L.A. to Sacramento: Invest More in After School Programs (2024)


• Target project reexamined p. 3 Sunny with • Project Angel temps in the Food serves 10M mid 70s meals p. 3 V Volume 26 No. 12 Serving the West Hollywood, Hanco*ck Park and Wilshire Communities March 24, 2016 WeHo hesitates to match L.A. minimum wage n L.A. to Sacramento: Invest Rates will increase to $12 per hour next year By GreGory Cornfield nmore in after school programs Thousands could lose services unless state acts By GreGory Cornfield Los Angeles Mayor Eric and community leaders rallied at Garcetti appeared at a West the front steps of city hall to support Hollywood City Council meeting Members of the Los Angeles state legislation that would increase on Monday to help make sense of City Council joined after school funding for California’s After the dollars paid to the county’s program supporters at city hall on School Education and Safety lowest earners. Friday to send a message to Gov. (ASES) programs for low-income But despite his advice to raise Jerry Brown and the California children. the minimum wage, West Legislature: Increase funding for Education committee chairman Hollywood City Council mem- afterschool programs and “keep our and Councilman David Ryu, 4th bers ended up balking at a chance doors open.” District, authored the resolution, to join its neighboring city in rais- Dozens of supporters including which the city council unanimously ing the rate to $15 per hour by after school providers, families, approved earlier in the day, to raise 2020. The current minimum wage students, school board members See after school page 21 in West Hollywood is $10 per photo by Gregory Cornfield hour and has been since the state Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti visited West Hollywood on Monday raised it on January 1. Councilman John D’Amico called to encourage a raise in the city’s minimum wage, similar to a plan Los the plan “too aggressive” for West Angeles approved last year. Hollywood. The prevailing con- cern was the uncertainty or risk of businesses in the city – the sures could supersede their decision. the council members could be increase will take effect in July The Fair Wage Act 2016 would imposing on small business own- 2018. Moving forward, the city will increase the state’s minimum ers. update minimum wage rates based wage by $1 each year, beginning D’Amico and Mayor Pro Tem on changes to the consumer price Jan.1, 2017, until it reaches $15 in Lauren Meister proposed a substi- index. The motion passed 3-2. 2021. The Raise California’s tute motion to direct the city to draft “We’re going to do this, but Wage and Paid Sick Days Act of an ordinance raising the minimum we’re going to do this slowly,” 2016 would increase the mini- wage to $12 an hour by July 2017 D’Amico said. mum wage for employers with 26 for businesses that have more than D’Amico’s alternative allows or more employees until it hits 25 employees. For businesses with West Hollywood to wait and see $20 per hour in July 2020. The ini- photo by Gregory Cornfield 25 employees or fewer – which what happens in the November tiatives are in the process of trying Councilman Bob Blumenfield calls on others to support Councilman make up approximately 70 percent elections when three ballot mea- See wage page 22 David Ryu, right, and his resolution to fund after school programs. Authorities try to identify City Council approves Palladium Residences n Opponents expected skullBy edwin folvenfound in Griffith Park a period of time. It appears maybe an Byto fileGreGory lawsuit Cornfield animal dug it up somewhere and The Los Angeles County brought it up there,” Winter said. Coroner’s Office is investigating a “We don’t have a sex or age. We are The Los Angeles City Council human skull that hikers found going to try to get it identified.” on Tuesday approved plans for Saturday in Griffith Park. Winter said a forensic anthropolo- the Palladium Residences project, Coroner’s spokesman Ed Winter gist will examine the skull. which will construct two 30-story said the skull was found near a trail in Investigators are also checking miss- towers on parking lots around the Brush Canyon, located between the ing persons records in an attempt to famous music venue on Sunset Griffith Observatory and the identify a possible victim. He added Boulevard. Hollywood Sign. The hikers reported that there are no visible signs of trau- The two mixed-use structures the skull to authorities shortly before ma to the skull and no indications the will rise to approximately 350 feet 1 p.m. and police and coroner’s individual was the victim of foul with 731 market-rate residential office investigators were called to the play. Winter said finding bones in units and 24,000 square feet of scene. Winter said authorities natural areas is not uncommon. retail space. Five percent of the searched the surrounding area but no “Every now and then we get units will be set aside for “work- additional human remains were them,” he added. “We collect the force housing,” for residents who found. remains and examine the bones to try earn 50-120 percent of the area’s photo by Gregory Cornfield “It looks like it had been there for to determine what happened.” median income. The developers The Palladium will stay open during construction of the towers estimate that rent for those units around it. Developers hope to break ground early next year. will be between $400-$1,000 per month. Developers hope to begin project’s zoning and height Michael Weinstein, president of construction in early 2017. The changes and needed General Plan AHF. “This is yet another flagrant Palladium concert venue will amendments to be approved. AHF example of the ‘pay to play’ cul- remain open and operational and opponents of the project ture infecting Los Angeles involv- while construction is completed claim it will increase congestion ing developers, the city council, around it. and worsen the city’s housing cri- the Planning Department and city The city council also denied sis. hall.” photo by Edwin Folven appeals from the Palladium’s “We are planning to file suit to Aaron Green, a spokesman for Hikers in Brush Canyon between the Griffith Observatory and the neighbors, AIDS Healthcare block the Palladium Residences the project, said the developers, Foundation, which challenged the project from going forward,” said Hollywood Sign discovered a human skull. Anthropologists will examine it. See Palladium page 22

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24 Wattles Mansion ‘Desert Stories’ ongue & Groove is offering “Desert Showcase Stories,” an evening of quirky and eitzhaus, the Los Angeles C a l e n d a r Todd stories, odes, songs and poems on Department of Recreation and Independent Theater. The festival’s Sunday March 27 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Parks and Angeleno Magazine present R theme is “invest in caring not killing,” The Hotel Café. Cheryl Montelle pro- a Wattles Mansion design showcase and five films will be shown including duces and hosts the show featuring story- running Thursday, March 24 through “All Work and No Pay,” “Caring tellers and musicians telling tales about April 17. “Hollywood: The First Survival & Justice vs. the Tyranny of the desert. Admission is $7. 1623 1/2 N. Hundred Years” will be the opening the Market,” “Civil Brand,” “The Cahuenga Blvd. www.hotelcafe.com. event on Thursday, March 24 from 10 Invisible War” and “Broken a.m. to 3 p.m. Inspired by Rainbow.” 251 S. Main St. Hollywood’s past, 18 rooms in the www.downtownindependent.com. 29 LGBT Book Club Wattles Mansion have been re- he Lambda Literary Book Club is designed. Tickets are $40. Tours are hosting its monthly meeting on available 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday Women’s Dance TTuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m. in the West through Sunday. 1824 Curson Ave. omen Manifest is hosting an Hollywood Library Community (818)508-5200, www.wattlesshow- evening of dance performances Meeting Room. The book club high- case.com. Won Saturday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in lights a different LGBT book each Fiesta Hall at Plummer Park. month and is moderated by West Performers include Rebecca Hollywood city poet Steven Reigns. Design Lecture Lemme/Acts of Matter, Project 21, Admission is free. 625 N. San Vicente +D Museum is hosting a discus- BrockusRed, Amelia Butler, Versa- Blvd. www.lambdaliterary.org/book- sion titled “Come In! DTLA” on Style, Sophia Stoller, Alex Little’s clubs/lambda-lit-book-club. Thursday, March 24 from 7 to 10 p.m. A Escape Artists, Infinite Flor, A Innovative downtown designers from Wheelchair Dance Company, Kairos different disciplines including archi- Dance Company and Toogiesaurus. Women In Film tecture, fashion, graphics and more est Hollywood’s “Women In Admission is free. 7377 Santa Monica will participate. General admission is Film Speaker Series” will be Blvd. RSVP to (323)645-0985, or email $15. 900 E. Fourth St. (213)346-9734, held on Tuesday, March 29 from 7:30 [emailprotected]. W www.aplusd.org. to 9:30 p.m. in the city council cham- bers. Filmmakers and industry leaders Pennington will offer professional insight into the 25 Photo Seminar art and craft of film, television and earn iPhone photography tech- Dance Group media. Admission is $10. 625 N. San niques during a seminar on nternationally acclaimed Penning- Vicente Blvd. www.womeninfilm.org. LFriday, March 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. and ton Dance Group celebrates its 15th Saturday, March 26 from 10 a.m. to 4 Ianniversary with two concerts on p.m. at the Perfect Exposure Gallery. Saturday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. and ‘The Revisionist’ Photojournalist, educator and fine art Sunday, March 27 at 2 p.m. at the esse Eisenberg’s “The Revisionist” photographer Meri Aaron Walker will State Playhouse on the campus of Cal runs Tuesday, March 29 through lead the seminar on focusing, expo- State Los Angeles. The program fea- JSunday, April 17 at the Wallis sure and the many effects available on tures new choreography, including Annenberg Center for the Performing iPhones. Cost is $325. (213)381-1137, three premieres, as well as the recre- Arts. The play is a dramatic explo- www.theperfectexposuregallery.com. ation of Bella Lewitzky’s “On the ration of obsession, secrets and the Brink of Time” (1969) with music by complexities of family. Showtimes are 8 p.m., Tuesday through Friday; 3 and photo by Rafael Cardenas Morton Subotnick (the first synthe- Evidence, A Dance sized music to be commissioned and 8 p.m., Saturday; 2 and 7 p.m., Sunday. Company The Latino Theater Company’s presents a production of “La Olla,” a new recorded for a record label). General Tickets start at $40. 9390 N. Santa rtistic director Ronald K. Brown comedy with songs, running Saturday, March 26 through Sunday, April admission is $22. 5151 State Monica Blvd. (310)746-4000, leads Evidence, A Dance 24 at the Los Angeles Theatre Center. Evelina Fernandez’s update of an University Drive. (626)204-0331, www.thewallis.org. ACompany in performances on Friday, ancient Roman comedy is set in Los Angeles in the 1950s at a Mexican www.penningtondancegroup.org. March 25 and Saturday, March 26 at nightclub. The play, starring Sal Lopez as Euclio (pictured), explores 30 PAWS/LA Auction 7:30 p.m. at the Eli and Edythe Broad themes of greed, obsession, family and love. Showtimes are 8 p.m., he annual charity auction for Stage in Santa Monica. The perfor- ‘Red Velvet’ Thursday through Saturday; 3 p.m., Sunday; with a special 7:30 p.m. he Junction Theatre will present the PAWS/LA (Pets Are Wonderful mance explores the human experience West Coast premiere of the critical- Support Los Angeles) is on in the African Diaspora through dance show on April 11. General admission is $36. 514 S. Spring St. (866)811- T ly acclaimed play “Red Velvet,” written Wednesday, March 16 at 7 p.m. at The and storytelling and makes connec- 4111, www.thelatc.org. T by Lolita Chakrabarti, running London West Hollywood. Works from tions to history and tradition through Saturday, March 26 through April 30 at internationally celebrated artists such music, movement and spoken word. the Atwater Playhouse. The play, direct- as David Hockney, John Baldessari, Ed Tickets start at $40. 1310 11th St., celebrating Women’s History Month 26 Women’s Film ed and produced by Benjamin Ruscha and others are available. Santa Monica. (310)434-3200, he Downtown Independent on Saturday, March 26 from 10:30 Pohlmeier, stars Paul Outlaw in the cen- Proceeds benefit PAWS/LA, which is www.thebroadstage.com. Theater is holding a film festival a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Downtown tral roles of Ira Aldridge/Othello. dedicated to preserving the bond T Showtimes are 8 p.m., Friday and between people and their companion Saturday; 5 p.m., Sunday. Tickets are animals. 1020 N. San Vicente Blvd. $25. 3191 Castitas Ave., #100. www.pawsla.org. www.thejunctiontheatre.org.

Founded 1946 ‘Downton Abbey’ LGBT Theatre Night 5150 WILSHIRE BLVD. Visit our he Pasadena Playhouse and Gay Locations uthor Diz White will sign and UITE Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles are S 330 discuss her book “More OX hosting the “LGBT Spotlight Mixer at P.O. B 36036 T Cotswolds Memoirs” on Wednesday, OS NGELES the Playhouse” on Saturday, March 26 A L A , CA 90036 March 30 at 7 p.m. at Chevaliers at 8 p.m. A performance of Harvey (323)933-5518 ALL NEW Books. The book is a fun-filled roller- Fierstein’s “Casa Valentina” will be WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM coaster ride in which White discovers held. Tickets are $50. 39 S. El Molino “Downton Abbey’s” film locations, Michael Villalpando Ave., Pasadena. (626)356-7529, explores their history and meets the www.PasadenaPlayhouse.org. PUBLISHER WEBSITE cast during a bid to turn her newly- Karen Villalpando purchased home into the perfect cot- tage. 126 N. Larchmont Blvd. DITOR UBLISHER 27 ‘Six Characters in E & P (323)465-1334, www.dizwhite.com. Gregory Cornfield Search of an Author’ Noise Within, a classical repertory [emailprotected] www.beverlypress.com theatre in Pasadena, presents a free ‘Rush’ MANAGING EDITOR Astaged reading of Luigi Pirandello’s ovie fans are invited to a screen- ing of “Rush” on Wednesday, Edwin Folven Updated daily! “Six Characters in Search of an Author” running Sunday, March 27 through MMarch 30 at 7 p.m. at the Petersen [emailprotected] Saturday, May 14. The play poses the Automotive Museum. The film stars EDITOR More interactive! questions, “When do characters Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl as drivers who share an intense rivalry in Patricia Sanchez become more real than the actors, and where does the line between fact and Formula 1 racing. The screening is [emailprotected] Read all about it fiction really lie?” Showtime on March part of the Petersen Automotive REPORTER 27 is 2 p.m.; see schedule for additional Museum’s “Movie Night” series. Free Susan de la Vergne showtimes. Tickets start at $44. 3352 E. popcorn and water will be provided. & share it with your friends! Foothill Blvd., Pasadena. (626)356- 6060 Wilshire Blvd. (323)930-2277, COPY EDITOR 3100 ext. 1, www.anoisewithin.org. www.petersen.org. Jill Weinlein, Tim Posada, Rebecca Villalpando CONTRIBUTING WRITERS The Park Labrea News and Beverly Press are MAJESTIC JEWELRY weekly newspapers, published on Thursdays. Mail Expert Jewelry & Watch Repairs • Batteries subscription is $120 annually. Decreed newspa- pers of general circulation, entitled to publish legal Now upstairs at the Farmers Market upstairs, above the Newstand advertising, Feb. 10, 1960 by Superior Court Order No 736637. 6333 W. 3rd St. #901• (323)933-0288 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 3 March 24, 2016 L.A. takes another step to allow Target project to resume n Opponents expected to file second lawsuit By Edwin FolvEn

The Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday took another step toward allowing developers to complete the unfinished Target project at Sunset Boulevard and Western Avenue. It approved a motion by Councilman Mitch O’Farrell, 13th District, to examine ways to satisfy requirements that a childcare facili- ty be provided for store employees. Last November, the city’s Planning Commission recommend- ed amendments to the Vermont/Western Transit Oriented photo by Gregory Cornfield District Specific Plan/Station photo by Edwin Folven Councilman Mitch O’Farrell and Project Angel Food Founder Neighborhood Area Plan (SNAP) to enable construction to resume on The Los Angeles City Council is considering steps that could allow the Marianne Williamson dissect the ceremonial cake. the project. If approved, the zoning Target project at Sunset Boulevard and Western Avenue to resume. for the project would be changed to Project Angel Food serves 10 millionth meal allow a 74-foot-4-inch building. employees. Target has proposed for when the study will be complete The change would only pertain to paying a $458,000 fee in-lieu of is unclear. Project Angel Food, which has more sick and hungry Angelenos the Target site. Current regulations having childcare on site, according The city council’s Planning and provided free meals for Los reach out to Project Angel Food allow for a 35-foot-tall building. to O’Farrell’s office. SNAP provi- Land Use Management (PLUM) Angeles’ ailing citizens for 26 looking for help. We will contin- The unfinished Target store is 74 sions allow for a fee to be paid to Committee also reviewed the years, celebrated a milestone last ue to provide those who need us feet tall. satisfy the requirements for child- potential zoning changes to the pro- week when the organization with life-sustaining – and life- The previously approved Target care, but does not provide specific ject Tuesday and sent the plan to served its 10 millionth meal to an affirming – services at no charge guidelines on how such a fee the Los Angeles City Attorney’s project was halted in August 2014 Angeleno in need. as long as it takes.” should be calculated, O’Farrell’s Office for review. The information after a Los Angeles Superior Court “We couldn’t have reached Marianne Williamson founded judge sided with community communications director Tony will come back to the PLUM this milestone without the thou- Project Angel Food in 1989 to groups in lawsuits seeking to stop Arranaga said. Committee for further examination. sands of caring and committed the development on grounds that it The councilman’s motion called Target spokeswoman Erika deliver nutritious meals to people volunteers and supporters who exceeded a 35-foot height limit for for the City Administrative Officer Winkels said the latest develop- living with AIDS, cancer, heart buildings in the area. to review how much the in-lieu fee ment is encouraging. She declined help Project Angel Food serve disease, kidney failure and lung One of the sticking points with should be, and authorizes the city to to comment further on the childcare the most vulnerable among us, disease with a mission to allevi- changing the zoning and getting the collect another $25,000 fee from facility or the in-lieu fee. meeting an ever-increasing ate hunger, prevent malnutrition project back on track is a SNAP Target to hire a consultant to study “This decision is a key step to demand for our program,” said and return clients to health. provision requiring businesses with the matter. The motion also calls for resume construction for this impor- Richard Ayoub, interim execu- She said it was a day of cele- more than 100,000 square feet of further city review once the infor- tant project, which would bring tive director of Project Angel bration for all the people that space to provide childcare for mation is compiled. The timeline See Target page 8 Food. “Every day, more and See Angel Food page 8 DUAL STORE CLOSING SALES! ...on Beverly Boulevard

