but he hoped he would not start spreading false gossip about things he might have seen. After all, Sasuke did nothing wrong. Yes, I did nothing wrong. If they saw it that way, it must be their imagination. Sakura kissed me, anybody could have seen that, now that was anything but imagination. He never thought he would be grateful to Sakura for showing her affections publicly, but now it gave him some solace. Curse you, Naruto. Tonight should have been about celebration of his victory, but instead he was in a conflict with himself about sins he did not even commit.

He leaned back in the tub and examined the ceiling. It was simply decorated with an elegant white stucco. He missed their country villa where they spent the rest of the year; he would often watch the stars in the evenings and the only noise and distraction would be the sound of the forest. The sound of life. He wondered where Naruto lived; does he have a garden where he can see the night sky? No, he is most probably a city dweller. The boy did seem like the type who would enjoy living in the country, though. He imagined him there, with him in the garden, he would wear his constant white shirt and accuse Sasuke of being a boring, romantic moron for spending hours lying in the grass and watching the sky.

Sasuke covered his face with his right hand and closed his eyes. He should stop thinking about such nonsense. It was high time he finished bathing and he stepped out of the tub to get dressed for the night.


He was sitting on the veranda, smoking a cigarette and reading the Morning. A lot was written about the race, praising the Uchiha horses (they won two sprints). One of the riders was none other than the young Uchiha Sasuke, Konoha’s most eligible bachelor right after his own brother, wrote one of the pieces. He demonstrated exceptional skills as an equestrian, and the author of the article was convinced it was not only their horse breeds whose price went up: the reserved and solitary Uchiha might yet find himself in another competition where he is not a contender, but the prize. Would the fine ladies seek the goodwill of the young bachelor, or perhaps their effort would be in vain? Haruno Sakura seems to have captured the attention of Saint John’s Eve’s celebrity, but is it real affection, or Sakura merely flaunts her wealth like a peaco*ck its tails?

Sasuke put the paper down on the coffee table next to him. One of his servants poured some coffee for him, with a hint of cardamom. This was how Sasuke consumed his café noir ever since he returned from a trip to the Sand; without any sugar or milk.

He slept well last night and all the troubles of yesterday vanished from his thoughts. He felt like returning home, his mind was organized, disciplined and most importantly, rational.

He blew out the cigarette smoke while stirring the coffee. His butler brought him The People and he scanned the pages, only reading the first few sentences of each article. They published a lot about the races, too, though they admired Sai’s skills and accused the judges of cheating for giving the win to Uchiha when it obviously belonged to Sai. It also said that the Hokage was in the pockets of the older Uchiha who bribed the event’s organizer to favour his younger brat brother over any of the riders. Morons, Sasuke declared. The article also praised Sai for not forgetting where he came from and that he still was a child of the people. Sai celebrated Saint John’s Eve with his supporters, he even participated in the bonfire jumping contest (he failed), and concluded the day at Ichiraku’s, drinking with his comrades.

Sasuke put his cup of coffee down right after he sipped from it. That caught his attention. He figured this might be far-fetched, but Ichiraku’s gave home to an illegal political gathering before, and Sai was working for the monarch, the Otsutsukis. It may be a coincidence that he celebrated his almost-victory there, or it may as well be that he is an inside-man. The question was, for who?

He realized it was mere conspiracy but it was worth a check. He left the veranda with the magazine and walked inside Itachi’s study where he knew he would surely find his ever-knowing brother. He was wrong, the study was empty. He walked up to his room, but no response came after a few knocks. He then asked his butler.

“Uchiha-sama left several hours ago.”

“Where did he go?”

“I’m sorry, Sasuke-san, but he did not disclose his destination.”

Sasuke huffed. Finding his brother in the city was like finding a needle in a haystack. He could instead talk to Hyuuga Neji about his suspicions, but he had no will to do that, especially after yesterday’s race. He smirked at the thought that his stallion bested the Hyuuga mare and Neji would probably not provide any information out of spite.

“Bring me my jacket,” he ordered his butler. “And prepare the carriage. I’m going out.”

“My apologies, but Itachi-san has already taken the carriage.”

“Then I’m gonna walk,” Sasuke rolled his eyes.

“May I ask where you are going, My Lord?”

“You may not,” he went into his room and knotted a black tie around his neck, pushing its end under his vest. The butler straightened a dark blue jacket and stepped to Sasuke to help him put it on.

“What shall I tell Itachi-san when he arrives?”

“The same thing you told me. I did not disclose my destination.”

Sasuke selected two golden cuffs that his butler flipped on the sleeves of his shirt. After dressing up, he went downstairs with the newspaper in his hand but stopped when he crossed the door of Itachi’s study. He might as well look around while his brother was not at home.

He entered the room and put the paper down on a chair that was placed right by the door. He circled around Itachi’s large desk: it was immaculate with only quills and empty envelopes on its surface. Sasuke pulled out the first drawer on the top and started going through the papers he found there. They were all expense lists and invoices.

He pulled the second drawer and found even more papers. These seemed to be legal documents as they were signed by their family lawyer.

“Uchiha-san…?” their butler was standing in the office door, looking concerned. Sasuke paid him no mind.

He tried to pull the third drawer but it was locked. He noticed a keyhole but there was no key in proximity.

“Do you have a key for this?” he straightened up and pointed his finger at the bottom drawer.

“I’m sorry, Uchiha-san, but only Lord Uchiha has a key for that.”

Useless, he thought and started to look around on the bookshelf behind the desk. He was not sure what he was looking for, something unusual perhaps. He noticed a wooden box at the top of the shelf that looked polished. It was certainly opened frequently if it did not catch any dust up there.

“Can you help me take it down?” he turned to his butler.

“Please forgive me, but this is Lord Uchiha’s private study. I cannot assist you with your… intrusion.”

“My intrusion? Is this not my home as well? Last time I checked, you got your salary for serving us. And that includes serving me. Now, help me get that box.”

The butler hesitated but he did not move. He raised his head up and watched Sasuke, judgingly.

Sasuke kept looking around. Itachi was almost too organized and that pissed him off. He had a strongbox in the corner, again, with no key in sight. Sasuke finally decided to let it be, for now. He walked out of the study.

“You will tell my brother nothing about it,” he warned his butler to which he nodded.