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‘Careern thief’ caught red-handed behind store Police recover jewelry allegedly stolen during burglary By edwin folven

Officers arrested a suspect who burglarized a clothing store on Melrose Avenue on March 14 after they caught him in an alley behind the store. Det. Joe Alves, with the Los Angeles Police Department’s Wilshire Division, said the burglary occurred at approximately 5:15 a.m. at Resurrection Vintage at 8006 photo by Edwin Folven Melrose Ave. Police were notified A robbery suspect was extricated from a vehicle that collided with about a break-in by the business’ another car at the intersection of Normandie and Melrose Avenues alarm company and patrol officers Monday morning. arrived at the scene within minutes. photo by Edwin Folven Officers determined someone had climbed onto the roof of a A suspect who allegedly burglarized Resurrection Vintage was arrested in neighboring business, jumped to a an alley behind the store. balcony and forced entry through a second-floor window. They violations. Officers also found “Eight months ago I would have Robbery suspects arrested searched the surrounding area and methamphetamine when they eight [burglaries] a week, but we are found a man in an alley behind the searched him. averaging two to four right now,” store whom they identified as the “He is what I consider a repeat Alves said. “We are trying to get aftern violent collisionand Melrose Avenues, the detec- alleged burglar. offender,” Alves said. “It looks like extra resources up there. We’ve had Four hospitalized tive saw the suspects had been “The items he took were jewelry. he is a career thief.” a 50 percent reduction.” after crash at Melrose involved in a collision. Preciado He dumped some of the jewelry [in The jewelry recovered was Resurrection Vintage does not said the suspects’ vehicle struck a the alley] and he had most of it in described as Chanel necklaces and have surveillance cameras, which and Normandie car traveling east on Melrose his pockets,” Alves said. “He also bracelets. Alves said it was returned would have been a valuable tool in By edwin folven Avenue, and that vehicle collided had black gloves in his pocket.” to store employees. solving the crime if the suspect had- with two other cars. Two of the The detective said the suspect He said the alarm enabled offi- n’t been caught nearby, Alves said. Three robbery suspects were suspects fled the scene on foot, was arrested and charged with bur- cers to quickly solve the crime. He advised business owners to arrested Monday morning after while the third was trapped in the glary. He declined to identify the Extra patrols have been deployed in implement security measures to being involved in a violent traffic car. man but said he is 39 years old and the neighborhoods around Melrose prevent break-ins. collision at Normandie and Firefighters and paramedics lives in a neighborhood south of Avenue and Beverly Boulevard “I highly recommend video sur- Melrose Avenues in East responded and extricated the sus- downtown Los Angeles. Alves where numerous commercial bur- veillance,” Alves said. “It can make Hollywood. pect from the vehicle. He was added that the suspect has a crimi- glaries occur. Alves said the patrols the difference in solving these Los Angeles Police Department hospitalized with major injuries. nal history of theft and narcotics have had a positive effect. crimes.” spokeswoman Liliana Preciado Three people in the other vehicles said the three male suspects sustained minor to moderate allegedly robbed a citizen at injuries and were hospitalized. approximately 11:30 p.m. Sunday Officers set up a perimeter near Normandie Avenue and around the crash scene and Romaine Street and drove away in deployed a K-9 unit. One of the DefendantThe owner of a Glendale-based sentencedpleaded guilty for in cell January 2014phone to the fraud deal with Verizonscheme last year, a Toyota Camry. At approximate- suspects was found hiding nearby ride-sharing business was sentenced bank fraud. Galstian failed to disclose that he ly 12:30 a.m. Monday, a detective and was arrested between 2:30 on March 21 in federal court to more “This defendant persisted in a was awaiting sentencing in the bank in an unmarked car saw the driver and 3 a.m., while the other was than eight years in prison in two sep- multi-million dollar fraud scheme fraud case and thus would be incar- of a Toyota Camry commit a traf- taken into custody at approxi- arate fraud cases, including one even while preparing to go to cerated and unavailable to lead the fic violation near the corner of mately 5 a.m., Preciado said. involving the sale of more than prison,” said United States Attorney company in the expansion. Santa Monica Boulevard and The suspects were not identi- 30,000 Apple iPhones fraudulently Eileen M. Decker. “[The] significant As Verizon provided the iPhones Normandie Avenue and attempted fied and no information was pro- obtained from Verizon Wireless at sentence and forfeiting the proceeds that supposedly would be used by to pull the vehicle over. vided about the locations of the substantially discounted prices. of his scheme may be the only Toro Ride’s drivers, Galstian sold Preciado said the driver did not arrests. Preciado said they were Karen “Kevin” Galstian, 38, was meaningful deterrents to this defen- the majority of the devices to com- stop and instead sped away south- Hispanic men between 18 and 25 sentenced by U.S. District Judge dant’s criminal conduct.” panies engaged in the international bound on Normandie Avenue. years old. Barry Ted Moskowitz to 100 As part of the scheme involving re-sale of consumer electronics. The detective did not initiate a Property belonging to the rob- months in prison for the scheme tar- the iPhones, Galstian admitted that Thousands of the iPhones that pursuit, but radioed for help and bery victim and a handgun were geting Verizon Wireless. The fraud he used his company, Toro Ride, Verizon intended for Toro Ride were followed the Toyota. recovered from the suspects’ vehi- generated illegal profits of more Inc., to persuade Verizon Wireless to instead activated in countries such as When he arrived at Normandie cle, she added. than $13 million. Galstian was also provide more than 30,000 iPhones at Vietnam, Iraq, China and Saudi sentenced to 87 months in prison for a substantial discount. He purchased Arabia. defrauding Bank of America out of most of the mobile phones – which Galstian fraudulently convinced nearly $700,000. The sentences are usually sell for more than $500 – for Verizon to provide him with iPhones to run concurrently. 99 cents each under a two-year con- worth more than $19.4 million. In Feuer secures injunction against Moskowitz also ordered Galstian tract. less than six months, Galstian gener- to pay $17 million in restitution to Galstian claimed that the phones ated illegal proceeds of more than Verizon and more than $200,000 in would be used by drivers for Toro $13 million by re-selling the allegedLos Angeles City gang Attorney MikeandCrips narcotics gangs, rivals who haveden negoti- restitution to Bank of America. Ride’s ride-sharing service and that iPhones. Feuer’s office has filed a narcotics ated a truce so they can collaborate The defendant pleaded guilty in Toro Ride, which had only been Toro Ride used some of the illicit and gang-related nuisance abate- on manufacturing and selling crack November to one count of wire operating in the Los Angeles area, proceeds derived from iPhone sales ment lawsuit against the owner of a cocaine from units in the property. fraud, admitting that he committed was poised to expand nationwide. to make required monthly payments South Los Angeles apartment com- Gang members have allegedly the offense while on pre-trial release Galstian falsely told Verizon that to Verizon, which enabled Galstian plex. The buildings allegedly had installed counter-surveillance cam- in the case involving Bank of Toro Ride had received $20 million to continue to order thousands of become a heavily-fortified gang eras, reinforced gates and doors on America. In that case, Galstian from investors. When he brokered additional iPhones. stronghold for crack cocaine produc- the property with heavy gauge metal tion and sales. panels and plates welded into them “It’s completely unacceptable that to secure their drug operations from just down the street from a middle law enforcement. school, this allegedly gang-con- In the past year, there have been Legislation aims to solve cold cases using DNA trolled apartment complex is a four LAPD-controlled narcotics pur- Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D- DNA has been collected,” Gatto AB 2440 will add a penalty of $4 source of crime and drugs in this chases at the property and two Los Angeles) has introduced legis- said. “However, massive budget to every $10 in criminal fines, neighborhood,” Feuer said. search warrants executed, as well as lation to strengthen law enforce- and personnel cuts have strained excluding traffic infractions. The The city attorney’s lawsuit names multiple arrests of gang members on ment’s ability to investigate cold law enforcement agencies, and new funds will also be available to Pedro Castillo and Teresa Salazar, drug trafficking charges. LAPD offi- cases for which DNA evidence is criminals who might otherwise be help law enforcement investigate the owners of an eight-unit apart- cers have also responded to the prop- available. identified through DNA hits remain cases in which a DNA match has ment complex located at 1847-1849 erty numerous times for stabbings The legislation, AB 2440, pro- free to commit additional crimes.” identified a suspect or matched a 1/2 Florence Ave. The apartment is and a shooting as well as a June vides funding for law enforcement Technological advances have DNA profile from another crime located less than 400 feet from 2015 incident of human trafficking agencies to help link stored DNA sparked an increase in the amount scene. Horace Mann Middle School and is allegedly tied to the property. samples to biological evidence from of DNA evidence that can be identi- “No cold case in California with within a half-mile of an elementary Feuer recently established ways cold cases. DNA is most often used fied and processed. The increase clear DNA evidence should go school. for residents to report properties to solve rapes and murders. has the potential to solve cold cases, unsolved solely because of a lack of The property is allegedly con- where there is gang and narcotics “State mandates have put pres- Gatto added. However, there isn’t funding,” Gatto said. “AB 2440 will trolled by factions of the Eight Tray activity. Call (213)978-8340 or sure on law enforcement to expedite sufficient local funding to support and help bring closure to victims, Gangster Crips and Neighborhood visit www.lacityattorney.org. criminal investigations in which follow-up investigations. and take criminals off the street.” Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 5 March 24, 2016 Put Down that Carrot and Hop on over to

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nWeHo rides along with Fairfax Avenue bike lanes Routes will run Horvath: Trump’s rhetoric between Willoughby is ‘wrong at every level’ and Fountain At the West Hollywood City By Edwin FolvEn Council meeting on Monday, “The hate speech Mayor Lindsey Horvath said she and implicit calls New bike lanes will open on was compelled to express how to violence coming “deeply disturbed” she is by the Fairfax Avenue after the West from Trump and Hollywood City Council approved Donald Trump presidential cam- their installation Monday. paign. his campaign are The lanes will run between Horvath also released a letter beyond the pale she sent to Willoughby and Fountain Avenues and have no place and will be located on both sides of Trump and the street. They will connect with his staff in any community existing bike lanes on Fairfax explaining in our county.” Avenue from Fountain Avenue to her views. Hollywood Boulevard. “ Y o u r West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey r e c k l e s s - West Hollywood Mayor Horvath said the new bike lanes are rhetoric is Lindsey Horvath part of an overall effort to encour- wrong at age alternative forms of transit. e v e r y able – even passionate – debate, “It’s something that has been in level,” she we cannot allow the kind of vio- Mayor told Trump the works for a while,” Horvath Lindsey Horvath lent rhetoric and hate speech that said. “We are creating consistent in the letter. has become commonplace in the bike lanes. It’s very exciting. We She also Trump campaign.” want to encourage bicycling not wrote a letter to elected officials in California’s primary will be only for recreation but as a valuable other cities around the county, held June 7, when residents will mode of transportation.” calling on them to do the same. get a chance to vote for Trump Bianca Siegl, long range and “[The campaign] has gone or the other candidates before mobility planner for West beyond the right to express a polit- each party’s convention. Hollywood, said Fairfax Avenue is ical point of view or policy differ- Horvath said his “campaign of ideal for bike lanes because it has photo by Edwin Folven ences, which we all have to violence and intimidation” is three lanes and is wider than many The West Hollywood City Council has approved plans for new bike lanes greater or lesser degree,” Horvath not welcome in West other streets in the city. Six-foot- on Fairfax Avenue between Willoughby and Fountain Avenues. said. “The hate speech and implic- Hollywood. wide curbside bike lanes will be it calls to violence coming from “We can all express political installed along with a 4-foot buffer She added that West Hollywood will be approximately .48 miles Trump and his campaign are differences of opinion without zone between cyclists and traffic, is working with Los Angeles trans- long. beyond the pale and have no place endangering the safety and well she added. portation authorities to possibly West Hollywood currently has in any community in our county.” being of the members of our “We have a lot of programs extend the bike lanes south of approximately three miles of bike She said as elected officials, she community. … Together, we encouraging cycling and walking Willoughby Avenue. The new bike lanes, and another 1.75 miles of and her colleagues should lead by must denounce Trump’s violent and building out bike lanes lanes are expected to be installed by sharrows, which are streets with example. rhetoric and let him know his throughout the city is part of that,” July. The project will cost approxi- markers painted on the pavement “While we must always make brand of politics has no place in Siegl said. mately $195,000. The bike lanes designating them as bicycle routes. room for free speech and reason- our county,” she said.

Stay informed

The Purple Line Extension is currently continues below. This process is expected to begin in installing piles at La Brea Avenue on Wilshire June and continue over 22 weekends. Work for the Boulevard near the future La Brea Station. This Fairfax Station will begin this summer, and will process includes pushing 95-foot steel beams include the same piling and decking procedures. into the ground. Following the pile installation, concrete decking will be placed, creating the temporary street surface while construction For additional information please visit the project website at metro.net/purplelineext


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“L.A.’s Largest Selection of Floor Covering” 4849 Santa Monica Blvd. • (323)469-0063 • www.linocity.com 8 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press New senior center dedicated in Echo Park Los Angeles city, county and will be put to good use.” AngelFrom page 3 Food school district officials last week Mayor Eric Garcetti said the dedicated a new facility that pro- Echo Park Senior Center will pro- made the milestone possible. But vides health education, nutritious vide services that seniors need to she also said it was a somber meals, social services, activities help them to live their lives to the moment, reflecting on what society and transportation to seniors in the fullest. County Supervisor Hilda needs. city. Solis said the idea was ten years in “People in our city who are hun- “I am thrilled to finally open the the making and is now fully real- gry is a social justice issue,” Echo Park Senior Center,” said ized. Williamson said. “People in our Councilman Mitch O’Farrell, 13th “Housed in the Sandra Cisneros District. “Our seniors deserve a Learning Academy, the center will city who are poor and alone is a photo by Sheri Mandel safe, high quality facility where not only provide traditional senior social justice issue. People who they can gather for social interac- programs, but it will also enable don’t have proper medical care is a tion and a healthy meal. I am our seniors to connect with the The Echo Park Senior Center is For information on services at social injustice. Project Angel proud to dedicate this new center young students who will co-inhab- open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the new center, call (213)413- Food addresses this problem in their honor, and I am certain it it this space,” Solis said. Monday through Friday. 0508. through simple acts of kindness.” Los Angeles City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell, 13th District – who was a volunteer at Project Actor and former SAG-AFTRA president Ken Howard mourned Angel Food in the 1990s – returned to celebrate and help staff Many people in the communi- Howard debuted in film oppo- starred Howard as the coach of a prepare and deliver the landmark ty are mourning the death of site Liza Minnelli in “Tell Me diverse basketball team at an meal to Alfredo Rodriguez-Perera Kenneth Joseph “Ken” Howard, That You Love Me, Junie inner-city high school. For three in East Hollywood, who is recov- Jr., a Tony and Emmy Award- Moon.” He went on to appear in seasons, “The White Shadow” ering from a stroke. winning actor who was president the feature film version of served as a proving ground for To commemorate the event, the of the SAG-AFTRA performers “1776,” as well as “Clear and some of television’s most promi- Los Angeles City Council pro- union. Howard died Wednesday Present Danger,” “At First nent producers and directors claimed March 18, 2016 “Project at his home near Los Angeles. He Sight,” “Rambo IV,” “Dreamer,” including Bruce Paltrow, Tim Angel Food’s 10 Millionth Meal was 71. “In Her Shoes,” “Michael Van Patten and others. Day,” and O’Farrell read an The Yale-trained Howard Clayton,” “J. Edgar,” “Better Howard later became the first excerpt from the resolution. brought a long list of enduring Living Through Chemistry,” president of the 160,000-member “For more than 26 years, Project characters to the stage and “The Judge,” “The Wedding SAG-AFTRA performers union. Angel Food has provided a vital screen. He made his Broadway Ringer” and “Joy.” Elected president of Screen lifeline of hope and nutrition to debut in the 1968 production of Howard was perhaps best Actors Guild in 2009, he was Ken Howard people living with HIV/AIDS, Neil Simon’s “Promises, known for his role as Coach Ken reelected in 2011 on a pledge to legendary Screen Actors Guild cancer, renal disease and heart Promises.” Other stage credits Reeves on the groundbreaking unite the Screen Actors Guild and the first elected president of failure,” he said. “And whereas include “1776,” “Child’s Play,” television series “The White and the American Federation of post-merger SAG-AFTRA, Project Angel Food’s volunteers – “Seesaw,” “The Norman Shadow.” Based on his own Television and Radio Artists. The Howard made history by leading and I’m blessed to have been one Conquests,” “1600 Pennsylvania experiences as the only merger effort was overwhelm- the merged performers from a of them many years ago – are a Avenue,” and “According to Caucasian player on his high ingly approved by members in period of conflict to a stable, uni- shining example of how volun- Tip.” school basketball team, the show 2012. As the last president of the fied path. teerism, compassion and hard work can turn a simple idea into a powerful and positive tool for helping those unable to help them- selves.” O’Farrell also helped secure a 4,000-square-foot urban garden in Hollywood for the organization to provide organic fruits and vegeta- bles for their 2,000 clients. Global wings artist Colette Miller also unveiled her latest wing mural on the side of Project Angel Food’s building at 922 Vine St. “What a remarkable achieve- ment for Project Angel Food,” O’Farrell said. “I applaud you for decades of providing nutritious meals to those in need. Thank you for making your home in the 13th District and continuing your mis- sion of giving on two fronts – to the clients you serve, and to the volunteers whose lives are enriched by the personal interac- tion and the opportunity to be of service in our communities.”