He put on his gloves and was about to leave the villa when his butler stopped him.

“Uchiha-san, you left it in Lord Uchiha’s study,” he was holding The People in his hand.

Sasuke skipped a breath. If he forgot it there, Itachi would know he was in his study. He took the paper from the butler and nodded gratefully.


“Please follow me, Lord Uchiha.”

He walked through a long, well-lit corridor that was occupied by seemingly infinite number of bookshelves. At the end of the corridor, a glass door with thin beige curtains opened to the small terrace of the villa. The breeze blew the curtains playfully inside.

As he stepped onto the terrace, he saw Shikamaru playing chess with Choji. A servant prepared a white braided chair for Sasuke and placed it by the chess board. He was also offered a cold beverage but Sasuke refused.

Choji was more enthusiastic to see Sasuke than his friend.

“We’ve just been talking about you, Sasuke!” he welcomed him.

“You have?” Sasuke raised his eyebrows.

“We’ve read the article in the Morning. You received so much praise even my mother fell in love with you a bit,” Choji was smiling every time he talked.

“I guess you haven’t heard I apparently cheated.”

Shikamaru looked up from the chess board to that.

“Who says you cheated?” Shikamaru rested his cheek on his fist. He looked bored, as always.

Sasuke threw The People on the chess board, knocking the chess pieces over. Shikamaru was displeased.

The People? Why would you be reading that?” Choji removed the magazine from the board and opened it, looking for the article about the other day’s events. When he finally found it, he started reading it out aloud and Shikamaru put the pieces back in their rightful places on the chess board. Sasuke watched for his friends’ reactions but they showed no interest whatsoever. When Choji finished the article with Sai’s celebration at Ichiraku’s, he put the paper down on his lap.

“Is this why you are so upset?” he asked.

“I’m not upset. I am curious if you noticed anything in the article.”

Choji skimmed through it again but found nothing. Shikamaru was looking at the chess pieces, playing with the white queen lazily.

Sasuke leaned forward in his chair.

“I will let you in on something. That place mentioned at the end, Ichiraku’s, has been hosting illegal meetings,” he hoped Shikamaru would catch his meaning but he was still looking at the chessboard.

“What kind of illegal meetings?” Choji seemed more interested.

“Anti-monarchist,” Sasuke leaned back, awaiting a shock on his friends’ face. Choji looked surprised but Shikamaru only raised his eyebrows.

“And you know that because…” Shikamaru implied that Sasuke should finish the sentence.

“It doesn’t matter. The point is, the place is infamous for serving rebels.”

Choji looked puzzled and he offered the newspaper to Shikamaru but he did not take it. Choji, not knowing what to do with it, placed it on the chess board again and inquired if they had some snack from one of the servants. Sasuke also asked for a cup of tea and Shikamaru requested to have the paper thrown out. He had to rearrange his chess pieces twice because of it.

“Are you saying,” Shikamaru finally seemed to understand. “That Sai likely was at an illegal assembly? Despite working for the royal family?”

Choji gasped.


They were served iced tea and some fruit, to Choji’s disappointment. He expected something more… filling. Shikamaru, however, seemed doubtful.

“You do not agree?” Sasuke asked and took a sip of the drink.

Shikamaru exhaled slowly, as if he has already had enough of the topic.

“I just have some questions.”


“Like why would you read this paper?”

Sasuke rolled his eyes. “That’s not the point-”

“Or why would you care about Sai?”

“Because I told you,” He put his glass down on the chess board, just to irritate Shikamaru a little. “He works for the Queen yet he attended an illegal meeting.”

Might have attended,” Shikamaru corrected him. “And what if he did? It’s none of our business. Honestly, I think you might have a little too much time on your hand.”

“Don’t you think that we have a duty to inform the officials if we suspect anything?”

“No, I don’t,” Shikamaru said confidently. “And you suspect nothing. You make things up. Why would they write about it in the paper if it’s such a common knowledge that there are meetings in there? Do you think the publishers are that stupid? Come on, Uchiha. I heard of a sore loser before, but never a sore victor.”

Sasuke glared at his friend. He came here because Shikamaru and him have always seemed to understand each other. His friend was a mental genius, always a step ahead of everyone when it came to assessing and understanding a situation. He always listened, and he always saw things from an outsider, rational perspective. Sasuke considered himself similar and was certain Shikamaru would support his suspicions. He came here for reassurance that his conclusions might be firmly based, but instead, Shikamaru downplayed the whole situation.

“What’s wrong with you today, Nara?”

“He’s been sulking ever since I arrived,” Choji added, munching on an apricot.

Shikamaru sighed and rubbed his eyes with his fists as if he has just woken up from a dream. He then looked up at the clear blue sky.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that… eh. I guess I have to tell someone.”

Both Choji and Sasuke forgot about the newspaper article and watched their friend curiously. Shikamaru was never the talkative type and they wondered what got into him.

“Yesterday, after the final race,” he started hesitantly. “Well, you know, Sabaku no Temari was in the finals, too…”

Oh no. Sasuke reached for his glass of tea. He did not want to interrupt, yet.

“So, after the final race, I met her at the stall of their horses. Congratulated her for the third place. And then we started talking, which somehow developed into a pleasant walk behind the stables. We didn’t even notice. And then, it sorts of happened.”

“What sorts of happened?” Sasuke was already dreading the answer.

“Well, accidentally, my lips might have bumped into hers.”

“So, you kissed,” Choji was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Shikamaru nodded.

Sasuke posed the most important question:

“Did anyone see you?”

Shikamaru covered his face with his palms, sighed, and pulled his hands down slowly, dragging the skin on his face along.

“Well, there was this guy, I think I saw him somewhere, but I’m not sure. He appeared out of nowhere and when he saw us, he apologized and turned the other way. But yeah, he definitely saw us.”

“Was he someone from among us? Will he talk?” Sasuke was already prepared for the worst. Choji looked concerned.

“I told you, I saw him somewhere before, but I don’t know where. He was tall, blond, he looked furious when he saw us. He had strange marks on his face, like long, thin bruises.”

Sasuke closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair in relief. He took another sip from his tea.

“It was Naruto.”


“Never mind. He isn’t going to talk.”

“How could you be so sure?” Shikamaru did not want to believe he got off the hook that easily.