TargetFrom page 3 additional retail to the neighbor- hood, as well as create about 75 construction jobs and up to 300 new permanent full- and part-time positions for residents in the sur- rounding community,” Winkels said. “Target remains committed to the new store on Sunset Boulevard, and we will continue to work closely with city officials and the community as we move forward.” Doug Haines, a member of the La Mirada Avenue Neighborhood Association, one of the groups that initially sued to stop the Target construction, has vowed to file another lawsuit if the city changes the zoning and construction begins again. Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 9 March 24, 2016


NCJWIn response calls to U.S. for Senate vetting Supreme Court nominee WEST HOLLYWOOD Republican leadership’s stated refusal to consider President PUBLIC NOTICE Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland, 21 women NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the West Hollywood from the National Council of Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing to con- Jewish Women Los Angeles (NCJW/LA) recently participated sider the following item: in a solemn procession on Capitol Hill as part of a nationwide cam- LOCATIONS:8465 HOLLOWAY DRIVE, paign launched by the National West Hollywood, California Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) to demand that the Senate do its REQUEST: Applicant is requesting to expand an job, hold prompt hearings and vote existing restaurant on the ground floor on the nominee. within the existing lobby, with expanded During the procession, nearly service to the rooftop with alcohol ser- 400 women marched from the U.S. vice, within an existing hotel. (Palihouse) Supreme Court to the U.S. Capitol carrying copies of the Constitution and a personal message to Senate PERMIT(S): Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit, Judiciary Committee chair Senator and any other required permits. Chuck Grassley. As part of the national campaign, APPLICANT(S): Matt Fisher NCJW advocates and affiliates photo courtesy of NCJW/LA throughout the country will engage NCJW/LA members participated in a rally in Washington, D.C. denounc- TIME/PLACE Thursday, April 7, 2016 with their senators and communi- ing Senate Republicans for refusing to consider Judge Merrick Garland OF HEARING: at 6:30 p.m. ties to raise visibility and public for the U.S. Supreme Court. West Hollywood Park Public Meeting focus on the urgency of filling the Room – Council Chambers U.S. Supreme Court vacancy as Senators Dianne Feinstein and NCJW CEO Nancy Kaufman. 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard soon as possible. Barbara Boxer for promising to “Every aspect of our lives and the West Hollywood, CA 90069 “NCJW activists and leaders support a hearing and urge Senators character of our democracy is here in California and across the from other states to do the same.” impacted by judicial vacancies, U.S. understand that the Supreme NCJW’s national campaign is none more so than the current ZONES: CC1 (Commercial, Community 1) Court must be fully functional. We calling on senators to hold hearings vacancy on the Supreme Court. are mobilized to make sure that our on the Supreme Court nominee and The ability to access contraceptive ENVIRONMENTAL senators rise above partisan politics fill the vacancy as soon as possible. care and abortion, voting rights, STATUS: Categorically exempt from the provisions and perform their constitutionally “This is an important moment in equal opportunity in education and of the California Environmental Quality mandated jobs when it comes to our nation’s history that will expose the workplace, and religious free- Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section §15301 filling the court vacancy,” said the core values of our elected sena- dom are some of the issues on the (Existing Facilities) Hillary Selvin, executive director tors, namely whether partisanship table before this Supreme Court of NCW/LA. “We thank California overrides public service,” said where one seat stands vacant.” The staff report will be available on Thursday, March 31, 2016, at City Hall, 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard, the W.H. Library, 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard, and Assessor offers online access to property data on-line at www.weho.org Los Angeles County Assessor tribute significantly to my efforts to costs and promote innovation.” Jeffrey Prang has announced the make transparency and accountabil- Rigorous security has been built IF YOU CHALLENGE this item in court, you may be launch of a new public online source ity synonymous with my adminis- into the new Assessor Portal to safe- limited to raising only those issues you or someone else to improve public access to property tration. By making information eas- guard confidentiality and legal raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or data in Los Angeles County. ier to find on-line, both assessor staff restrictions. The release of 32 years in the written correspondence delivered to the West Anyone who has Internet access and members of the public will save of assessment data represents a new can find detailed information about time and resources that previously nationwide record for the largest Hollywood Planning Commission, via the Community Los Angeles’ nearly 2.4 million real relied on phone calls and manual online release of assessment data by Development Department at, or prior to, the Public property parcels in an easy to access research. This is an important com- a public agency. For information, Hearing. and read format. The Assessor ponent of our transformative tech- visit www.portal.assessor.lacoun- Portal provides comprehensive nology initiative that will reduce ty.gov. To comply with the American with Disabilities Act of property information and 32 years of 1990, Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) will be avail- assessment history in a modern, able for checkout at the meeting. If you require special intuitive and searchable website. assistance to participate in this meeting (e.g., a signer “This on-line update will make for the hearing impaired), you must call, or submit your accessing and interpreting assess- Kuehl honors LGBT and request in writing to the Office of the City Clerk at (323) ment data much easier and faster for 848-6409 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The the public,” Prang said. “It will con- City TDD line for the hearing impaired is (323) 848- women’s rights activist 6496.

Special meeting related accommodations (e.g., trans- World Water Day portation) may be provided upon written request to the Office of the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the calls attention meeting. For information on public transportation, call 1-323-GO-METRO (323/466-3876) or go to to drought www.metro.net The White House celebrated World Water Day and hosted the ALL INTERESTED PERSONS are invited to attend Water Summit on Tuesday. Gov. said Public Hearing to express their opinion in this mat- Edmund G. Brown Jr. said that as ter. the state’s drought stretches on, Californians are reminded that no For further information contact Rachel Dimond, AICP, matter where you live, access to Senior Planner, in the Community Development water is not guaranteed. Department at (323) 848-6475; or via email at: The White House Water Summit [emailprotected] focused on water challenges throughout the country, including photo courtesy of L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl’s Office California’s drought, and ways to Yvonne Quarker, City Clerk build a more resilient water future. The Los Angeles County Commission for Women and Los Ahead of the summit, the Obama Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl recently honored activist Administration released a Ivy Bottini as Woman of the Year for the 3rd District. Bottini (seated, Presidential Memorandum and left) was joined by Kuehl at a ceremony at the Dorothy Chandler Federal Action Plan aimed at bol- Pavilion. Bottini founded the first chapter of the National stering long-term drought resilience Organization for Women in 1966 and was one of the earliest voices by setting policy goals, directing in the fight against HIV/AIDS. She is well known in the feminist and Мы сообщаем вам об обсуждении про- specific activities to be completed LGBT movements and was a founder of the Los Angeles екта. Для дополнительной информации by the end of the year and perma- Lesbian/Gay Police Advisory Board. She is also a painter, artist and nently establishing the National stand-up comedienne and, at age 90, is still active in the community, на русском языке звоните: 323-848-6826. Drought Resilience Partnership as Kuehl added. an interagency task force. 10 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press

ters with a champagne shallot on Easter and enjoy a $33 brunch Special menu at mignonette; and enjoy pepper prix fixe menu and an adult Easter crusted filet mignon with charred egg hunt. Prizes include candy, free Tasten Thursday, on Melrose March 24, guests fingerling potatoes, roasted aspara- co*cktail tickets and dinner for two. can bask in the moonlight in gus, truffle compound butter and The menu features savory Brussels Easter Dining cabernet sauce. Finish with caramel sprout hash and eggs with a sunny OTaste on Melrose’s courtyard or sit by Jill Weinlein under the skylight in the new atri- chocolate mousse cake with straw- side up egg, jalapeño citronette, um and indulge in Fanny Bay oys- berry sauce. Visit Taste on Melrose See Easter Dining page 12

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City leaders applaud SchiffRep. Adam honors Schiff (D-Burbank) inspiring women from the 28th District on March 18 honored a group of inspiring women from communities Sen. Barbara Boxer in his 28th Congressional District. Schiff is pictured with Woman of the Year honorees (standing from left) Helen Leung Jamie Keyser Thomas, Kelly Erickson, Kimberly Holland, Pauley Perrette, Abbe Land and Dr. Frieda Jordan, as well as (seated from left) Patricia A. Anderson, Karen Barnett, Dolores Diaz-Carrey, Janet Diel, Cheryl Revkin and Linda S. Pura. “I met with nine women with photo courtesy of Congressman Adam Schiff’s Office varying backgrounds and interests, who have all worked tirelessly to Rep. Adam Schiff (top row, center) recently recognized inspiring women make our communities a better place from his district as Women of the Year. to call home. It was an honor to rec- ognize their outstanding work in the and federal levels. Land is currently Humanities, the Thirst Project, 28th District,” Schiff said. “Each of the executive director and CEO of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the these women has worked to support the Trevor Project, a nationally rec- Make a Wish Foundation and the a myriad of charitable, business and ognized nonprofit providing crisis Los Angeles LGBT Center. photo by Paul Michael Neuman local causes. They are all pillars in intervention and suicide prevention For information on the other hon- The Los Angeles City Council honored Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- our communities and I thank them for LGBTQ youth. orees, visit www.schiff.house.gov. Calif.) Wednesday during a ceremony at city hall. Boxer, who has for their indomitable service.” Perrette was honored as the repre- announced she is retiring from the U.S. Senate, was recognized for Land was recognized as Woman sentative of Hollywood. Perhaps years of public service. of the Year from West Hollywood. A best known for her role as Abby Braces aren’t just She has served in the Senate since 1993, following 10 years in the dedicated public servant, Land Sciuto on the CBS Television Series U.S. House of Representatives. The city council presented Boxer served 23 years on The West “NCIS,” The actress is an accom- for a pretty smile with a proclamation and lauded her work in women’s rights, environ- Hollywood City Council, including plished artist, writer, photographer What if we told you that a pretty five terms as mayor. She helped cre- and civil rights activist who works mental protection, improving transportation, expanding healthcare smile is often the side effect of ate the city’s Women’s Advisory with over 30 charities including and preserving communities. braces and not really the intended Boxer is pictured with Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin Board, Disabilities Advisory Board Project Angel Food, AIDS Project (left), Councilman Paul Koretz, City Attorney Mike Feuer and Mayor and domestic violence prevention Los Angeles, the Trevor Project, goal. That is a little of a stretch, Eric Garcetti. program for same-sex couples, and LAFD Foundation, Habitat for but braces serve to help correct influenced policy at the local, state many issues, it’s just that you , Joe Q Public, is usually only educated to the pretty smile result.

Letters to the Editor There are many issues that come Considering all the issues, Leaders call for fingerprinting into play when the teeth are not Projects should be wouldn’t it be wise to encourage aligned properly. First off, it more jobs in outlying, less-con- for Uber and Lyft drivers makes it much harder to clean vetted for impacts on gested areas rather than more Los Angeles Mayor Eric gather valuable information as it your teeth. When you can’t clean neighborhoods high-rise apartment buildings Garcetti, Council President Herb contemplates implementing a your teeth well you greatly in- that, in the final analysis, can Wesson and City Councilman Paul more thorough background check crease your odds of getting cavi- RE “Palladium project clears only exacerbate the problem? Krekorian have submitted a joint program statewide,” said ties and gum disease in these hurdle,” March 17 issue Consider all the issues, not just letter to the California Public Krekorian, chair of the city coun- areas. This could lead to more one without the other. Utilities Commission (CPUC) ask- cil’s Budget and Finance Like so many mega-apartment dental needs, more cost more ing it to allow Los Angeles to Committee. “Keeping the riding pain and everything else you hate projects, it’s certain to happen George Epstein implement a pilot program that public safe is something we should about the dentist. Add that with because our “leaders” see it as Detroit Street would fingerprint drivers for Uber, strive to do and requiring full and the way to relieve the growing Lyft and other transportation com- fair fingerprint background checks our diet with more sugar than “housing crisis,” as we are told. I panies. across the board will push us in ever and one can understand why have heard the claim that we Homeowners should The regulations would be simi- that direction.” there is a new generation of kids have only 3.3 percent vacancy. lar to requirements for taxi drivers The letter proposes a three-part with more cavities than ever. Judging from the unlit new have say in Craftsman in L.A. They would apply to all fingerprinting pilot program in Los apartment building windows I charter-party carrier (TCP) and Angeles. It would require drivers Another major reason for braces see in the evening, I have some homes survey transportation network company to be fingerprinted and back- is to improve the harmony of doubt. RE “WeHo council blocks drivers including those who drive ground checked under the function between the upper and There is an old saying about demolition of Craftsman limos, vans and shuttle services. California DOJ screening process. lower teeth. Poor alignment can “one without the other.” We homes,” March 10 issue For decades, Los Angeles has Transportation companies ought not focus on the so-called lead to increased clenching and required taxi operators to work would be required to report on the grinding. This in turn can lead to housing crisis without also con- under a franchise agreement with number of drivers whose back- What has been lacking in the teeth wearing quicker than nor- sidering the traffic congestion, the city, which requires finger- ground checks were found to be accompanied as it is by more car conversation about a proposed mal, quicker breakdown of dental city of West Hollywood ordi- prints to crosscheck potential dri- incomplete or inconsistent with the accidents and injuries, loss of vers with the state’s Department of results of the fingerprint screening restorations and increase risk of productivity and more irritability nance to protect Craftsman breakdown due to gum disease. homes is how do the owners of Justice (DOJ) database. It provides process. as we spend more time in grid- an essential safeguard for riders by The companies would also be lock. It also results in more envi- the homes that would be affected So while the pretty smile is the feel about it? preventing people who have vio- compelled to provide information ronmental pollution. lent criminal histories from driving on how and why they deny drivers end result, there is so much more And then, as a direct conse- Maybe they’re all in favor of it, maybe they’re all against it or passengers in Los Angeles. employment, what the appeals to gain with braces. quence, there is the growing “A fingerprinting pilot program processes are and how fingerprint- parking space crisis. The way perhaps somewhere in between. If an ordinance is passed it will, makes sense in L.A. and will help ing requirements affect the number our city is so spread out, does the Public Utilities Commission of drivers they accept or reject. anyone really believe we can in effect, be taking away a prop- solve this problem with more erty owner’s right to do with the MTA public transportation property as they wish. I would investments and expenditures? hope that before city council considers any such ordinance, Jonathan Engel, DDS Likewise, our local infrastruc- Bogie s Liquor ture is already over-extended. that they do a targeted outreach to each and every property Estella Goldman, DDS High-rise apartment develop- Don’t Drink & Drive - We Deliver!! ments must add to the problem. owner who would be affected It will make it necessary that the and that their responses would Delivery Hours: 2 pm - 1 am city’s taxpayers provide billions be included in the public record We carry the finest in ’ of dollars in new funds to of any such decision. upgrade and expand the piping In full disclosure, I own a • Beer and other parts of our infrastruc- Craftsman home that could be • Wine included in this ordinance that I ture. • Spirits What is the best solution? have meticulously restored over How many people must travel the last 15 years with a lot of • Champagne distances to work? We all know hard work and a lot of check • Kegs about rush-hour traffic. Wouldn’t writing. 5901 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 205 it make more sense if people 5753 Melrose Ave. Corner of Melrose & Vine Los Angeles, CA 90036 could work in their own neigh- Rob Bergstein 323-469-1414 323.934.3341 Genesee Avenue www.bogiesliquor.com borhoods? Open 7 days 6 am - 2 am www.socaldentalhealth.com 12 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press