Sasuke thought about the answer. Would Naruto tell anyone what he saw? Most probably he did not even recognize the two of them. But what if he did? Would he care?

Definitely no. Sasuke was sure of it. Naruto seemed like a trustworthy person; he was not one to gossip. That was good news not only for Shikamaru, but Sasuke as well.

“I just know,” he looked deep in Shikamaru’s eyes. He did not want to explain further. “Shikamaru, it cannot happen again. You had your fun, and luckily no one knows about it.”

They all went silent. Sasuke watched Shikamaru’s expression, Shikamaru stared at the chess pieces, Choji peeled a tangerine. The day was unusually warm today, the sun brightened up the white pieces and Sasuke started to be afraid of getting sunburnt. He was about to suggest moving inside when Choji asked:

“Say, Shikamaru… What was it like, kissing her?”

Shikamaru smiled with his eyes closed at the memory and that made Sasuke uneasy. Bad sign.

“It felt right. Easy. Intimate,” it clearly was a fond memory. Choji smiled, too.

“I’m more curious about why you kissed her,” Sasuke wondered. His tone was intentionally judging.

“I don’t know, Uchiha. It all came naturally. One moment we were talking, then I felt like I would be sick if I didn’t kiss her. So, I did.”

“And did she kiss back?” Choji inquired further.

“Don’t encourage him, Akamichi,” Sasuke spoke before Shikamaru could. “You do know it cannot happen again, right?”

“Please don’t start preaching about family and duty again,” Shikamaru pushed his head back and his eyes got lost in the blue sky.

“You brought it up on yourself, Shikamaru. If people found out… You would be forced to marry the woman, a spinster, while you are already betrothed to someone.” Sasuke dreaded to think about the consequences if the Yamanaka family fell out with the Naras. “You should never talk about it. To anyone.”

“Aren’t you one to talk, Uchiha! You weren’t so decent yesterday, either,” Choji finally finished the tangerine.

Sasuke’s heart dropped. His white skin became even more pale. He stared at Choji and Shikamaru also glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. He wanted to pierce Sasuke with his gaze.

So, someone did see them. The stableboy. It must have been him. But how did the rumours get to everyone so soon? And how can he explain it to his friends? He did not even know what happened; although nothing happened, of course. Whatever they say, he must deny everything. He felt his palms getting sweaty. Shikamaru’s black eyes were more burning than the summer sun. He reached for his tea to seem undisturbed.

“What are you talking about?” he asked coldly. His heart was racing loud, afraid of the next words he was about to hear.

“I heard you and Sakura kissed after the final race, too.”


Oh, that.

“She kissed me. On the face. That’s all,” he said in relief.

“I heard it differently.”

“Well then, you heard wrong. She just walked up to me and kissed me, out of the blue. Itachi even froze down for a second, you should have seen him.”

Choji seemed disappointed. He probably expected a tasty rumour he could munch on. Shikamaru returned Sasuke’s question:

“I’m more curious about why you didn’t kiss her back.”

Sasuke never felt he disliked his friend as much as he did after this sentence. He held Shikamaru’s gaze, with his head high up.

“Maybe because I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m obliged to marry a girl just because I couldn’t control my lust.”

He knew these words would be painful to hear but he did not mind. He had enough of Shikamaru, his doubts, his disbelief on his theory about Sai, and the suspicious side looks he gave. Sasuke stood up from his chair, feeling offended.

“I will see you out,” Shikamaru rose as well and he said goodbye to Choji.

As they were walking out, two stubborn men, Shikamaru was the first to break the silence.

“What are you going do to about Sai?” he asked, but he avoided eye contact with Sasuke.

“What do you care? I’m only making things up.”

“Sasuke,” Shikamaru stopped and Sasuke looked at him annoyed. “Are you working with Itachi at the police force? Is that why you’re concerned about illegal assemblies?”

Sasuke did not reply. He did not want to admit that he actually is not working on any of the serious cases Itachi is burdening himself with. Shikamaru sighed.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to discredit you back there. I entrusted you with my secret, knowing you are honourable and won’t tell a soul.”
Sasuke remained still, only raising one of his eyebrows.

“I don’t think there’s a connection, like you assume,” he continued. “But I’ll help you in your investigation, gladly.”

Shikamaru seemed more relaxed that he could let his heart out. Sasuke, however, was not convinced. He was sure he would not ask his friend for help if it meant receiving criticism every time he had an idea.

“Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind,” he said calmly and wished goodbye to the Nara clan’s heir.


Itachi did not come home for days.

Sasuke simply did not believe his staff when every one of them told him that they knew nothing about his brother’s whereabouts. It occasionally happened that Itachi was gone to one of their mansions, however, he always informed Sasuke about where he would go; furthermore, Sasuke was managing these estates now and Itachi had no reason to visit them unless he wanted to oversee his brother’s management skills personally.

He went to the gentlemen’s club every day to drink a glass or two. He secretly hoped he would learn anything about his brother there, but of course without asking directly. They were siblings, for God’s sake, and he should not be inquiring about his brother’s whereabouts.

He felt at ease in the club. There was always someone he could talk to: Kiba, Shino, Choji, even Shikamaru, though their last encounter left him bitter. Nara was careful not to mention the Sabaku girl again.

The club was heavily decorated, always smoky from the cigars, the air sodden from the constantly served beverages. They often played games there, although Sasuke never gambled, only joined a game if he did not have to risk his money on it. It is not that he had none to spare, he simply loathed hazard. Instead, he had the chance to read or chat with the dear gentlemen; after all, the main purpose of the club was to exchange news they heard in the city, but Sasuke was bored to listen to all the gossip he had previously read in the Morning. These were all shallow tales he mostly was not interested in. One time, he tried to bring up an article he read in The People and found particularly thought-provoking: the author described the terrible conditions in a workhouse he was living in. He claimed that he was working fifteen hours at the weaving factory to support his wife and four kids, but the wage was barely enough to pay rent for a shared flat; thus, he was forced to temporarily live in a workhouse. Sasuke had heard of workhouses before but he always imagined them as a tiny yet clean and tolerable living spaces. The article described it differently, however; it sounded like a place worse than any of his stables. When he told the gentlemen about the article, they all seemed shocked and disgusted, yet they came to the same conclusion: the man could only blame himself for not being able to support his own family. Sasuke, to some extent, agreed. If other people manage to earn enough in their work to live comfortably, then this man can only blame himself for not being resourceful enough. However, he also wondered what other options a man like him might have.