from a cheese and charcuterie grains. 395 Santa Monica Place, approach to traditional French cui- spread, and indulge in desserts such Ste. 172, (310)593-8300. sine with a signature brunch for as housemade Easter cookies; key $60. The prix fixe menu includes a lime, lemon meringue and straw- co*cktail or glass of sparkling wine, berry-rhubarb pies; apple crumble; InterContinental caviar appetizer, entrée and dessert. Easterby Jill Weinlein Dining and salted caramel tarts. Guests can Guests can also order à la carte also enjoy selections from bloody Easter brunch dishes. Easter menu highlights Mary carts. Beverage manager include soft scrambled eggs with Marianna Caldwell’s co*cktails nterContinental Los Angeles is smoked salmon or caviar. Eggs include lavender gin fizzes and serving a family-friendly Easter Benedict is served with prosciutto mezcal sours. The holiday brunch Ibrunch in the Park Grill outdoor cotto and smoked salmon, or is $75 per person; $45 for children. courtyard. Multiple choices are smoked salmon and caviar. Try the There is an additional charge for available at the buffet. Enjoy bot- roasted lamb wrap with roasted tomless bubbly, a custom omelet potatoes, a sunny fried egg and co*cktails and bloody Marys. 11647 tomato, mixed greens, cucumber, From page 10 station, short rib and filet mignon chimichurri sauce; and Riviera San Vicente Blvd., (424)273-1660. yogurt dill, pickled red onion, egg- carving stations, as well as scallop plant and whole wheat lavash. The crispy bacon, shaved parmesan and salmon. Finish with a clementine and salmon plates. The fresh lemon zest. The crab omelet vacherin dessert made with blood steak frites includes a six-ounce seafood bar is filled with crab, ribeye medallion with maître d’ includes sautéed spinach, mush- orange coulis, clementine sorbet, Non-traditional shrimp, oysters, clams and mussels. rooms, mozzarella and Meyer white chocolate mousse and butter and French fries. 321 N. Park Grill’s fresh pastries, assort- Robertson Blvd., (310)271-6300. lemon hollandaise sauce. Enjoy meringue. 8490 Melrose Place, Easter at Hanjip ment of meats and cheeses, mixed green eggs and ham before visiting (310)360-9100. elebrate spring at Hanjip, a salads, seasonal fruits and vegeta- the dessert buffet. Sweets include modern Korean BBQ restaurant bles, couscous, grilled chicken and assorted macaroons, brioche bread Cfrom Stephane Bombet of Bombet beet quinoa will appeal to everyone. Bel Air Bar + Grill pudding and pie pops. 8454 Easter ultimate Hospitality and celebrity chef Chris Children can also enjoy Easter elebrate Easter at Bel Air Bar + Melrose Ave., (323)852-6888. Oh. On March 27, Hanjip will serve activities and a special buffet for the Grill with a spring brunch on bloody Mary bar Korean-style Easter lamb two ways: little ones with a lemonade stand CSunday, March 27 from 10 a.m. to anzy in Westwood is serving lamb ribs marinated with sweet and and desserts. Brunch runs from 3 p.m. Executive chef Chris Easter at Cavatina brunch on Easter from 10:30 spicy Gochujang chili sauce, and 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is $79 Emerling uses asparagus, arti- Ta.m. to 2:30 p.m. Enjoy classic lamb belly served with pork belly for adults including champagne; chokes, shrimp, deviled eggs and Sunset Marquis housemade bloody Marys or a boiled in spices and sliced thinly and $35 for children. 2151 Avenue of locally-grown carrots in flavorful isit Cavatina at the Sunset pescatarian bloody Mary made with served with kimchi, yogurt and the Stars, (310)284-6536. ways in his asparagus soup with Marquis hotel off Sunset clam juice and a carnivore-style mint. Bartender Ryan Wainwright black pepper crème fraiche. The VBoulevard for an Easter buffet on Mary made with beef stock. has launched a co*cktail program calamari + shrimp is made with March 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Garnishes include crisp smoked with bottled soju infused in-house. Easter on paprika beer batter, jalapeño and The buffet includes a seafood bar bacon, cured meats, shrimp, cheese, Specialties include lime skin- red onion tartar sauce. Try the with poached California prawns pickles, fresh herbs, hot sauce and infused soju with coconut and vanil- Catalina Island “Easter Egg” served with baby let- la bean yogurt foam and genmaicha- and co*cktail sauce, Alaskan king fresh peppers. Spirit choices include ake a one-hour Catalina tuce, carrot ribbons, grilled aspara- crab legs, stone crab claws and New Amsterdam vodka, Evan infused soju with ginger and aloe gus, fried egg and shaved parme- vera. Hanjip is open daily from Express boat ride to Avalon for sushi with traditional accompani- Williams bourbon and Camarena a special Easter celebration. A com- san. The chef will also showcase ments. The buffet also includes 100 percent agave tequila or 11:30 a.m. to midnight. 3829 Main T the quintessential Easter dish: roast St., Culver City, (323)720-8804. plimentary egg hunt for children smoked salmon platters, grilled upgrade your drink with Grey ages 5 and under starts at noon. lamb leg with garlic, lemon oil mar- ble potatoes and cherry mint yogurt vegetables and crudités, charcuterie Goose vodka or Corzo Reposado Children 6 to 12 can also hunt for sauce. 662 N. Sepulveda Blvd., with assorted pickles, local and tequila. The Easter bunny will hop eggs at 1 p.m. The Easter bunny (310) 440-5544. imported cheeses, seasonal fruits from table to table while guests North Italia will be available for photos, and and deviled eggs made with enjoy brunch fare including brioche face painting and hat decorating Calabrian chile. An assortment of French toast, crispy chicken and Easter fare will be offered. Catherine’s Terrace seasonal salads and entrées are also sourdough waffles, bacon and eggs elebrate Easter the Italian way at the Descanso Beach Club is serv- Sipping Rosé at offered including local halibut and ravioli, and corned beef hash. 10840 at North Italia with homemade ing brunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. carving stations of prime rib with Wilshire Blvd., (310)307-7004. Cpastas and pizzas, slow cooked with music by Christian Artiaga at Herringbone au jus and roasted leg of lamb. A short ribs, diver scallops, roasted noon. Guests can choose from herb hef Brian Malarkey’s chic bread station includes assorted chicken and New York strip steaks sea-salted prime rib with an assort- Ocean Avenue hotspot will rolls, bagels, croissants and ciabatta Montage Beverly from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Try the ment of sides, salads and desserts Cdebut bottomless glasses of rosé for bread. Finish with peach bread pud- strozzapreti with Bloomsdale for $39 per person. Children ages $25 on Easter weekend. Starting ding, cheesecake, mini fruit tarts, Hills Easter spinach and ribbons of tagliatelle 12 and under are $19. The Avalon Saturday, March 26, guests can molten chocolate cake, passion reat the entire family to brunch with the signature Bolognese sauce. Grille is also offering a three- enjoy a rotating selection of rosés fruit mousse, assorted mini scones at Scarpetta on Easter from 11 840 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 110, course dinner with California sea curated by the restaurant’s in-house and cookies. The buffet is $75 for a.m. to 3 p.m. The brunch is brim- (310)469-7695. bass or lamb chops from 5 p.m. to sommelier with popular brunch adults; $35 for children 5-11; free T ming with traditional Easter dishes closing for $40 per person. dishes such as farmers’ market for children under 4. 1200 Alta coupled with Scarpetta’s signature Additionally, the Catalina Art Fair scrambled eggs paired with a lob- Loma Rd., (310)358-3759. Italian favorites. The Rooftop Grill The Front Yard at and Exhibition will be open March ster roll. Herringbone’s endless offers beautiful views of the city. 27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with arts rosé selection will be available Guests can sit outside and order à la The Garland and crafts, children’s activities and every Saturday and Sunday through Ray’s and Stark Bar carte options from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. art demonstrations near Avalon Labor Day. The restaurant’s signa- he Easter bunny is hopping Grille. Reservations for the ay’s and Stark Bar, located at Join the Easter bunny for activities over to The Front Yard at The ture mid-day bloody Mary and as part of the popular Paintbox pro- Descanso Beach Club can be made Peter Rabbit mimosas with basil the Los Angeles Museum of TGarland to help executive chef by calling (310)510-7401. To make Contemporary Art, is serving artful gram at Montage Beverly Hills. Chris Turano prepare a festive lemonade are also available from R From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., children reservations at the Avalon Grille, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1755 Ocean Ave., à la carte plates on Easter from 10 Easter brunch buffet. The brunch call (310)510-7494. a.m. to 3 p.m. Enjoy the chef’s sea- can enjoy complimentary face starts at $44 for adults and $19 for (310)971-4460. sonal brunch dishes and specialty painting, arts and crafts and cookie children and is served from 11 a.m. co*cktails including endless decorating, balloon twisters and an to 3 p.m. Highlights include mimosas in flavors ranging from old fashioned Easter egg hunt in the smoked and brined pasture-raised Easter specials at Hey 19 Public House classic to strawberry lemonade and adjacent Beverly Cañon Gardens. Heritage ham with maple-whole grapefruit, and Lillet Rose sparkling Golden Easter Egg Hunts for adults grain mustard glaze served with Gracias Madre Easter brunch will be at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Eggs co*cktails. Highlights from execu- buttermilk biscuits. The carved racias Madre’s brunch is taking amilies looking for a more are loaded with surprises such as tive chef Fernando Darin include herb-roasted prime rib is served dining to a new level on Easter casual Easter brunch can opt for Montage hotel stays, Rooftop Grill chopped chicory with bacon lar- with pretzel rolls, as well as horse- with additional entrée and co*cktail chef Vasili Tavernakis’ strawberry gift certificates, Spa Montage treat- G F dons, fourme d’ambert and soft radish sour cream and au jus. specials. Guest can enjoy Meyer waffle shortcake, and avocado toast ments and classic sweet treats. poached egg. The brioche French Shrimp and grits with white ched- lemon French toast with mixed with crumbled feta and lemon zest. Brunch is $110 for adults; $35 for toast is made with chocolate dar polenta and tasso ham-tomato berries, lemon curd, coconut cream The Niman Ranch beef and pork children 5-12 years old. 225 N. ganache and hazelnut. Pork belly sauce, and Sunset Ranch eggs and rosemary syrup. Another sweet meatloaf sliders on brioche buns Cañon Drive, (310)860-7970. Call sandwiches with soft scrambled Benedict with Canadian bacon and dish is strawberry rhubarb shortcake are served with bourbon barbecue the Rooftop Grill at (310)860-7990. eggs and fried shallots and Brussels Meyer lemon hollandaise is also with brown sugar biscuits, cashew coleslaw. Spice up brunch with sprouts pizzas with anchovy, garlic available. 4222 Vineland Ave., whipped cream, orange pecan dust owner and mixologist Demi and capers are also available. Plates (818)255-7290. and strawberry compote. Beverage Stevens’ bloody Mary bar featuring are $11 to $29. 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Easter Brunch director Jason Eisner creates special savory twists on the classic co*cktail (323)857-6180. co*cktails. Brunch runs from 10 a.m. with garnishes such as a fried at Baltaire to 3 p.m. 8905 Melrose Ave., chicken drumette and mini waffle. True Food Kitchen (323)978-2170. njoy a decadent Easter brunch ring the family to True Food The special Easter dining runs from Fig & Olive buffet prepared by executive Kitchen on Easter for a healthy 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 4525 Calle Echef Travis Strickland from 9 a.m. Bselection of vegan, vegetarian and Mayor, Torrance, (310)378-8119. Melrose Place to 4 p.m. at Baltaire. The brunch gluten-free dishes. The menu at Petrossian West elebrate an “egg-ceptional” features housemade pastries includ- True Food Kitchen offers some- Easter at Fig & Olive Melrose ing banana bread, croissants and thing for everyone, including sea- Hollywood Bottomless Easter CPlace with a three-course prix fixe muffins. An extravagant iced shell- sonal specials featuring spring he caviar-centric Petrossian brunch for $40 per person from 11 fish station features fresh oysters, bruschetta topped with asparagus, West Hollywood is serving brunch at Sausal a.m. to 3 p.m. Start with Provençal shrimp, scallop ceviche and king artichoke, green peas, watermelon TEaster brunch from 10 a.m. to 4 l Segundo’s “nuevo rancho” carrot and thyme soup or crab salad crab. Carving stations offer prime radish, sesame and goat cheese; and p.m. in its elegant dining room and dining hotspot Sausal features and enjoy vegetarian quiche; steak rib, glazed Nueske’s spiral ham and sustainable sea bass served with on the patio. Executive chef Alex E$16 bottomless mimosas and and eggs with roasted fingerling leg of lamb. Finish with selections grilled vegetables and whole Ageneau has taken a lighter, fresher See Easter Dining page 13 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 13 March 24, 2016

cial co*cktails, including endless mimosas. 135 N. Grand Ave., (213)972-7322.

Easterby Jill Weinlein Dining Santa Monica’s Huckleberry Bakery & Café uckleberry Bakery & Café is offering sweet goodies for HEaster including Easter egg short- micheladas on Easter. Dine in the hunt. Indulge in Cipriani classic bread cookies with strawberry or restaurant’s beautiful indoor dining pastas and hand sliced prosciutto di passion fruit glaze, and bunny- room or on the patio. Favorites Parma with European cheeses, as shaped ginger cookies with royal from the brunch menu include beef well as made-to-order waffles, cus- icing. Huckleberry Bakery & Café barbacoa hash with poached eggs, tom omelets or frittatas, and fresh serves Easter brunch and dinner and roasted poblano chili omelets. crudo, crab claws, tuna scottato and and has a catering menu. Catering Diners can also nosh on tamarind a carving station with slow roasted orders can be placed daily after 2 photo courtesy of Smith Brothers Restaurant Corp. shrimp salad, potato rajas tacos and leg of lamb and seasonal vegeta- p.m. through Sunday, March 27. pork chili verde with sweet corn bles. Visit the ice cream and gelato Most items are available with 24- elote. Easter dining runs from 11 stand with chocolate eggs and sweet hours’ notice and include quiche a.m. to 3 p.m. 219 Main St., candy toppings. The brunch is $105 with prosciutto di Parma, market Parkway Grill celebrates 25 years (310)322-2721. per person; $49 children 4-12 years vegetables and gruyere; rustic car- old. Add bottomless bellinis for an rot cake with cream cheese frosting of growing organic produce additional $30 per person. 1224 and candied carrots; spiced honey The Parkway Grill in Pasadena, a Smith Brothers restaurant, has been Easter brunch at Beverwil Drive, (310)277-2800. glazed spiral ham and Zuckerman’s growing organic herbs and vegetables for 25 years in its organic “Gourmet Farms charred asparagus with Garden” located behind the restaurant. They will be hosting special events Ocean Prime herbed lemon dijon sauce. 1014 and promotions marking this achievment. Wilshire Blvd., (310)451-2311. While a growing number of restaurants are interested in local and organ- sually only open for dinner on DTLA Easter brunch ic produce, and some are receiving accolades for planter-box herbs, weekends, Ocean Prime will Parkway Grill was a pioneer in on-site organic gardening. Bob and Gregg offer a special Easter Sunday brunch at Café Pinot U Smith, owners of the Parkway Grill and three other Pasadena restaurants, menu on March 27. The à la carte afé Pinot, a California French- Flemings Easter saw the potential for the piece of land attached to the restaurant property menu includes options like crab and inspired garden café adjacent and transformed it into a garden. eggs featuring jumbo lump crab to the historic Los Angeles central brunch C Since breaking ground on the garden in 1990, the Smiths have shown a cakes on toasted English muffins library in downtown Los Angeles, three-course Easter Brunch is commitment to farm-fresh vegetables and growing pesticide-free produce. with poached eggs and hollandaise is offering a three-course prix fixe available on Sunday, March 27 The year-round harvest includes heirloom tomatoes, rare squash varietals, sauce. The three-cheese quiche and Easter brunch. Highlights from Afrom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Flemings beans, berries, lettuces, exotic herbs and seasonal crops. blackened salmon salad are also executive chef Megan Logan’s for $39.95. Choose from signature The garden has been organic from the beginning. The Smiths foresaw available. Guests can round out their menu include artichoke barigoule eggs Benedict made with poached the value of using alternative gardening methods and addressing concerns meals with blood orange mimosas veloute with butter poached lob- eggs over succulent filet mignon about pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals used in traditional and wine from the extensive bever- ster and crispy sunchokes. The and served on a crisp potato cake, gardening. age menu. The unique brunch runs chef also serves housemade or melt-in-your-mouth brioche The owners prepared the garden to yield the highest quality produce for from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9595 Wilshire porchetta with toasted farro, French toast baked to perfection Parkway’s kitchen. Throughout the years, the restaurant’s chefs have Blvd., (310)859-4818. Calabrian chile, charred baby and finished with sausage, maple showcased fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden in the fine dining broccoli, scallions and poached blueberry syrup and chantilly restaurant’s regional American cuisine. The emphasis placed on fresh, egg; and braised rabbit ravioli with cream. A children’s menu is avail- locally-sourced and farmers’ market produce is represented in the Smiths’ beet greens, spring peas, baby car- able for $18.95. 252 N. Beverly dedication to the onsite gar- Mastro’s Malibu rots, rabbit jus and Parmesan Drive, Beverly Hills, (310)278- den. As a result, the restau- foam. The cost is $55 for adults; Easter brunch 8710; 800 W. Olympic Blvd., rant is considered one of $19 for children 10 and under. 700 (213)745-9911. the best farm-to-table din- ine beachside from 10 a.m. to 3 W. 5th St., (213)239-6500. p.m. on March 26 and 27 and ing experiences in Denjoy beautiful views and an Easter Pasadena and Los Angeles. brunch. Entrées include Maine lob- International The Parkway Grill is ster Benedict, fluffy Belgian waffles Catch Restaurant located at 510 S. Arroyo and savory tuna burgers. Enjoy ele- Whiskey Day Parkway in Pasadena. For gant signature co*cktails such as Easter brunch nternational Whiskey Day is information, call (626)795- bubbly peach bellinis or Mastro’s he beautiful beachfront Catch observed on March 27 celebrat- 1001, or visit www.thep- mojito with fresh mint and lime, Restaurant in Hotel Casa del Iing spirits of all types. Some of the arkwaygrill.com. served in a tall glass with a splash of TMar features a three-course, prix best whiskey co*cktails in Los refreshing club soda. 18412 Pacific fixe menu on Easter from 11 a.m. to Angeles are served at the Water Coast Highway, (310)454-4357. 4 p.m. for $90. Dishes include Grill’s two locations. The bar grilled and roasted vegetable terrine serves its own barrel of Buffalo Springtime with eggplant, zucchini, yellow Trace whiskey. Beverage director ALL ABOARD WP24 by squash, artichoke and portobello Kevin Felker concocts The Lion’s mushrooms. Fish lovers will enjoy Tail co*cktail with Buffalo Trace FILLMORE & WESTERN! Wolfgang Puck red snapper with grilled carrots and Single Barrel select, fresh lime, vegetable couscous served in a Bitter Truth Pimento Dram and P24 by Wolfgang Puck is curry broth. Enjoy the chocolate bitters. 544 S. Grand Ave., EASTER LUNCH • SUNDAY, MARCH 27 offering a special Easter and salted caramel bar with feuil- (213)891-0900; 1401 Ocean Ave., brunch buffet for families with W letine crust and chantilly cream. (310)394-5669. Noon - 3 pm pork belly eggs Benedict with 1910 Ocean Way, (310)581-5533. sriracha hollandaise sauce; Belgian Scenic Ride through Heritage Valley, waffles with fresh market berries Easter Bunny will visit with Treats for all! and maple whipped cream; and Spring is in the air house smoked salmon with chives, Kendall’s Brasserie onion and crème fraiche. Special cooking class stations with Far East-inspired and Bar he Westin Bonaventure’s dishes include dim sum, roasted endall’s Brasserie and Bar, “Cooking on the Edge with MURDER MYSTERY DINNER TRAIN! Peking duckling and a breakfast located steps away from the TAndreas Nieto” series is offering a MARCH 26! pastry spread with Parker house KLos Angeles Music Center, is cele- cooking class on Saturday, April 2. rolls with sesame and nori and brating Easter with a three-course Nieto, executive chef Joseph Mills sesame scallion steamed baos. prix fixe menu featuring classic and and executive sous chef Raymond WEEKEND SCENIC EXCURSIONS Desserts include macaroons, mini contemporary French favorites Nicasio will present a class in cupcakes and fresh baked cookies. from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. which students prepare a three- Saturdays to Santa Paula & Loose Caboose Brunch is $75 per person. 900 W Executive chef Jean Pierre Bosc course menu with rocket arugula Sunday, April 10 through Hertiage Valley Olympic Blvd. (213)743-8824. will prepare some of his favorite salad, cinnamon crusted New dishes from France’s Rhone Valley, Zealand spring lamb with carrot to Piru & Bennetts Honey Farm including soupe à l’onion gratinée and ricotta ravioli, brown butter, Railfest Coming April 30 & May 1! Mr. C Beverly Hills with gruyère cheese and croutons; morels and petite watercress. Finish grilled chicken paillard with wild with warm apricot and almond tarts elebrate Easter at the Italian- mushrooms, potato purée and with ginger ice cream and spring Visit www.fwry.com for tickets & information inspired Mr. C Beverly Hills sautéed spinach; and omelette flower pedals. Courses will be Chotel with a festive Venetian-style Basquaise with tomato confit, paired with wine. The class starts at buffet brunch available poolside piquillo pepper, onion, chorizo, 1 p.m.; seating is limited to 30 stu- and at The Restaurant at Mr. C. petit Basque cheese and roasted fin- dents. Participants must be 21 or Guests can listen to music by the gerling potatoes. The cost is $44 for older. The cost is $65 per person. Mudbug Brass Band, and children adults; $19 for children 10 and 404 S. Figueroa St. RSVP to can participate in a mini Easter egg under. Guests can also enjoy spe- Claudia.Lambaren@westin- 14 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press

An unknown suspect robbed a vic- vehicle parked in the 4700 block of committed a petty theft in the 8300 tim near the corner of Leland and Clinton at 7:30 p.m. block of Santa Monica. McCadden at 9 p.m. At 7:30 p.m., an unknown suspect A theft was reported in the 8700 P OLICE B LOTTER At 10:30 p.m., an unknown sus- committed a theft in the 1100 block block of Santa Monica at 11 a.m. pect burglarized a vehicle parked of N. La Brea. in the 1400 block of N. Vista. At 5 p.m., an unknown suspect The following crimes occurred in West Hollywood and the areas patrolled An unknown suspect committed a burglarized a vehicle parked in the An unknown suspect stole a vehi- petty theft in the 6300 block of W. 900 block of N. Orange Grove. by the LAPD’s Wilshire and Hollywood divisions between March 14 and cle parked in the 8500 block of Third at 8 p.m. March 20, and were compiled from www.crimemapping.com. To report a Burton Way at 10:30 p.m. An unknown suspect committed a crime, call local law enforcement agencies: Los Angeles Police Department, At 8 p.m., an unknown suspect petty theft in the 1400 block of N. Wilshire Division (213)473-0489 and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s At 11 p.m., an unknown suspect committed a grand theft in the Ivar at 7:15 p.m. Department West Hollywood Station (310)855-8850. burglarized a vehicle parked in the 1000 block of N. La Brea. 600 block of S. Detroit. At 8 p.m., an unknown suspect An unknown suspect assaulted a committed a grand theft in the March 14 An unknown suspect assaulted a March 17 victim in the 1300 block of N. Las 7400 block of Santa Monica. victim in the in the 7300 block of Palmas at 10:20 p.m. At 12:01 a.m., an unknown sus- Melrose at 10:20 a.m. At 8:45 a.m., an unknown suspect An unknown suspect burglarized a pect burglarized a vehicle parked committed a petty theft in the 400 March 18 vehicle parked in the 800 block of in the 1800 block of Hillcrest. At 4:50 p.m., an unknown suspect block of S. Norton. Crenshaw at 8:50 p.m. assaulted a victim in the 1200 At 12:09 a.m., an unknown sus- An unknown suspect committed a block of Dunsmuir. An attempted burglary was report- pect assaulted a victim near the March 19 petty theft in the 900 block of S. La ed in the 1500 block of N. corner of Melrose and Robertson. An unknown suspect committed a Brea at 2:15 a.m. Poinsettia Place at 10:20 a.m. At 1:15 a.m., an unknown suspect petty theft in the 8300 block of An unknown suspect burglarized a committed a petty theft in the 1600 Melrose at 5 p.m. At 4:50 a.m., an unknown suspect At 10:50 a.m., an unknown sus- vehicle parked in the 1000 block of block of N. Las Palmas. committed a burglary near the cor- pect assaulted a victim near the Hayworth at 1 a.m. At 5 p.m., an unknown suspect ner of Edinburgh and Melrose. corner of Fairfax and Olympic. An unknown suspect burglarized a burglarized a vehicle parked in the At 1:40 p.m., an unknown suspect 1300 block of N. Detroit. vehicle parked near the corner of An unknown suspect committed a An unknown suspect burglarized a robbed a victim in the 5500 block Lanewood and Orange at 4 a.m. theft in the 300 block of Saint vehicle parked in the 1200 block of of Wilshire. Andrews at 5 a.m. An attempted auto burglary was Longwood at 11 a.m. reported in the 400 block of S. At 10:30 a.m., an unknown sus- An unknown suspect committed a pect burglarized a vehicle parked At 5:10 a.m., an unknown suspect Detroit at 5 p.m. At 4:10 p.m., an unknown suspect petty theft in the 6700 block of in the 1000 block of Cole. committed a petty theft in the 7600 assaulted a victim in the 5800 Fountain at 1:45 a.m. block of Santa Monica. At 5:30 p.m., an unknown suspect block of Camerford. A suspect assaulted a victim dur- burglarized a vehicle parked in the At 1:50 a.m., a suspect assaulted ing a domestic violence incident in An unknown suspect committed a 900 block of N. Sierra Bonita. An unknown suspect burglarized a a victim during a domestic vio- the 8200 block of De Longpre at 8 petty theft near the corner of vehicle parked in the 300 block of lence incident in the 1700 block of p.m. Fountain and La Brea at 6 a.m. An unknown suspect burglarized a Hauser at 5:30 p.m. N. Orange. vehicle parked in the 1700 block of At 9:45 a.m., an unknown suspect Wilcox at 7 p.m. At 6 p.m., an unknown suspect An unknown suspect robbed a vic- March 20 assaulted a victim in the 6300 burglarized a vehicle parked near tim near the corner of Selma and block of Hollywood. At 7:30 p.m., an unknown suspect the corner of Beverly and Gardner. Schrader at 2 a.m. At 4 p.m., an unknown suspect burglarized a vehicle parked in the burglarized a vehicle parked near An unknown suspect robbed a vic- 8700 block of Sunset. An unknown suspect burglarized a At 9:45 a.m., an unknown suspect the corner of Melrose and La Brea. tim in the 1200 block of Vine at noon. An unknown suspect burglarized a vehicle parked in the 300 block of At 1 p.m., a theft was reported in Harper at 8 p.m. the 6000 block of Olympic. At 8:30 p.m., an unknown suspect Suspects charged in drug manufacturing scheme An unknown suspect burglarized a committed a petty theft in the 7000 Special agents with the federal approved for any use in the United Xanax, hydrocodone pills and ecsta- vehicle parked in the 8700 block of block of Hollywood. Drug Enforcement Administration States. sy from an unidentified man who Gracie Allen at 1:07 p.m. have arrested four men on federal The suspects were identified as had just purchased the drugs from An unknown suspect committed a narcotics and money laundering Gary Resnik, 31; Joseph Stanley, 30; members of the trafficking organiza- At 1:50 p.m., an unknown suspect petty theft in the 8700 block of charges in connection with an oper- Christopher Bowen, 30; and Dylan tion formed by the four defendants. Santa Monica at 8:40 p.m. committed a petty theft in the 7100 ation in which they allegedly Simpson, 25. The criminal com- “Fentanyl and its analogues pose block of W. Sunset. At 8:45 p.m., an unknown suspect imported a powerful synthetic opi- plaint charges the defendants with a serious public health risk. Even An unknown suspect committed a robbed a victim in the 8000 block ate from China and produced their conspiracy to distribute narcotics, small doses absorbed through the petty theft in the 100 block of N. La of W. Third. own pills that were distributed in possession of fentanyl and metham- skin or accidently inhaled can be Cienega at 2:15 p.m. bulk. phetamine with the intent to distrib- fatal,” said DEA acting special agent An unknown suspect committed a In addition to the arrests on ute, conspiracy to launder money in charge David Downing. “The At 6 p.m., an unknown suspect petty theft in the 6500 block of W. March 16, DEA agents uncovered a and money laundering. DEA will continue to aggressively committed a petty theft in the 100 Sunset at 11:20 p.m. working laboratory where they “So-called ‘designer drugs’ may target individuals and organizations block of S. Sycamore. found numerous pill presses and seem to have a similar effect as tra- involved in the illicit manufacture March 16 large amounts of colored powders ditional narcotics, but these back- and distribution of these toxic sub- An unknown suspect burglarized a that will be tested to determine their alley laboratory concoctions are stances.” vehicle parked in the 6600 block of At 6:30 a.m., an unknown suspect chemical composition. very dangerous,” said United States Authorities also served a search Yucca at 7 p.m. stole a vehicle parked in the 100 block of Doheny Drive. A criminal complaint unsealed in Attorney Eileen M. Decker. “They warrant last June at an undisclosed At 7:15 p.m., an attempted rob- federal court charges the four defen- have caused many deaths in the location connected to the ring and bery was reported in the 8300 An unknown suspect robbed a vic- dants with participating in a ring United States and this abuse led the seized pill presses and 13 kilograms block of W. Third. tim in the 700 block of N. La that imported acetyl-fentanyl, DEA to put it on a list of the most of acetyl-fentanyl. Cienega at 4 a.m. which is similar to the powerful dangerous and easily abused drugs The defendants are scheduled to An unknown suspect committed a painkiller fentanyl. Acetyl-fentanyl in our country.” be arraigned on April 4. Each defen- petty theft in the 6500 block of At 8:30 a.m., an unknown suspect – which is sometimes called “fake As part of the investigation, dant faces a statutory maximum sen- Hollywood at 7:30 p.m. committed a burglary in the 600 heroin” even though it is signifi- authorities in January seized acetyl- tence of life in federal prison if con- block of Cherokee. cantly more potent – is not fentanyl pills, methamphetamine, victed. At 8 p.m., an unknown suspect committed a theft in the 6700 An unknown suspect burglarized a block of Hollywood. vehicle parked in the 100 block of S. Clark at 9 a.m. An unknown suspect stole a bicy- cle in the 600 block of S. Oxford at A suspect assaulted a victim dur- Bank fraud suspect convicted of stealing information 8:20 p.m. ing a domestic violence incident in The lead defendant in a bank Fernando M. Olguin, who is sched- currently unidentified “runners” the 600 block of Orlando at 11:50 fraud case who oversaw a scheme in uled to sentence the defendant on used fake IDs to impersonate bank a.m. which Wells Fargo Bank employees July 15. He faces a statutory maxi- customers and made substantial March 15 stole customer account data used to mum sentence of 32 years in federal cash withdrawals from the cus- At 2:05 a.m., an unknown suspect At 3:45 p.m., an unknown suspect impersonate customers and steal prison. tomers’ accounts. In some cases, the assaulted a victim in the 6200 burglarized a vehicle parked in the money from their accounts pleaded Reed admitted that he worked runners also used the customer’s block of Hollywood. 5100 block of Olympic. guilty recently to federal fraud with former Wells Fargo employees accounts to deposit worthless charges. and the three unknown individuals checks and receive cash back. The An unknown suspect robbed a vic- An unknown suspect committed a Ronald Charles Reed, 69, pleaded in a scheme that caused Wells Fargo fraudulent transactions were made tim in the 1300 block of Vine at petty theft in the 5500 block of W. Sunset at 7 p.m. guilty to felony counts of bank fraud lose hundreds of thousands of dol- at Wells Fargo branches throughout 6:10 a.m. and aggravated identity theft. Reed lars. In his plea agreement, Reed Southern California, Minnesota and At 9 a.m., an unknown suspect At 7:15 p.m., an unknown suspect was among eight defendants who agreed to pay nearly $600,000 in Nevada. committed a grand theft in the robbed a victim in the 7600 block were charged in two indictments restitution. Reed also admitted that in 2014, 8100 block of Beverly. of W. Sunset. returned by a federal grand jury last Reed recruited four Wells Fargo he purchased personal information year. Three of the defendants employees in 2013 and 2014, asked for accounts at U.S. Bank. The An unknown suspect burglarized a An unknown suspect burglarized a charged in the case have not yet them to access the bank’s computer information was for an undercover vehicle parked in the 800 block of vehicle parked in the 400 block of been identified. Authorities are seek- records and then purchased personal account and was supplied by a con- N. Highland at 9:30 a.m. N. Van Ness at 9 p.m. ing the public’s help in identifying identifying information belonging to fidential informant who was work- and apprehending the wanted indi- bank customers, including dates of ing with law enforcement. Three At 9:30 a.m., an unknown suspect At 9 p.m., an unknown suspect committed a petty theft in the 8500 viduals. birth, account numbers, driver’s former Wells Fargo employees committed a burglary in the 900 Reed pleaded guilty before license numbers and social security involved in the scheme also previ- block of S. Victoria. block of Holloway. United States District Judge numbers. With the information, the ously pleaded guilty and are await- Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 15 March 24, 2016