“I always ask the Hokage to do something about the conditions in these workhouses,” Neji approached Sasuke once he was sitting alone. “May I?”

Sasuke was startled to see the Hyuuga there as he rarely visited the club. He motioned with his hand that he may sit down by his table, and a waiter brought them both a glass of cognac.

“I’m surprised to see you concerned about these people,” said Neji, tasting the cognac.

“I’m not concerned,” was Sasuke’s rigid reply. “What brings you here, Hyuuga-san?”

Neji was panning the club as if he was looking for something, or somebody. He then turned his gaze to Sasuke.

“I didn’t have a chance to congratulate you on your well-deserved win.”

Sasuked bowed lightly, murmuring an uncaring ‘thank you’.

“Say, do you often read The People?”

“Every day,” Sasuke narrowed his eyes and Neji nodded approvingly.

“And what do you think of it?”

“It’s terrible,” Sasuke drank from his cognac and Neji smirked.

“Isn’t it? It’s as if we are living in a different Konoha. I always feel pity for those people who publish in there.”

“I meant the articles,” Sasuke corrected Neji. “They are written awfully.”

Neji raised his eyebrows. He probably expected a different reply from Sasuke, and his smirk disappeared from his face. He looked stoic again.

“Why are you reading them, then?”

“My brother asked me to,” said Sasuke honestly.

“Of course,” Neji did not look a bit surprised. He took his glass of cognac in his hand and turned the fine crystal between his fingers a few times. Sasuke observed the motion. Neji had the same look on his face as Itachi often had: the man was exhausted, his eyes were defocused, his back was slightly bent, his thoughts were somewhere afar. Sasuke realized that Neji looked vulnerable and he now felt uncomfortable sitting in his presence.

“Neji-san, may I ask something about Sai?”

Neji did not raise his eyes at Sasuke.

“Sai?” he echoed.

“Yes, he was your horse’s rider in the final race,” Sasuke reminded him and Neji nodded. “They wrote a lot about him in that paper. On Saint John’s Eve he was at Ichiraku’s, the place where the marines were killed after the assembly.”

Neji glanced at Sasuke so quickly that Sasuke was frightened for a second.

“Did Itachi tell you about it?” Sasuke nodded. “What do you want to know about Sai?”

Sasuke knew this was his chance.

“Is Sai one of your men?” he asked boldly. Neji’s eyes widened but he quickly reorganized his face.

“In what sense?”

“In a sense that he is giving you information on things, such as illegal political meetings.”

“No,” he said instantly but without feeling the need to elaborate further.

“But then-”

“Uchiha-san,” Neji interrupted him abruptly and he had that superior look on his face again that Sasuke simply could not best. “I do not owe you any explanation, however, I can assure you, Sai is of no concern, to anyone.”

Sasuke was not sure if he believed the Hyuuga but he did not want to press this matter further. They eyed each other as if they were trying to find out what the other knows, as if two spies tried to find a way to catch the other red-handed.

Kiba, unexpectedly and uninvitedly, joined their company, pulling a chair to their table. He was clearly drunk.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he banged an empty glass on the table to get the attention of a waiter, as well as to break palpable tension between the Hyuuga-Uchiha fearsome duo. “I came here to collect your money.”

Neji raised his eyebrows.

“Excuse me?” Sasuke was tense and Kiba nodded intensively.

“Yes-yes Uchiha,” he was loud and disoriented. “Can a man get a glass of wine in this establishment? Today?!” he demanded from a waiter who hurried away to the bartender to get the drink.

“What money?” Sasuke asked again, knowing well that he owes nothing to anyone.

“Finally!” a nervous waiter brought Kiba a glass of dark red wine and left quickly once he took the first gulp. “Your bets for tomorrow’s game, of course!” he addressed the young Uchiha.

Sasuke crossed his legs and adjusted his tie around his neck. He noticed that he was holding a lot of tension in his body.

“I don’t gamble,” he declared.

“But you will, tomorrow,” Kiba sounded confident but Sasuke shook his head.

“Why, what game is tomorrow?” his curiosity bested Neji, or he wanted to get rid of the annoying Inuzuka.

“Someone challenged Zabuza!” and he drank his whole glass of wine to that.

Zabuza was a notorious fighter. He started out with common brawls in the local pubs and later decided to make fist-fighting his career, and he excelled at that. He was huge, muscular and ruthless; the dear gentlemen of Konoha loved watching the fights he appeared in as they were always brutal. He knocked his opponents out completely, without any consideration of their wellbeing. He thrived from bloodshed and the sound of fractured bones were sweet bells to his ears. Zabuza made quite a fortune in the ring, enough to live a comfortable life in Konoha, enough to never have to work in his life again, all thanks to the generous contributions of the fine gentlemen. Although Sasuke was never one to gamble, he did enjoy watching fist fights, and Zabuza was the best.

“Who is the opponent?” he asked from Kiba but the man simply raised his hands, unknowingly.

“Some poor fellow from the port, I hear.”
“Does he think he can win against Zabuza?”

“I guess he really needs the money if he dares to risk his life against that brute.”

Neji produced a strange sound, as if he felt sick, and he rested his elbow on the table beside him. He buried his face in his palm and both Sasuke and Kiba looked at him curiously. He looked drunk, but that seemed almost impossible, Neji did not drink much and he looked just fine a moment ago. Neji’s sudden appearance of distraught sobered Kiba.

“Do you feel unwell, Hyuuga-san?”

Neji waved with his other hand that the men should pay him no mind but how could they do that? The Hyuuga heir never acted out of his mannered character. Sasuke was stunned, he was not sure if he should offer help or just leave the man be. Neither option seemed right.

“Kiba, bring a glass of water,” he finally turned to his friend.

“Me? Why don’t-”


Kiba left Neji and Sasuke reluctantly, trying to coordinate his moves. Sasuke leaned closer to Neji and decided to grab his shoulder across the table, trying to show support and strength.

“Get yourself together, Neji-san,” was his most empathetic advice as he noticed Neji was getting pale, still covering his face from everyone. His breathing was fast and heavy, his body seemed to start trembling. Sasuke was not sure what to do.

“What’s wrong, Neji?” Shikamaru stepped over to them with Kiba who put the water on the table. Shikamaru bent down to Hyuuga and he grabbed both of his shoulders. Sasuke let go and leaned back in his chair. He never saw Neji so uncontrolled.

“Breathe, Neji. Slowly. Take a deep breath,” Shikamaru took control of the situation, both Sasuke and Kiba watched curiously, as well as several gentlemen around them.

A few minutes passed when Neji seemed to finally regain his consciousness and control, his breathing levelled, his trembling stopped and he reached for the water to take a sip from it. He dared not to look at anyone but fixed his gaze on the glass in his hand.

“I’ll have your carriage prepared,” Shikamaru offered and Neji nodded, saying a weak thank you. Nara supported him but Neji insisted on walking out on his own. The gentlemen whispered some did you see what happened, what did Uchiha tell him, I hear Hyuuga often has panic attacks, and Sasuke remembered the Hyuuga disease, how many of their clan members fell victim to that. Looking at Shikamaru’s concerned face, he was certain he was witness to one of its symptoms just now. A sick, weak and childless Hyuuga heir. He thought about Hinata, the power that girl carried just by being a seemingly healthy Hyuuga, and Sasuke leaned back comfortably in his chair, requesting a cigarette from one the waiters. He blew the smoke on Neji’s empty cognac glass and reached out for it, observing as if it was something valuable he just acquired. He felt powerful. Neji might be his superior, but Sasuke had something he did not have: health, and a prospect for future.

“So, Uchiha, are you placing bets on the fight tomorrow?” Kiba asked again after Neji left. The initial shock that grasped the lot quickly faded.

“Why would I? Zabuza will win, for sure. I would not earn much from it.”

“But you’ll be there, alright?”

“Hn. Most probably.”

He emptied his own glass of cognac and put his cigarette out, ready to leave.

“Leaving so soon?” Kiba looked up at Sasuke, already standing.

“Early morning tomorrow.”

“Come on, Uchiha, tomorrow is Sunday.”

“I know.”

I know. He always went riding on Sunday mornings. He wondered if Naruto would turn up. He was not hopeful and frankly, it would probably be for the best if he did not.


“Morning, Uchiha,” Naruto did turn up.

He was sitting on an old, crumbled wall. The Roman ruins were outside the city, not far from the city stables, close to the Yamanaka’s forest where they went hunting. He wore a long, black coat upon his usual attire and Sasuke wondered where he got it from. When Sasuke arrived with his horse’s reins in his hand, Naruto jumped down from the wall and approached them.

“Hey, where is Sharingan?”

“I told you I will have you whipped if you just try to sit on him.”

“You’re just jealous, Uchiha.”

“Of what?”

“Of me riding Sharingan, not you.”

Sasuke stared and an awkward, long pause settled between them. Naruto did not seem to realise why, though. He put his hands on his hip and looked questioningly at Sasuke, clearly retelling the sentence he just uttered and he blushed once it downed on him.

“I mean… You are jealous that I would ride your horse, and you wouldn’t. You know exactly how I mean, you bastard!” he was furious and Sasuke smirked.

Naruto did not want to explain further and he turned to the tall horse. It looked tamer than Sharingan at the race.

“It’s Taka,” Naruto recognized, to Sasuke’s surprise.

“Yes. Now hop on, I don’t have all day.”

The excitement from Naruto’s face faded and anxiety creeped up in its place. The horse was, after all, large and moving.

“So, do I just jump or…”

It was a confirmation that he had never ridden a horse before, but Sasuke was in no mood for mocking the man for his inability. He was the one who offered to teach him the basics, though he regretted doing that several times the past few days. However, Sasuke was not a man who would go back on his word.

“Kind of. Put your left leg in there,” he pointed at the stirrup. “And grab the saddle. Elevate your body and throw your other leg over.”

“Easier said than done.”

But Naruto was tall, almost just as tall as Sasuke, and he seemed strong as he grabbed onto the saddle to pull himself up. He got into the saddle with one swift motion.

“Woah, woah,” Taka started moving immediately and Naruto grasped the edge of the saddle as if his life was hanging on it.

“Take the reins, idiot,” Sasuke was also holding them to control his horse. “And don’t be afraid of him, he’s a gentleman, just like I am.”

“All the more reason to panic,” Naruto did not feel confident at all.

But after a little bit of adjustment, Taka remained still and Naruto gave himself a few seconds to adapt to the position.

“Feeling good?” Sasuke asked, looking up.

“It feels good to look down on you, yes.”

“I guess we can start with show jumping, then.”

Both of them smiled and that relaxed Naruto a bit. His legs were still stuck stiffly to the horse but he straightened his back and finally took the courage to look around.

“Alright, so how do we move?”

“I will lead you first. You just relax and enjoy the ride. Try not to fall off. Find your balance.”

Sasuke started walking and nudged his horse to follow him, holding the reins firmly in his right hand. Naruto tried to move his body together with the horse and after a few minutes, he started to feel more confident. Sasuke gave him some time to adjust and they were walking in silence in the open field. There was no one else around, the sun has barely set; the grass they were walking on was still wet with dew and the air was chilly.

After a few minutes, Sasuke stopped.

“Alright. Now, I’ll let go. Push your heels in, gently, and he will move ahead. To turn right, push your right heel in, same with your left leg. And to stop, just pull the reins to your chest,” Naruto was nodding along. “Remember, confidence is the key, though I know you are not lacking in that prospect.”

“But stay close, okay?”

“Unless you gallop away.”

Naruto started to ride Taka, slowly and cautiously, and the horse seemed to obey his thoughts. One simple and gentle motion was perfectly enough to control Taka, that is why Sasuke chose to ride him this morning. Naruto finally started smiling, pushing his heels in harder and making Taka go quicker. They mostly walked in circles followed by Sasuke’s protecting gaze, in case the horse decided to throw a tantrum and disobey. Naruto laughed when Sasuke nudged Taka to start a light gallop. He enjoyed the speed, he got on well with the horse, and faster they galloped the louder his laughter became.