L.A. LGBT Center promises a ‘Simply diVine’ evening Tickets are available for the Los Feniger, of Border Grill and Mud Creamery, Petrossian, Plant Food + Author dishes up menus Angeles LGBT Center’s 11th annu- Hen Tavern; Mary Sue Milliken, of Wine, POT, RAO’S, Sotto, al “Simply diVine” event – a pre- Border Grill; Kajsa Alger, of Mud Sycamore Kitchen, Tavern, Terrine, mier food and wine event for the Hen Tavern; Nyesha Arrington, of Tortilla Republic, Taste on Melrose, from L.A.’s Art Deco era LGBT community and their allies – Leona; and Steve Samson, of Sotto. Umami Burger, The Village Idiot The Library Foundation of Los Angeles and the Art Deco Society of on Saturday, April 9 from 5 to 9 Regular ticket holders will enjoy and Viviane. Wineries, craft beers, Los Angeles present Josh Kun discussing and signing his book “To Live p.m. food prepared by chefs Suzanne spirits, specialty coffees and juicers and Dine in L.A.: Menus and the Making of the Modern City” on At the event, on McCadden Place Tracht, of Jar, and Brooke include Angel City Brewery, Saturday, March 26 at 2 p.m. at American Cinematheque. in front of the Center’s Village at Williamson, of Hudson House, The Barefoot Wine & Bubbly, Chopin Kun’s illustrated presentation focuses on Los Angeles Art Deco era Ed Gould Plaza, guests will sample Tripel and Playa Provisions. Vodka, Firestone Walker Brewing restaurant menus from the Los Angeles Public Library’s collection. Kun food and beverages from many of “For more than a decade, Simply Company, J. Lohr, JFC – a professor at the USC L.A.’s most popular restaurants, diVine combines two of my passion International, Inc., Ludlows Annenberg School for food trucks, wineries, distilleries, – food and charity,” Feniger said. co*cktail Co., MB Middlebar, Communication and breweries, juicers and coffee roast- “There is nothing more gratifying Mosaic Wine Alliance, Perrier, Journalism – will discuss the ers. Proceeds support the Center’s to me than knowing our guests Pochteca, Sapporo, SelvaRey Rum, history of food and restaurants programs and services which pro- arrive at the event to enjoy mouth- Stella Rosa, Vigneron Imports, and in Los Angeles, with a partic- vide more than 100,000 free meals watering food, delectable drinks Vita Coco. ular focus on women and the to LGBT homeless youth and low- and great company – and they all The Denise Fraser Trio will pro- Art Deco era. income seniors each year. leave fully satisfied knowing they vide entertainment, as well as DJ The discussion will be fol- For people looking for a more supported a wonderful cause.” Asha and members of the Eye of lowed by a screening of intimate experience, the Center is Participating restaurants include Newt Circus. Tickets start at $125. “Mildred Pierce” (1945), star- offering Club VIP tickets providing Ayara Thai, The Black Cat, Border The Village at Ed Gould Plaza is ring Joan Crawford as James access to The Village courtyard. Grill, Choctál, Connie and Ted’s, located at 1125 N. McCadden M. Cain’s ultimate maternal VIP ticket holders will enjoy tast- Craft, Gracias Madre, Hudson Place. For information and tickets, martyr. ings of rare wines and savory bites House, Jar, Madcapra, Mud Hen visit simplydivinela.org. General admission is $11; prepared by celebrity chefs Susan Tavern, Neveux Artisean $7 for American Cinematheque members. American Cinematheque is located at 6712 Hollywood Blvd. For information, call EasterThe Los Angeles bunny Zoo will cele- hostsThe celebrations ‘Spring will also includeFling’General at admissionL.A. toZoo the zoo is (323)466-3456, or visit .www.americancinemathequecalendar.com brate the Easter season and host the “Big Bunny’s EGG-cellent $20, $17 for seniors and $15 for The Big Bunny’s Spring Fling on Adventure” search with clues and a children 12 years and younger. No Friday, Saturday and Sunday from special treat provided by 99 Cents ticket is required for children under 10 am to 4 pm. Only Stores at each stop. Finally, 2. Members are free. The schedule is filled with activi- there will be an “EGG-ucation The Los Angeles Zoo is located in ties for children that includes oppor- Station” with scent containers to Griffith Park. 5333 Zoo Dr. Free tunities to hang out with a the Easter give guests a chance to see what it’s parking is avail- bunny’s friend bunnies and take pho- like to have a bunny’s sense of able. For tick- tos with the Big Bunny. There will smell, how to use your hands like a ets and infor- also be opportunities to see other ani- bunny’s paws and how to identify a mation, call mals as children uncover Easter- bunny’s emotions by the movement (323)644- themed paper mache eggs and bas- of its ears. 6001. kets filled with treats, face painting All events except for photos are supplies, bunny ear crafts, Easter egg free with paid Zoo admission. coloring, musical entertainment by The schedule is subject to weather Kiddle Karoo’s Easter Show, cos- and other changes. It is available at tumed bunny and fairy characters the Zoo entrance at 5333 Zoo Drive, and a strolling stilt walker. and online at LAZoo.org.

CentenarianBelmont Village Westwood couple celebrated celebrates milestone birthdays birthdays on March 15 for residents Susan Lindenbaum, who turned 100, and Ellis Gusky, who turned 101. Lindenbaum and Gusky are Pittsburgh natives who attended the same school but never met until they went on a blind date decades later. They have been dating for 11 years. Gusky, a retired musician, was 90 when he met twice-widowed Lindenbaum, who was 89. “I’ve always liked his enthusiasm for life,” Lindenbaum said. “It’s good to find a person of the opposite sex, and we have stayed best friends.” Celebrated as the oldest active couple at Belmont Village Westwood on Valentine’s Day, the couple dines together every night. Lindenbaum still plays bridge four to five times a week with the ladies while Gusky photo courtesy Julie Walke prefers playing computer chess. “One should have a great enthusiasm for love, is important to me.” life,” Lindenbaum added. “I am an old lady, but I am Belmont Village offers assisted living facilities in not a lonely old lady. That, I think, is the key. Hollywood, Westwood, Encino Burbank and Palos Continuing to remain interested in other people, espe- Verdes. cially keeping up with family and friends and those I For information, visit www.belmontvillage.com. 16 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press

KCCLAThe Korean Cultural explores Center, Los cultural identity through art Angeles (KCCLA) presents “Cultural Identity,” an exhibit run- ning Friday, March 25 through April 7. The group show includes works by artists Theresa Hwang, Hollywood Palladium to go Mark Hyun, Young Shin Kim, MeeJung Lee, La Somine and Janet Yoo. through major changes “As an immigrant, it is difficult to continue being an artist. Therefore the works of these artists have been chosen to share their per- ception of the United States and France through Korean eyes and their continuous yearning to share their art with everyone,” said Nak Jung Kim, director of KCCLA. The exhibition is open to the public and an opening reception will be held on Friday, March 25 at 7 p.m. in KCLA’s second floor art gallery. KCCLA is located at 5505 photo courtesy of KCCLA Wilshire Blvd. For information, Janet Yoo’s “Bow” will be on display in the new exhibit at the Korean call (323)936-7141, or visit Cultural Center, Los Angeles.

Municipal Gallery, located at 455 N. Rexford Dr. on the 2nd Floor. Forinformation, visit www.beverly- BeverlyThe city of Beverly Hills Hills honors will Shakespearian Shakespeare scholars and hills.org. recognize the 400th anniversary of actors will accept a proclamation William Shakespeare’s death and declaring Shakespeare 400 Day in the start of the 10th annual Beverly Hills. BritWeek in Southern California at The press conference will start at a press conference today. 3 p.m. at the Beverly Hills

Crossword Puzzle by Myles Mellor

In the April 12, 2007 issue of the Park Labrea News and Beverly Press, an article described extensive renovations that were planned at the Hollywood Palladium. Live Nation, which manages and oper- ates the venue, partnered with the city to improve the Palladium, which opened in 1940. New changes may be coming to the proper- ty after the Los Angeles City Council approved a project Tuesday that will bring two residential towers to the parking lots surrounding the concert venue. For information, see page 1.

Autism Speaks hosts its largest national walk in Los Angeles On April 2, also known as World Autism Awareness Day, Autism “This walk will Speaks will host its largest walk, help fund vital Across 3. Organic radical Autism Speaks Walk Los Angeles 1. Show horse 4. Innkeeper 2016 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. services and 5. Deadly poison 5. Happen to Over 55,000 families are expect- innovative ideas 9. Word with hot or home 6. Sharp spur ed to walk and raise funds to sup- that improve the 14. Jerk 7. Like a yenta port research, programs and ser- 15. Lover boy? 8. Telesthesia vices to change the future of those quality of life for 16. Bioweapon 9. Determined in advance impacted by autism. 17. Convention addresses 10. Chinese tree people in our 20. Brininess 11. Must or pan follower “While thousands of buildings, community.” 21. One who puts you in your place 12. Level skyscrapers, schools and businesses 22. Lose color 13. Banner has two will ‘Light It Up Blue’ around the -Suzette Martinez, 23. Shade provider 18. Wild ass globe, over 55,000 people here in executive director of Southern 24. Bad-smelling flower? 19. Moon of Jupiter Los Angeles County will come California Autism Speaks 27. Objections 23. Marches together to support one another and 31. Bounty 24. Turn back all who struggle with autism spec- 32. Slight sound 25. “It’s a Wonderful Life” role trum disorder,” said Suzette Autism Speaks. Last year’s walk 33. Revelation response 26. Merry ___ Martinez, executive director of raised over $1.89M. 34. Protected, in a way 27. Ice cream flavor Southern California Autism In addition to the walk, the city 38. Orinoco, e.g. 28. Female principle, in Hinduism 39. “___, Babylon” (Frank novel) Speaks. “This walk will help fund of Los Angeles will participate in 29. “Over ___” (Cohan tune) vital services and innovative ideas 40. Gonzo 30. One who speaks Autism Speaks’ Light It Up Blue 41. Post-Renaissance language 32. Salk’s conquest that improve the quality of life for campaign by lighting iconic city 44. Unit of measurement 35. In recent times people in our community.” landmarks including the Capitol 45. Marine fish family, for short 36. Intellectual The event will start at 8 a.m. and Records Building. 46. Drilling grp. 37. Topper for lazy pupil will feature a 5K race and 1.5-mile Registration and the resource fair 47. Spiraling form 42. Knockout rolling start walk, kid-friendly will open at 8 a.m., the walk will 49. Pays 43. Check activities, live performances and a kick off at 9 a.m. and the closing 53. Hard work, maybe 44. Sinkers resource fair with over 125 commu- ceremony will be at noon. For 55. Million followers 46. Bow application nity vendors. information or to register, visit 56. Kind of skirt 47. Spiny shrub The Autism Speaks Walk is tak- autismspeakswalk.org/losangeles. 57. Seasons 48. On earth ing place in nearly 60 communities Pre-registration is strongly encour- 58. Still 49. John Paul II, e.g. 59. Parker and Waterman across the United States and in aged. Walkers who raise a mini- 50. Kind of lily Canada. 60. Left at sea? 51. Tech support caller mum of $150 will receive a com- 52. Snoop Dogg CD Since its inception in 2005, the memorative Autism Speaks T-shirt. Down 53. ___ chi ch’uan walk has raised over $266 million For more information, visit 1. ___ for trouble 54. Common meas. dollars to advance the mission of autismspeaks.org/liub. 2. Hera’s mother See Answers page 22 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 17 March 24, 2016

NoThe problemneed with to the stay entire isolates‘Allegiant’ kids, vilifies adults to and‘Divergent’ series “Divergent” series is simple: every forces under-developed minds to supporting character is more inter- change the world. Apparently esting than Tris (Shailene Woodley) nobody over 30 has a clue how to do and Four (Theo James). But that anything right. seems to be an ongoing problem This is all fine if the film does it across most young adult fiction, well. Disney cartoons bathe in the control of the city in the wake of the starting with “Twilight.” blood of protagonists’ parents so we old regime, is an Oscar winner, so After characters fall in love, every can enjoy a coming-of-age story. why she’s here is vexing. And Jeff bit of tension and drama changes. But the third “Divergent” film is Daniels, as David, the leader of a Sexually charged moments mutate amateurish, so any forgiveness research facility who knows every- into tedious brooding. Once Tris and offered to other equally narcissistic thing that has happened, just got his photo by Murray Close, courtesy of Lionsgate Entertainment Four ran for their lives together and films that bloat the importance of career back on track with HBO’s Christina (Zöe Kravitz), Tris (Shailene Woodley), Four (Theo James), that was handled poorly enough – teens and 20-somethings is denied “The Newsroom.” Yet here he is Caleb (Ansel Elgort), Tori (Maggie Q) and Peter (Miles Teller) star in now they must determine if hope here. And based on the opening phoning in his friend-or-foe charac- “Allegiant,” the latest film the “Divergent series. exists outside Chicago. weekend’s performance, we all pre- ter. Actors all gotta eat right? It should be a story of discovery, fer re-watching “Zootopia” over What about Tris’ estranged broth- but everything, down to the argu- diving back into mediocrity. er Caleb (Ansel Elgort, who recent- get it; he’s annoying and should not company doing that. ments between our tattooed diver- If you’re bored on a Saturday ly played Woodley’s love interest in be trusted. Haven’t seen that one It’s not uncommon for a film gent lovers, is so formulaic. Not a afternoon this is a fine film to watch. “The Fault in Our Stars” … let that before. series to ruin once promising mater- good sign for a film that should be What’s TBS for otherwise? But sink in), who bought into the old It’s easy to see that some new ial, but it’s starting to feel like shrouded in mystery. After all, there are so many better choices out faction system before it all fell characters, like Matthew (Bill Veronica Roth’s “Divergent” book Chicago has been freed from a cor- there. A shame too considering what apart? Will Tris ever trust him again Skarsgård) and Nita (Nadia Hilker) series might be as forgettable as rupt five-class system, and now those Summit Entertainment folks after his monumental betrayal? from the facility where Tris and her these films. From clichéd deaths to everyone should be able to find new can do with a budget half the size of Does it matter as long as Four and Scooby gang end up, likely had big- the predictable learn-how-to-fly-a- hope beyond the wall. a summer blockbuster. Tris stay together? ger roles in print. That’s especially craft-in-the-midst-of-the-escape Let’s ignore all that though and Everyone seems to be better than And then there’s Miles Teller, as true for Uriah (Keiynan Lonsdale, scene, “Allegiant” would be laugh- get back to the brooding. Isn’t that this. Zoë Kravitz, as Christina, a sol- Peter, the sometimes good, mostly Wally West from The CW’s “The able it weren’t trying so hard. But what high school is about, according dier who travels past Chicago’s wall bad guy. He is easily one of the best Flash”) who receives a film credit hey, brooding faces don’t want you to oh-so-many teen dramas? Friends alongside Tris and others to see actors here, but one-dimensional but never utters a line of dialogue. to look too hard. They just want you are bit players, disposable in the who’s out there, is a better lead than writing can’t save a character. We He just broods. It’s OK, he’s in good to be emo. presence of what parades as true Tris. Octavia Spencer, as Johanna, love. That’s all part of becoming who stays behind in Chicago to fight adults, but a film like “Allegiant” Evelyn’s (Naomi Watts) vicious

photo by Dan McFadden, courtesy of Lionsgate Entertainment Four (Theo James) and Tris (Shailene Woodley) are the central charac- ters in “Allegiant.”