Even though Sasuke was not riding, he could not maintain his smile, either. It was entertaining to see how afraid Naruto was initially from the creature and how easily he adapted to riding. Witnessing the sheer happiness a simple circle gallop gave Naruto also moved something in Sasuke. It was a sight to behold, for sure. Naruto was riding like a child, he was beaming with joy, his laughter could be heard all across Konoha.

“Okay, Naruto, stop.”

Naruto pulled the reins and Taka slowed down. They walked to Sasuke where they finally stopped. Sasuke patted the neck of his horse.

“So, now you are going to jump up, Uchiha, and we are going to ride into the sunset?”

“Would you like that?”

Naruto was joking, of course, but for a faint second Sasuke felt like he would gladly ride away with this man from Konoha.

“Nah, Taka no longer wants to carry your Uchiha ass around. I think he’s just gonna stay with me.”

“I suspected you’d try to steal my horse, sooner or later.”

“You are laughing now, but I’m not getting off this horse anymore. No joke, Uchiha.”

Sasuke was smiling. He felt good. He felt happy. He felt content. Here, in the ancient ruins, in the cold morning, by the forest, with Naruto, with his horse, he felt like a piece found its rightful place in him.

“Alright,” he nodded.

“Alright?!” Naruto did not believe his ears.

“Yes. Just make sure you feed him three times a day, oat at least once and he drinks fresh water only; clean the fur daily, his hoof weekly, and don’t forget to visit the smith every six weeks or so…”

“On a second thought,” Naruto pulled his legs out and jumped off. “I’ll just let you keep him.”

He was standing in front of Sasuke, patting Taka. Sasuke remembered the race, how they were facing each other just like this, and a sudden burst of flame burnt up his entire body as he saw Naruto smiling happily. His eyes darted at the shirt of the blond, at his neck, the delicate tan skin, and he wondered how Naruto can look so appealing considering his position in society. Naruto did not look in his eyes, which was probably lucky, because all rational thinking left Sasuke again. He simply stood there, frozen, with battling thoughts in his mind. An unknown sensation swept through his body and he was not sure how to act up on it. What to say. What Naruto might think. He could not name the feeling that entrapped him.

He only had urges. An urge to step closer. So, he did. An urge to say Naruto’s name. So, he did.

“Naruto…” His voice was low and deep.

The boy finally looked at Sasuke. He seemed surprised about the proximity between them.

Another urge. To touch him. But where? His first thought was his face. Then his neck, maybe his hair. Or be braver. Then he looked at Naruto’s fingers on Taka’s neck.

He slid his hand to Naruto’s, fingers touched fingers, carefully, lightly, but even from that weak touch a strong surge went through his whole body like a shock. Sasuke needed more.

He grabbed Naruto’s hand and pulled it down, to himself. The hand was weary, with a few bruises and marks. He caressed the palm with his thumb once, twice, and it felt right.

Another urge. To kiss. But where? His palm. Or, Sasuke raised his eyes up, on the face. Or the neck. These urges scared him.

“Thank you for teaching me, Sasuke.”

The way Naruto said his name, the way he looked into his eyes, the way he let his hand be held by Sasuke, made him step a bit closer, just enough to feel Naruto’s breath on his bare neck. His mind was clouded, he had no comprehensible thought, and his black eyes were lost in the blue orbs.

“Now I’ll not be a complete fool if I go riding with Sai.”

Wait, what.

He let go of Naruto’s hand and straightened his back.

“I just hope he will give me a gentle horse like Taka.”

Sasuke could not comprehend what Naruto was talking about. In a weak attempt to do something with his now empty hand, he grabbed the reins of Taka.

Naruto noticed the confusion on Sasuke’s face and started to explain:

“I’ve probably haven’t told you about it, but after the race last week, I met Sai at a pub. You know, the guy who was your opponent,” as if Sasuke did not remember. “So, I congratulated him on his second place and it turns out he’s a really nice guy. We also met a couple of times, drinking at a pub and stuff, and he also invited me riding, though I told him I have no horse or that I can’t even ride one. But he was really nice, he said he would teach me and he will try to get horse from somewhere to practice. Though he was rather drunk so probably forgot about it all.”

Sasuke still has not said anything. Every word Naruto uttered felt like betrayal. Him spending time with Sai. Him drinking with Sai. Him being taught by Sai. Him doing anything without Sasuke.

“You should have told me,” was all he said.


“I wouldn’t have bothered.”

There. He finally returned. The rational Uchiha thinking that helped him control his emotions and thoughts. It finally calmed him, like a mother’s cool hand the fevered child.

“Prick,” Naruto pushed his fists in his pockets. “I really enjoyed today, though. You don’t know how special it felt… How special I feel.”

Sure you do, Sasuke thought. So special you go drinking with my rival. So special you let me make a fool out of myself. So special I almost did something reckless and irreversible. Something immoral.

Sasuke mounted Taka and decided to go riding while it was still early, to clear his head. He needed to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

“Wait, Sasuke,” this time, Naruto grabbed the reins to stop him from leaving.

“Let go.”

“If you want-”

Sasuke did not let him finish the sentence.

“I don’t want anything. Don’t bother.”

He pulled the reins out of Naruto’s hand and rode away.


Sasuke was trying to read literature in his garden but he could barely focus. He felt like a fool for spending time with Naruto. Ha blamed himself for feeling a sort of happiness in the company of the blond; because no matter how he described it, he enjoyed the time he spent with Namikaze. He was an entertaining person with something witty and funny to always say, yet he was also rather intelligent for his social position. He was a commoner, but of the very best kind. For a brief moment, Sasuke’s belief that commoners are not people with tribal instincts, was actually shaken.

But Naruto only saw Sasuke as someone he could benefit from. He used their acquaintance as a stepping stone to manipulate him into doing things he would never usually do. Uchiha horses were nearly priceless, and for Naruto to ride one, with Uchiha Sasuke, was a privilege he himself probably did not understand.

Sasuke realised Naruto was a great manipulator; probably that is why he befriended the Hyuugas to get invited to the spring ball, or hunting with the Yamanakas. He was a cunning player and Sasuke, one of the most intelligent people in Konoha, has also fallen victim to his extreme manipulation.

Though it sounded rational, there was an extra guilt he felt. He could not push aside how he seemed to lose control in the presence of the blond, how he could not keep his head cool whenever he was with Naruto. It was not only happiness, or freedom he felt with him, but something that came from deeper, from his insides, yet he could not give it a name.

He knew he should have been grateful to Naruto for putting a stop to Sasuke’s inexplicable actions; however, hearing the name of his rival (in a sense) made Sasuke feel betrayed. Feel jealous. He was an Uchiha. No one says no to an Uchiha.


Everyone was excited about the upcoming fight that took place just a few streets down from the club. Most people were betting on the unbeaten favourite, Zabuza, the best boxer in Konoha. His opponent was someone they have never heard of before; rumour was the guy won several fist fights in town, especially in the poorer part, the port, and that he was young, talented and very sturdy. He went by the name Kyuubi, the nine-tailed fox demon, that everyone considered a fitting name for a hard fighter; though he still needed to prove to the dear gentlemen what he was capable of.

The club members gathered around the fighting ring after consuming suitable amount of alcoholic beverage befitting an event like this. Sasuke was no exception, he enjoyed watching a good fight, he even practiced sparring when he was in the city, but he never placed bets.

The building was originally a warehouse that was repurposed to host boxing matches, with stands and a bar equipped. The number of people who could enter was limited and there was an entrance fee everybody had to pay; when the gentlemen were interested in a fight, usually no one else was let in. They started to swarm around midnight, once they had enough drinks in the club.

With the audience present, Zabuza appeared in the ring and his supporters gathered around him to fire him up for the fight, and to order him to win. He looked tough and scary, and people started to fear for the wellbeing of his opponent. Sasuke and Shikamaru were sitting high up and they observed him from their seats. They doubted anyone could take this beast down.

The Kyuubi has also arrived and everyone turned their gaze at him. Sasuke froze in his seat. All the resentment and anger he felt that day escaped his body and a feel of alarm tightened his organs.

“Naruto,” Sasuke said out loud and Shikamaru looked at him curiously.

“Do you know him?” He asked.

“Shikamaru, tell me he is not the opponent.”

Shikamaru shrugged carelessly. He did not know, but seeing how people approached the newcomer, patting him on his bare back, measuring his arm muscles, how Zabuza eyed him as his next victim, there was no doubt.

“Wait,” Shikamaru turned to Sasuke. “I know him. That face is unforgettable. He saw me with… you know.”

Sasuke nodded and he felt a rush of cold chill his insides. Shikamaru had more questions but he had no chance to ask them as Sasuke jumped up from his seat and rushed down without saying a word. Shikamaru tried to stop him, but he was not quick enough.

Sasuke hurried down the stairs to put a stop to this nonsense before the blond could do anything reckless and get into the fighting ring. Naruto looked a bit anxious, looking around the noble people who turned up, but he smiled weakly nonetheless. Sasuke made haste.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” he blurted at him.

Naruto looked surprised and displeased to see Sasuke. He was clearly offended from their earlier encounter.

“Well, I didn’t expect to see you here, noble Uchiha.”

Sasuke has suddenly forgotten about how he declared Naruto a manipulative player earlier, how jealous and betrayed he felt, and how abruptly he left him back at the ruins. He felt a new kind of anger, if it was possible.

Someone walked up to Naruto’s bettor and placed a humble bet on the Kyuubi; Naruto was happy nonetheless and thanked his kind supporter for the small bet, claiming he would not regret it.

“You are not fighting Zabuza,” Sasuke decided.

“I am fighting Zabuza,” Naruto retorted.

“No. He is a brute. He never loses. He beats his opponents until they are unconscious. No.”

“I appreciate your concern, Uchiha,” Naruto started putting bandage on his fists and Sasuke has just noticed how the blond was half naked. “But unfortunately, I have no other choice. I need the money.”

Sasuke observed Naruto carefully. He never thought that the blond would be this muscular under his clothes. He had blue and green spots all over his abdomen, probably from earlier fights, but he did seem sturdy. He then turned to Zabuza. He knew that guy never lost a fight and Naruto would get beaten to the ground, regardless of his physical attributes. Sasuke was somehow not fond of this idea.

“How much money do you need?” he asked suddenly.

Naruto frowned.

“I’m not here for charity. I am fighting Zabuza.”

The crowd was growing and people were expecting the fight to start soon.

“I have a hundred bill on me. Is that enough?”

Naruto’s eyes widened, as if it was a lot of money, and for a second he seemed ready to accept Sasuke’s offer. But then he shook his head.

“I’m not a beggar, Uchiha. This is how I earn my money and I will fight Zabuza. It would be dishonourable to turn back now.”

“Honour? Are you really going to talk about honour when your opponent is a criminal?”

“The gentlemen came here to see me fight-”

“They only care about a good show of entertainment. They want to see brutality, not an honourable fight. They want to see you beaten up.”

“They will be disappointed, then, but I’m still fighting.”

Both men glared at each other, stubbornly.

“No one has ever beaten Zabuza. He made his fortune just by fighting. And you know what he does? He breaks the bones of his opponents until they bleed, often to death. He has no moral boundaries.”

“I don’t care about his history,” Naruto was fired up. “And I don’t care if you or your lot don’t believe in me. I am here because I’m strong, resourceful, I use my head in a fight, I’m fast, flexible and I, at least, believe in me.”

Sasuke remembered how Naruto did not even flinch when it came to supporting Sasuke in the race. Sai was the safe bet, the famous rider, but Sasuke could still beat him. And Naruto never had his doubts.

Sasuke suddenly turned to Naruto’s bettor and got his wallet out of the inside pocket of his coat.

“I’m betting a hundred on the Kyuubi.”

He got the bill out and handed it to the bettor who looked at it with wide eyes. Naruto and the crowd around them stared. Uchiha Sasuke never bet on anyone, and no one dared to risk this amount of money on a newcomer. They figured there must be a reason why the Uchiha is placing a bet on this young brat.

Shikamaru walked up to them and placed a bet on Naruto as well. He offered twenty-five.

More and more people started to put a little trust in Naruto and the bettor could not keep up with registering the names and the amount they offered. The blond man looked at Sasuke, thankfully and Sasuke whispered to him:

“Don’t you dare lose my money, you idiot. Beat him to the ground.”

He walked back to this seat with Shikamaru and they waited for the fight to start.

Someone took a seat next to Sasuke and he was about to shoot a glare at him when he noticed it was his brother.