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18 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press SUMMER SCHOOL & CAMPS

What’s Happening at Our Local Schools & Camps This Summer Registration • Dates • Activities Art and smart at the heart of Marlborough’s

Bysummer edwin folven school program

Parents have new options to keep their children busy and pro- ductive this summer at Marlborough School, which is offering numerous programs for kindergarten through 9th grade students. Marlborough, an all-girls school located in Hanco*ck Park, opens the campus each summer for co-ed programs. The summer school photo courtesy of spcaLA offerings follow the theme of “Art, Smart and Heart,” which addresses arts education, academics and healthy lifestyles, said Julie Napoleon, director of summer Have fun with animals at school for Marlborough. photo courtesy of Marlborough School and Cherie Foto “The art is our creative classes, Marlborough sets the “barre” for interesting summer school programs. the heart is the physical activities spcaLAThe Society for thesummer Prevention of campsFormer campers ages 14–17 who and the smart is intellectual and such as wood shop carpentry and ing how to draw blood and con- Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles have attended Friends for Life academic classes,” Napoleon said. rock climbing that challenges them necting an IV tube. (spcaLA) is holding its Friends for Camp in the past may apply to “It’s a nice introduction to the to perform in ways they might not Napoleon also said Marborough Life Summer Camp in week-long ses- become a camp counselor in train- school.” otherwise, Napoleon said. is expanding its Camp Mustang sions from June 20 through Sept. 2. ing (CIT). Summer school runs from June “We [want] the girls [to] develop program for kindergarteners and The camp for 8-13 year olds Registration for the camps begins 27 through July 29. The earliest pro- confidence and leadership skills,” 1st graders to include an afternoon teaches basic care and responsibili- April 4. The week-long camps are grams begin at 8:15 a.m., and after she added. “We want them to go session. The camp includes fun ty for pets, respect for animals and held Monday through Friday from school care runs until 5 p.m. outside their comfort zone by activities that help early learners the fundamentals of dog training. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The camps are held In addition to summer school, working with tools in a workshop develop strong minds and bodies. Children 8–10 will participate in at the P.D. Pitchford Companion Marlborough is holding its sum- setting. They will also do an art Activities include science and art animal-related games, activities and Animal Village and Education mer Leadership Workshop for girls project that encourages self-reflec- projects, chess, karate and a new crafts. They will also learn the Center in Long Beach. The cost is entering the 6th through 8th tion. As with all our girls, we want “cuddly animals” component in basics of animal handling. Older $350 for campers; $175 for CITs. A grades. Napoleon said the program to empower them to have confi- which students learn about differ- campers, ages 11–13, will also par- limited number of need-based was so popular last year that this dence in themselves and go on to ent creatures through interaction in ticipate in animal-related crafts and scholarships are available for quali- year there are two sessions, one become strong leaders.” the classroom. activities and observe dog training fying, first-time campers. from June 13-17 and another June A new summer program this Napoleon said students can demonstrations, learning about obe- For information, call (562)570- 20-24 to accommodate up to 40 year is Pathways to Medicine for enroll in numerous other summer dience and agility training with 4909, or email humaneeduca- students. Participants will develop 5th to 8th grade students. programs. Academic offerings shelter dogs. [emailprotected]. their public speaking skills and Participants will learn about include science, geology, marine perform community service. They careers in emergency medicine and biology, physics, mathematics, will also participate in activities nursing. Activities including learn- See Marlborough next page To place an ad in Summer School & Camps, call Karen at (323)933-5518 or email [emailprotected] SUMMER SCHOOL & CAMPS Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 19 March 24, 2016

TheThe Wallis Wallis Annenberg offersCenter for summer performingtheater arts classes training and workshops the Performing Arts (The Wallis) in throughout the year, including a Beverly Hills has forged a partner- master class with legendary artist ship with the Broadway Dreams Patti LuPone on March 31. Foundation to present “GENER- “We were thrilled to offer our AT10N: The 2016 Summer summer intensive at The Wallis in Intensive Tour” for aspiring musical 2015 and are excited to develop this theater artists running from June 19 ongoing partnership,” said Annette through 26. Tanner, executive director of the The annual weeklong summer Broadway Dreams Foundation. series at The Wallis invites future “GENERAT10N: The 2016 stars of the stage to embark on a rig- Theater. Summer Intensive Tour” features orous week of Broadway-caliber “We relish the opportunity to cel- week-long sessions of classes in act- training, learning from industry pro- ebrate the musical theater art form,” ing, dance and vocal performances photo courtesy of Loyola High School fessionals. The intensive culminates said Mark Slavkin, director of edu- taught by Broadway performers, in a public concert that brings cation at The Wallis. “This partner- directors and casting directors. The together students and their mentors ship with Broadway Dreams will classes are open to Los Angeles- on the stage of the Bram Goldsmith help cultivate the next generation of area students of all ages. More than City council honors Loyola’s musical theater talent. Our focus 100 summer intensive students have will be on outreach to underserved gone on to perform in productions 2015 cross country team communities, where talented youth such as “Book of Mormon,” “Bring The Los Angeles City Council recently honored Loyola’s 2015 Cross LACP funds new may not have had access to this It On: The Musical,” “Evita,” Country team, the only high school team in Los Angeles to capture a level of training.” “Memphis,” “Spring Awakening,” sixth CIF California State Cross Country Championship. youth programs The Wallis presents professional “The Addams Family” and more. Councilman Gil Cedillo, 1st District, presented a proclamation to the The Los Angeles Center of musical theater productions and has Registration and applications for team’s head coach Dr. Lalo Diaz. Photography (LACP) announced offered a course for teens to create scholarships are available. Entry “[Loyola] is an extraordinary high school, a pillar and anchor of our that its 2nd Annual Gala and Print original musicals, but has yet to into the Broadway Dreams community … a school that’s located in the first district but serves the Auction Fundraiser will be next offer performance training in musi- Foundation is by audition only. entire city,” Cedillo said. “It is an honor to talk about Loyola and the Tuesday in Santa Monica. The cal theater. In addition to the sum- Auditions will be held on Friday, young men it’s preparing for leadership, people who will lead our city evening will include music, food, mer intensive, The Wallis and the April 1 from 4 to 7 p.m. at The and will do it with reverence and respect.” co*cktails and the opportunity to Broadway Dreams Foundation plan Wallis. For information, visit Loyola High School is located at 1901 Venice Blvd. For information, purchase photography to support to collaborate on additional musical www.mybroadwaydreams.com. call (213)381-5121, or visit www.loyolahs.edu. LACP’s nonprofit work within the photography community. As part of its mission, LACP offers focused programming for youth and low-income families. This past year, Julia Dean, the exec- utive director of LACP, introduced new photography classes for stu- dents. “This past year has been great fun watching the kids interact with their community in Boyle Heights,” Dean said. “They have taken remarkable photographs of life along Cesar E. Chavez Ave. One of my students recently told me ‘these classes have taught me how to see the world differently,’ which makes me very happy.” Proceeds from the fundraiser will help grow the education initiatives with other Boys & Girls Clubs in Los Angeles. The gala will be from 7-10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29 at Arena 1 Gallery, located at 3026 Airport Ave. in Santa Monica. VIP admis- sion begins at 6 p.m. For tickets, visit lacphoto.org. For information, email [emailprotected] or call (323)464-0909. Marlborough

Fromsummer page 18 school English, foreign language, comput- ers and visual arts instruction. Arts programs feature instruction in drama, dance, music and theater. Students will be involved with full- scale theatrical productions of “Alice in Wonderland,” “Snow White” and “Annie,” doing every- thing from acting to behind-the- scenes technical work. Marlborough’s summer physical activities are popular and include basketball, volleyball, gymnastics and yoga. Students can enroll in multiple programs. The goal of all summer activities is that students enjoy themselves. “It’s fun in learning,” Napoleon added. “Many parents say their chil- dren wake up and they are so excit- ed because they are having so much fun learning.” Marlborough School is located at 250 S. Rossmore Ave. For information, call (323)964-8401, or visit www.marl- boroughsummerschool.org. SUMMER SCHOOL & CAMPS 20 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press

AZA grants accreditation to California Science Center The Association of Zoos & ough review to ensure it has and profit organization dedicated to the Aquariums (AZA) this week will continue to meet ever-rising advancement of zoos and aquari- announced that the California standards, which include animal ums in the areas of conservation, Science Center was granted accred- care, veterinary programs, conser- animal welfare, education, science itation by AZA’s independent vation, education and safety. AZA and recreation. AZA is the accredit- Accreditation Commission. requires zoos and aquariums to suc- ing body for the top zoos and aquar- “Only zoos and aquariums that cessfully complete this rigorous iums in the United States and seven meet the highest standards are accreditation process every five other countries. Visitors should look accredited by the Association of years in order to be members of the for the AZA accreditation logo Zoos and Aquariums,” said AZA association. whenever visiting a zoo or aquari- interim president and CEO Kris The accreditation process um as assurance that the facility is Vehrs. “As a proven leader in the requires a detailed application and a dedicated to providing excellent care and conservation of wildlife meticulous on-site inspection by a care for animals. For more informa- and education outreach, the team of trained zoo and aquarium tion, visit aza.org. California Science Center is ranked professionals. Finally, top officials The California Science Center is among the best zoos and aquariums are interviewed at a formal hearing located at 700 Exposition Park Dr. photo courtesy of Loyola High School in the world.” of AZA’s independent Accreditation For information, call (323)724- To be accredited, the California Commission. 3623 or visit californiasciencecen- Science Center underwent a thor- Founded in 1924, AZA is a non- ter.org. Loyola speech and debate coach

receivesLoyola High School national speech and honordebate coach Michael S. Overing, Esq., has been recognized as a Diamond Coach by the National Speech CampersThe Santa Monica explore Playhouse production, the world including script of writ-theatregram for experienced arts young actors. & Debate Association’s Honor Society. will offer its Spring Break Theatre ing, music, movement, improvisa- Playhouse youth programs are The recognition reflects the Loyola team’s outstanding participation at Camp Monday, March 28 through tion and performance. The camp based on a process created by actor, the national level. Overing mentors a team that competes at tournaments Friday, April 1. The class meets helps participants express them- director and educator Chris throughout the country. He will be recognized with an award on June 16 Monday through Friday from 9 selves. Campers work with profes- DeCarlo and Emmy-nominated for- at the 2016 National Speech & Debate Tournament in Salt Lake City, a.m. to 3 p.m. sional theatre artists to create and mer child star Evelyn Rudie. Their Utah. The camp offers activities for present a unique original mini- unique, hands-on method is struc- Loyola High School is the oldest continuously run educational institu- dramatic, artsy and energetic young musical with costumes, make-up, tured so each child can be success- tion in Southern California. The campus is located at 1901 Venice Blvd. people. Participants experience the lighting, sound, props and set ful. It ignites students’ passion for For information, call (213)381-5121, or visit www.loyolahs.edu. thrill of theatre arts as they create design. arts appreciation and self-expres- and perform a play in five days. The Spring Break Theatre Camp sion. Our People, Our Places The camp offers an adventure in is an opportunity for young people For information, call (310)394- SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY creative thinking in which children who are curious about the theatre 9779 ext. 3, or email education@san- participate in all aspects of stage arts experience, as well as a pro- tamonicaplayhouse.com. ISSUE PUBLISHING APRIL 21, 2016 Family-friendly activities held at city recreation centers Last chance to get Los Angeles City Councilman ing these events and providing this Yucca St., host activities in your message in this Mitch O’Farrell, 13th District, and city service year after year.” Hollywood For information call the city’s Department of Recreation Most of the events are free and (323)957-6339 or (323)467-6847. very special magazine! and Parks (RAP) have announced all are open to the public. Additional information is available Deadline is Monday, that numerous city-owned recre- “We are delighted to be offering a by visiting www.laparks.org. March 28 ation centers are offering family- variety of fun-filled spring activi- friendly spring activities. ties at recreation and community Each year, RAP hosts family- centers,” said Michael A. Shull, friendly activities, arts and crafts, general manager for the Los SUMMER SCHOOL & CAMPS games, face painting and more. Angeles Department of Recreation “These annual events are a great and Parks. “We encourage all com- opportunity for families in the 13th munity members to come out with District to meet their neighbors the entire family and enjoy spring while getting better acquainted with in the park.” What’s Happening at Our Local Schools & Camps This Summer Registration • Dates • Activities some of the city’s world-class parks The Hollywood Recreation facilities,” O’Farrell said. “I want to Center, 1122 Cole Ave., and the Publishing: Thursday, March 24 through April 28 thank the entire RAP staff for host- Yucca Community Center, 6671 Looking to boost your Summer School attendance? "3-1204314++3.)2*402-$120/3.4&)0%& Advertise in this speical section 3300 Wilshire Blvd. • (213) 389-3191 highlighting schools, camps, activites and more! !3).($4&)0-(3$4!30%&4 Reach the most affluent communities '4+4324/..204 420 /%24 in Los Angeles! #,,13-&/.4 ,*$4,++)./,. ,,(4#0/(3$4!30%&4 '4+4" 2./.4!)*1/ */.)3*43.(4!)*1/%)*1)03*420 /%24 ).0/-2420 /%2 '43+4,.41&2431/,4#,**,2( $4+2(/131/,.41/+24314 ''43+ "3-12040233-14-20 2(4314 '' 3+43141&2430*,04 "3-1204#2-1/ 3*43.(4!2--324 ' '43+4/.41&243.%1)30$4 0,+/-2-4#)**4,4"+1/.2--43.( "+1/.2--4#)**4,40,+/-2-4

" +***(+)%)&+ The Park Labrea News & Beverly Press have been publishing for 70 years '("%)+*&(#%"*+#+(* in the Miracle Mile, Hanco*ck Park, Hollywood and West Hollywood areas. " +*(( )*&+"("%' %*'( The newspapers are delivered every Thursday with the '("%)+ &)*("+*&(#% Los Angeles Times to 13,000 paid subscribers. '* + ##$+!!+*+ Call Michael or Karen at (323) 933-5518 to reserve space today or email #%& )+)'+*')& +!!+*+ [emailprotected] or [emailprotected] #%& )+)'+'$)& +!!+* #)'(+ $() $)' *$+*' $() $( %*$+#%& )+*'+ "$"%*()#'+!+* $$+"%)"&+ )$)' *$ www.immanuelpres.org Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 21 March 24, 2016

involved in the conversation as cam- puses across the country strive to Beverly Hills honors LAUSD turns up the heat serve healthful, great-tasting school Shakespeare food that their classmates would Students in LAUSD’s culinary healthy cooking competition enjoy eating. anniversary programs will go head-to-head at launched by Healthy Schools Teams of two or three culinary stu- L.A. Trade Technical College on Campaign. It challenges teams of dents from the district’s culinary arts Beverly Hills Mayor John Friday, Apr. 8 for a chance to partic- high school culinary students to cre- program followed a rigorous recipe Mirisch and Bob Peirce of ipate at the “Cooking up Change” ate menu items that are not only development process with a limited BritWeek will host a press con- national competition in Washington, healthy, but also meet nutrition list of ingredients to create dishes ference today recognizing the D.C. this June. Along with an all- guidelines and the budgetary con- that are low in calories, fat, sugar and 400th anniversary of William expense paid trip to our nation’s cap- straints (about $1 per meal) that sodium. The district’s nutrition ser- Shakespeare’s death and the ital, the winning team’s menu will be School Food Services programs vices dietitians carefully checked start of the 10th annual served at LAUSD schools. BritWeek in Southern across the country face. It’s a pro- each recipe to meet nutritional photo courtesy of LAUSD/Healthy Schools Cooking up Change is a national gram that allows students to be requirements. California. Shakespearian scholar Louis Fantasia and British actors and actresses Michael York, Neil fun watching the kids interact with tives with other Boys & Girls Dickson, Judy Geeson, Jane LACP funds new youth programs their community in Boyle Clubs in Los Angeles. Carr, Jimmy Akingbola, Joan Heights,” Dean said. “They have The gala will be from 7-10 p.m. Van Ark, Jack Lowe and Lexie The Los Angeles Center of photography community. taken remarkable photographs of Helgerstrom will accept a Photography (LACP) announced As part of its mission, LACP on Tuesday, March 29 at Arena 1 proclamation from Mirisch, life along Cesar E. Chavez Ave. Gallery, located at 3026 Airport that its 2nd Annual Gala and Print offers focused programming for One of my students recently told declaring Shakespeare 400 Ave. in Santa Monica. VIP admis- Auction Fundraiser will be next youth and low-income families. me ‘these classes have taught me Day in Beverly Hills. Tuesday in Santa Monica. The This past year, Julia Dean, the how to see the world sion begins at 6 p.m. The actors are members of evening will include music, food, executive director of LACP, intro- differently,’ which makes me very For tickets, visit lacphoto.org. the cast of Shakespeare’s co*cktails and the opportunity to duced new photography classes for happy.” For information, email “Murder, Lust & Madness,” to purchase photography and support students. Proceeds from the fundraiser [emailprotected] or call be performed at the Wallis LACP’s nonprofit work within the “This past year has been great will help grow the education initia- (323)464-0909. Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on April 23, the opening night of BritWeek10. “So much of life’s wisdom is Underground Museum, MOCA present ‘Non-fiction’ found in Shakespeare,” Mirisch said. “We are forever The Underground Museum, in “I am so proud to shepherd enriched because he saw the collaboration with The Los Angeles Noah’s vision,” said Underground world as ‘this great stage of Museum of Contemporary Art, will Museum co-founder Karon Davis. fools’ with all its humor, sad- present “Non-fiction” this May – “This show is from his well of ness and desire.” an exhibition conceived by the late exhibitions for the community. His “To paraphrase the Bard artist and Underground Museum spirit is still producing powerful himself ‘we come to praise co-founder Noah Davis, who died work and inspiring us all.” Shakespeare, not to bury last year. “Non-fiction,” one of several him!’” said Fantasia, who is “Non-fiction” features several exhibitions conceived of by Davis image by Henry Taylor directing the production at the Wallis. “Even though this is the pieces from MOCA’s permanent before his untimely passing last Henry Taylor’s “Warning Shots Not Required” will be featured in the 400th anniversary of collection, including works by August, pulls together works of art Underground Museum’s “Non-Fiction” exhibit, which focuses on law Shakespeare’s death, we are Kara Walker, Henry Taylor and that investigate, either explicitly or enforcement’s use of force, specifically involving African-Americans. actually celebrating the life and Marion Palfi. Artists Theaster implicitly, the culture of violence works of the greatest play- Gates, Robert Gober, David perpetrated on black citizens. Since step away from the mass media’s that comes about through encoun- wright and poet in the English Hammons, Deana Lawson and the 2012 murder of Trayvon handling of these acts of brutality. ters with great art,” said MOCA language.” Kerry James Marshall have also Martin, an unarmed teenager in “‘Non-fiction’ came together in chief curator Helen Molesworth. The press conference will lent work for the exhibition. Florida, the news has been awash the spirit of emotional honesty. The exhibition will run through start at 3 p.m. at the Beverly “Non-fiction” will run for one with images and stories of the Davis combined his deep love of March 2017. Hills Municipal Gallery, locat- year and will be accompanied by deaths of young black men, women his artist peers’ work with his For information and to receive ed at 455 N. Rexford Dr. on the ongoing programs that will include and children at the hands of law strong sense of social justice. The news about programs that will 2nd Floor. Free parking is a summer film series, artist talks, enforcement. This exhibition is result promises to be a potent accompany the exhibition, visit available across the street in the meditation sessions and more. designed to allow people to take a example of the critical knowledge theunderground-museum.org. Civic Center Parking Structure, at 450 N. Rexford Dr.