“Itachi, what are you doing here?” he tried to hide his surprise and crossed his arms to conceal their fidgeting. Yes, he was nervous for Naruto.

“I was told everyone from the club was here, and that there would be an interesting fight. I thought I would pay a visit.”

He acted as if he was not gone for days. He never frequented this facility, and neither the club.

“Where were you?” Sasuke bit out, impatiently. He felt nervous in his stomach, just like before the race. Itachi raised his eyebrows at his younger brother’s raw questions.

“Is everything alright, Sasuke? You look pale,” Itachi seemed worried.

Sasuke knew Itachi would not say anything in front of all these people and that he should postpone his questions for later. But he did not mind, this time. His mind was solely focused on Naruto.

“Sasuke bet a hundred on the Kyuubi,” Shikamaru said by the way and Sasuke glared at him.

“Did you now?” Itachi was surprised. “Which one is that?”

Sasuke nodded his head toward Naruto, who now stepped into the ring. He received a humble clap from the crowd.

“And his opponent is…?”

“Zabuza,” Shikamaru pointed at the robust man who received cheers, loud claps and prude encouragement.

Itachi looked concerned.

“Of him I heard before,” he said. “Zabuza is surely to win. Is it really going to be an exciting fight? Why did you place a bet on the young boy, brother?”

None of your business, Sasuke had the urge to say but he focused on Naruto instead. He knew Itachi would start preaching about the dangers of gambling, with which he strongly agreed anyway.

“Do you think he can win?” Itachi inquired further.

“Yes,” was his immediate response.

Yes, I believe in you, you idiot.

The fight started and Sasuke could barely breathe. Itachi found his brother just as entertaining to watch as the fight.

It started slow: both fighters tried to measure the capabilities of the other. Speed, strength, stamina, reflexes. None of them could land a hit, Naruto was always quick to dodge, Zabuza to parry. The audience was shouting, cheering for the one they placed their bets on. They wanted to see brutality, not some dance in a fighting ring.

Naruto received the first hit on his face but he did not lose balance. It seemed he only caught the edge of Zabuza’s fist and he could shake the hit off. Zabuza started to attack more and Naruto dodged as much as he could. It looked as if he tried to tire Zabuza, using his stamina to his advantage, but the more hit he avoided, the more fiercely Zabuza attacked. Naruto had no chance to initiate his own hits.

Naruto then tried to use the size of the ring. He jumped further back every time Zabuza tried to launch an attack but Zabuza always caught up with him. It was like the fight between David and Goliath.

Sasuke could not take his eyes off Naruto. When he received a hit, his stomach always twisted. He never knew which strike would send the blond unconscious but so far none seemed to weaken Naruto. He had incredible stamina and that infuriated Zabuza. He launched more severe, tougher and faster attacks when he managed to hit Naruto in his stomach, then his chest, and finally his face, all in a chain. Naruto fell to the ground and the crowd started cheering for Zabuza. After a second or two, however, Naruto rose up and took the fighter’s stance again. The audience was pleased, they expected to see a solid fight.

He finally had chance to attack Zabuza and he landed a strong hit on his opponent’s face. Zabuza stumbled to the back of the ring and the audience gasped. They did not expect the Kyuubi to have such a tenacious spirit with a solid punch. Sasuke leaned forward in his seat, sitting restlessly. Zabuza retorted with an uppercut and Naruto fell to the ground again. Blood came from his mouth and the audience clapped to the blow. Sasuke tried not to panic.

But Naruto could still stand up and avoid the next blow, managing to land another hit on Zabuza’s face, whose nose started bleeding.

“Now I understand why the Romans enjoyed the games in the Colosseum so much,” Itachi clapped to the Kyuubi’s quick hit.

Sasuke took his coat off and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. He felt his sweat wet his clothing and as the fight went on, longer than any fight before, the audience stood up from their seats, unable to withhold their excitement. Sasuke joined them too.

The fight became rather uncoordinated. Their punches hit hard and they aimed for vital spots, to the ribs, to the face, to the lungs. People were either screaming Zabuza or Kyuubi, and Sasuke could not maintain his emotions, he went with the flow and started rooting for Naruto, shouting his name loudly. Itachi observed his brother. He was the only one to shout Naruto’s real name in the crowd.

They exchanged hits, one after the other. It was almost painful to even watch. The crowd slowly went silent as the fight dragged on. They could hear the panting of the fighters, the thud of the blows, the spits of blood, but neither gave in. Zabuza could hit the smaller man as much as he wanted, he did not crumble from the hits. Sasuke was impressed by how Naruto could withstand all the pain he received.

Zabuza aimed for Naruto’s face but he missed, and Naruto did not hesitate: he landed a strong punch in his opponent’s face in the short window he got. Zabuza staggered, falling to the back of the ring. He looked disoriented. Naruto caught up with him, panting, and he finished him with a final bow, without a second thought. Zabuza fell to the ground and did not move for several seconds. He was conscious, but he was defeated.

Naruto won.

His body was beaten, his face was bloody, his bruises deepened, but Zabuza was on the ground while Naruto was standing, looking down at his opponent. The crowd went wild, seeing the all-time favourite beaten, and Naruto’s right hand was raised up in the air, claiming him the victor. He, and those who bet on him, would win a huge fortune. Everybody was cheering for him, and Sasuke clapped too. Naruto looked around, not being able to comprehend he actually won and people started to gather around him to congratulate him on this historic fight.

Naruto found Sasuke with his eyes and he looked exhausted. Sasuke smiled, in his own, reserved way. He was about to walk down to Naruto to congratulate him, but Itachi stopped him.

“We should leave, Sasuke.”

Sasuke looked at his brother.

“I bet a lot on this guy. I’m just going to get my money.”

“That’s not how it works. His bettor most probably doesn’t have the money on his hand. You’ll get it later, in the club.”


Itachi looked implacable.

“Let’s go, Sasuke.”

Sasuke took a quick glance at Naruto who was bathing in glory by the praises of the gentlemen around him. Shikamaru was among them. Then Sasuke noticed Sai; the rider was right behind Naruto, he patted him on his back, and Naruto turned to him. They exchanged a smile.

Sasuke felt a clench in his stomach again.

“Let’s go,” he agreed with his brother.

Let The World Burn - Chapter 4 - NewTaste (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.