students from Hollywood, Mid Meals (FRPM) program. The pro- going to become a suspect later City and Koreatown without them grams work to close the achieve- on.” ever leaving campus. The president ment gap by providing low-income Councilwoman Nury Martinez, ProgramsFrom after school page more 1 than day care and CEO of LA’s Best, Eric Gurna, students up to 115 additional days the only elected official in the city said the programs reduce of learning time. ASES programs of Los Angeles who is also a moth- awareness about the lack of fund- School Advocacy Alliance, state inequities, contribute to public safe- also help working parents who rely er and the city’s only council- ing for programs that are at risk of funding for after school programs ty and get kids ready for life on after school activities to keep woman, also said she supports shutting down, losing staff, or elim- has not increased since 2007. through academic support, free their children safe, so that they can increasing the funds for after school inating activities. If no action is Supporters pointed to the 19 per- nutritious meals and enrichment. work longer hours to support their programs. She told a story about taken by the Legislature this year, cent rise in the California “We all like to talk about college- families. how her daughter enrolled herself nearly 110,000 LAUSD students – Consumer Price Index (CPI) and 33 and career-ready, but at LA’s Best LAUSD board member George in the after school program after and 500,000 low-income youth in percent raise in the state minimum we’re trying to get kids ready for McKenna explained why the issue finding a way off the long waiting the state – would be affected. As wage in the same time, as more rea- the community too, and really is so critical. When children have list. She said the after school pro- early as next year, 50,000 students sons to raise funds. ready for life.” three basic environments – home, grams are in such high demand could lose access to the programs. “I strongly believe that state for- Gurna called on others to join in neighborhood and school – it’s because they are an extension of the As a result, supporters said, mula funding should take into con- “demanding” that Brown and the important not to limit the one where school day. California could see more dropouts, sideration the minimum wage and Legislature keep kids and working they will have the most supervision “It’s not babysitting and it’s not while their parents are busy at higher crime and at-risk students other cost drivers.” said families a priority and to “keep our day care,” she said. doors open.” work, he said. being left behind. Councilman Bob Blumenfield, 3rd Ryu explained how he personally “At LA’s BEST, we consider the “We need this. This is not an add- “Insufficient funding levels have District. benefitted from after school pro- current funding situation to be an on. This is an essential. It’s like hindered the ability of afterschool Blumenfield explained the the grams when he was growing up. existential threat,” Gurna said. food, it’s like water, it’s like air, it’s programs like L.A.’s Best to attract programs need the state’s help “I witnessed firsthand how and retain quality staff which has because they do not have the flexi- “Despite cuts and raising as much survival for our children,” he said. private funds as possible, we are Steven Zipperman, chief of the important these programs were for resulted in reduced staffing hours, bility to pass the cost to someone my mom and dad raising our fami- else, which is possible in other facing a deficit of more than $1 Los Angeles School Police reduced professional development, ly,” he said. the abandonment of specialized industries such as when restaurants million this school year, and with- Department, put the alternatives in “Hopefully Sacramento heard instruction and fewer spaces for raise prices when labor costs out a state increase three times that stark perspective. us,” Zipperman said. children,” Ryu said. “It’s absolutely increase. He also said with the amount next year. It’s simply “This is something that affects all critical that the state Legislature state’s budget surplus, it’s time to unsustainable.” of this,” he said. “We all know that Skyler Wonnacott, communica- vote to approve AB 2663 so our spend the money on children. ASES program providers include the crime in the city of Los Angeles tions director for Assemblyman Jim children can continue to live up to “I’m here as a council member in LA’s Best, After-School All-Stars is on the rise, we all know that we Cooper who authored AB 2663, their potential.” support of this resolution. I’m here with offices in Hollywood and the are short on law enforcement, and said they are confident because Supporters are asking for $1 as a parent with kids in LAUSD Miracle Mile, A World Fit For Kids all of us see the end result when we Governor Brown has made educa- more per day per student, or who knows how important after- near MacArthur Park, the YMCA, don’t invest in our kids. Because if tion a priority, but noted that he enough of an increase to offset the school programs are. And I’m here Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood, they’re not there after school with more frequently has been vetoing costs of recent minimum wage as a concerned Angeleno who sees and others around the county. the proper mentorship and leader- bills with fiscal impacts on the increases and provide ASES pro- this as a critical issue for our com- On average, ASES programs ship and socialization that we want state. The bill will be considered by grams with a “cost-of-living” munity,” Blumenfield said. operate at schools where more than to see happen then they will be out the education committee on April 6, adjustment. One of the affected organizations 80 percent of the students qualify in the streets. And they’re either and then will go to the appropria- According to the California After would be LA’s Best, which serves for the Free and Reduced Price going to be a victim or they’re tions committee. 22 March 24, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press Original Batman and Superman costumes

PalladiumFrom page 1 at TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman fans are invited to see Crescent Heights, are pleased with original Batman v. Superman costumes in a unique display today for the decision because it will provide the opening of “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” in more housing in Hollywood during Hollywood. the housing crisis. Fans can check out the costumes at 6 p.m. today at the TCL “Hollywood needs housing that regular people can afford,” Green Chinese Theatre IMAX lobby at 6925 Hollywood Blvd. said. “That’s what Palladium The film stars Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Residences is going to provide.” Superman. With director Zack Snyder filming several sequences He said any litigation against the with IMAX cameras, the battle will be even bigger in IMAX. project is frivolous and without In an effort to make “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” merit. He criticized AHF for available to as many fans as possible, the theater will be releasing spending money on litigation that the film in 2D and 3D formats and on various projection screens. it could spend on treatment and The film also stars Oscar nominees Amy Adams as Lois Lane, prevention of HIV. He said it’s an Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, abuse of power to use AHF as a Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Oscar winners Jeremy Irons as “personal piggy bank.” photo courtesy of the TCL Chinese Theatre Alfred, Holly Hunter as Senator Finc, and Gal Gadot as Wonder “[Weinstein is] opposing it Woman. because it will block 12 percent his view from his executive office on the 21st story of a luxury office and presented new challenges for building,” Green said. “Any litiga- Legislature declares Brain Injury Awareness Month members of the military and their tion by AHF and [attorney] Robert The California Senate last week Americans, including 250,000 in the United States. The leading families. Silverstein only leaves the taxpay- approved a resolution authored by California, sustain a traumatic brain causes are falls, motor vehicle acci- “Raising awareness about this ers on the hook.” dents, assaults, sporting-related issue will hopefully spur more AHF is also the leader in a larger Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) injury. They occur when there is on a unanimous bipartisan sudden trauma to the brain caused injuries and occupational injuries. research into treatment and bring citywide fight over appropriate more support for those individuals vote. The resolution designates by a violent blow to the head or Males are 1.5 times more likely city planning policies. AHF initiat- and the families who have a loved March of 2016 and each year after when an object pierces the skull than females to sustain a TBI. ed the Coalition to Preserve L.A., one suffering from traumatic brain which will start gathering signa- as Brain Injury Awareness and enters brain tissue. Symptoms Those between the ages of 0 to 4 injury,” Mendoza added. tures for an initiative on the March Treatment and Prevention Month. of a TBI can be mild, moderate, or and 15 to 19 are more likely to sus- The Federal Traumatic Brain 2017 ballot that would put a mora- It is part of an effort to promote severe, depending on the extent of tain a TBI as well. The annual Injury Reauthorization Act of 2014 torium on projects like the public awareness on the extent, the damage to the brain. direct and indirect medical costs of provided new authority for the Palladium Residences, which causes, consequences, treatment According to the Centers for TBI in the United States are an esti- require General Plan amendments. CDC to review brain injury man- and prevention of traumatic brain Disease Control (CDC) TBI is a mated $60 billion. Councilman Mitch O’Farrell, agement in children and to identify 13th District, and AHF also initiat- injury (TBI). contributing factor in roughly one- TBI has been the signature injury ongoing and potential opportunities ed the process to nominate the Each year, 1.7 million third of all injury-related deaths in of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for research. Palladium as a historic-cultural monument. The city will consider the two nominations as one effort caused the scientific community to to preserve the music venue on Bloom introduces landmark Orca protection bill raise serious concerns about orcas May 19. In response to last week’s ket-responsive leadership,” Bloom announcements today show that in captivity. However, after the announcement that SeaWorld will said. “Consistent with SeaWorld’s SeaWorld is listening and we are tragic death of a SeaWorld trainer “[Weinstein is] end its orca breeding program and announcement, I will also be re- changing. … We want every guest in Florida and another trainer at a opposing it phase out its orca theatrical shows introducing legislation that will who walks through our doors to be theme park in Spain highlighted in at all theme parks across the coun- permanently end orca captive inspired to take action to help pro- the documentary, “Blackfish,” the because it will try, Assemblyman Richard Bloom breeding anywhere in California as tect wild animals and wild places.” public has increasingly questioned block 12 (D-Santa Monica) joined called for in my original bill from After humans, killer whales are the moral justification for keeping percent his view SeaWorld San Diego Park two years ago.” thought to be the most socially and orcas in captivity. President, John Reilly, to announce Reilly said Bloom and SeaWorld ecologically complex species on from his executive In response, Bloom introduced that he has re-introduced the Orca share a common passion for, and the planet. Scientists studying legislation in 2014 to end captive Protection and Safety Act that will commitment to, marine mammals, killer whales in the wild have doc- office on the 21st breeding and performance-based story of a luxury adopt many of the company’s new ocean health and protection of the umented the close social bonds the commitments. natural environments. animals share. In fact orcas stay shows and prohibit the import or office building.” “I believe that we have resolved “We recognize that society’s with their mothers their entire export of orcas in a fundamental marine mammal attitudes about orcas in human care lives. Males live between 60-70 California. While the legislation - Aaron Green welfare issue. For these reasons, I are changing and Assembly mem- years and females between 80-90 underwent scientific review, sup- Palladium Residences can now applaud SeaWorld’s for- ber Bloom has been a vocal leader years. port for ending orca captivity spokesman ward-looking, humane and mar- in that regard,” Reilly said. “Our The orca’s size and intelligence grew.

“This is not a brave new jump very unique,” Duran said. “Raising not. Total compensation creates a forward, as much as we’d like to the wage was needed in other system in which employers can pat ourselves on the back and think places.” claim medical benefits, bonuses, Chamber:From wage page 1 Don’t rush raises that it is,” he said. “This is actually Duran echoed D’Amico that pensions, meals, sick days or other a return to something that was West Hollywood might need to take benefits that could be equated with wages. to qualify for the November 2016 considered the wage increases in there.” a step back. He explained smaller After the vote, Horvath said she ballot. 2014 and have had other meetings But West Hollywood’s city coun- municipalities may feel frustrated was embarrassed that the city President and CEO of the West on the topic since. cil members were not persuaded. by the federal government’s lack of “failed to act as leaders,” and hopes Hollywood Chamber of “People who work in this city, D’Amico and Councilman John action, as the country’s minimum they reconsider making a commit- Commerce, Genevieve Morrill, whether it’s restaurants or hotels, Duran explained that they did not wage is still $7.25, set in 2009. But ment to $15 an hour by 2020. said she is not opposed to raising they deserve a fair shake,” he said. want to make the decision based on he said West Hollywood should be “By doing less we’re basically the wage, but cautioned the city “I want to make sure when I go and what Los Angeles did because their very careful. saying the status quo is acceptable,” council to slow down and consider spend my money that the people economy and communities are very “Smaller cities are cautious that she said. businesses that compete with who are serving me directly or indi- different and will be affected differ- we could make a mistake and not City staff will reach out to the national chains that can afford a rectly are paid fair wages.” ently. be able to recover from it,” he said. business community to assess how higher cost of labor. She also Garcetti has been a vocal leader In 2014, West Hollywood busi- Part of what made the decision owners feel it would be best to explained that most West in the Raise the Wage campaign in nesses employed 26,161 workers. difficult was the complexity move forward. Hollywood businesses already pay Southern California. Food service workers make up 26 involved with tipped workers. West above minimum wage, and that 80 “In America, if you look at the percent of the city’s total employ- Hollywood businesses asked the percent of people who work in West presidential campaign right now ment, with retail and health care city to consider incorporating a Hollywood do not live in the city. there’s a real sense that, even services each making up about 15 “subminimum wage” or a total Answers From Page 16 “Supporters of Raise the Wage, though we are out of the recession, percent of total employment. By compensation provision into any with no iota of information of our too many people were left behind,” comparison, food service workers minimum wage law it adopts. A businesses, state that we want to he said. “If you talk to economists make up 9 percent of all employees subminimum wage is a two-tiered deny the workers of West who say yes, unemployment in in Los Angeles. wage system that permits an Hollywood a wage that allows cities like ours has been cut in half, Beyond other demographic dif- employer to pay less than the mini- them to adequately provide for their but there’s not enough spending on ferences, Duran explained that mum wage to tipped employees families,” Morrill said. “They give Main Street, especially on the lower everyone in West Hollywood on who regularly receive at least $30 no consideration that these West end of the spectrum.” average lives 500 feet from a busi- per month in tips. Currently, the Hollywood businesses are also just Garcetti explained that a raise ness. He said the city has very few federal subminimum wage is $2.13 trying to feed their families, trying isn’t as progressive or outlandish as fast food restaurants, and non-chain per hour and the maximum tip cred- to keep their doors open and their it sounds when the minimum wage restaurants in West Hollywood it that an employer can claim is employees employed.” rate in 1968 would have been close don’t see the employee turnover $5.12 per hour. Forty-three states Heilman explained that the city to $12 per hour today, and the econ- rates that they see in Los Angeles. and the District of Columbia allow isn’t rushing forward. The city first omy didn’t fall apart then. “We have a community that’s subminimum wage; California does Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 23 March 24, 2016

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L.A. to Sacramento: Invest More in After School Programs (2024)


What is the start after school program in Sacramento? ›

The Sacramento START Program offers an exciting array of academic, enrichment, physical activities, and nutrition and recreation opportunities for students. These experiences offer our students a wide range of possibilities that spark critical thinking, physical activity, food securities and environmental changes.

Does lausd have after school programs? ›

白 Beyond the Bell Branch: An administrative department of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), ensures that all students within the district have access to high quality, safe and supervised educational, enrichment and recreational programs that engage and inspire learning and achievement beyond the regular ...

How long have after school programs been around? ›

The roots of after school programs can be traced back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, when entrepreneurs recognized the need for extracurricular activities for children in urban areas. These early programs focused on physical fitness, basic literacy, and social skills development.

What is Sacramento school District called? ›

School District (SCUSD)

What is LA's best after school program? ›

LA's BEST engages children creatively, emotionally, intellectually and physically, empowering them to explore and discover the opportunities in their lives. We inspire and prepare children to create lives full of choices.

Is LA's best part of Beyond the Bell? ›

LAUSD's Beyond the Bell Branch established to oversee all before and afterschool programs, including LA's BEST.

What is LAUSD yearly salary? ›

Lausd Jobs by Salary
Job TitleRangeAverage
Middle School TeacherRange:$40k - $70k (Estimated *)Average:$53,390
Human Resources (HR) AssistantRange:$28k - $54k (Estimated *)Average:$37,650
Nutrition SpecialistRange:$46k - $95k (Estimated *)Average:$62,260
School CounselorRange:$47k - $91k (Estimated *)Average:$64,963
3 more rows
Feb 22, 2024

How can I graduate high school early in California? ›

The GED, or General Education Diploma, is another exam that can be used to exit high school early. The key difference here is that the GED actually tests not in two, but in four different subject areas. In addition to mathematics and English, the GED tests in social studies and in science.

What age does public school start in California? ›

When to Start School. Most children start kindergarten when they are 5. Children who turn 5 between September 1 and December 2 may be smaller and less mature than those who turn 5 earlier in the year. Starting school may be harder for the younger children.

What grades are Sacramento Country Day school? ›

As a Pre-K through 12th grade independent school in Sacramento, we understand that the continuity of an excellent education where your child is seen, known and heard is critical both to their success, and in shaping their flexibility and resilience in a changing modern world.

What age is preschool in Sacramento? ›

Our preschool programs offer options for 3-5 year old children. Child must be 3 years old by September 1st. Priority is given to 4 year old children.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.