IIN Alumni and Graduate Success Stories (2024)

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Learn more about how some of our successful alumni and graduates are using their Health Coach Training Program education.

IIN Alumni and Graduate Success Stories (4)

Former Investment Banker.
Wellness Consultant and Health Coach.
Champion for Women’s Empowerment.

Founder, Ishani Vellodi Wellness.

Ishani Reddy

London, UK

Enrolling in IIN marked a major (and unexpected) turning point in my life! I had spent years allowing myself to get so wound up in my career and day-to-day life that focusing on myself just wasn’t a priority. Though I achieved goal after goal, it somehow seemed as though I was just always trying to keep up...and my body was struggling to keep up with what I was putting it through.

That’s when my interest in wellness began, out of pure necessity, to try to break the cycle I was in. Yet, along with the exponential shifts in my health and perspective from the simple changes I was making came a true sense of empowerment unlike anything I had experienced before!There was no question in my mind that I not only had to learn more but had to find a way to help others find that same sense of empowerment; investing in IIN is what helped me make that dream a reality.

Now, years later, I’ve traded my career in finance for spending 100% of my time encouraging women to reframe the way they look at their health and prioritize their mental and physical well-being. I consult with clients across geographies to assist them in developing their own individualized brands of wellness by taking small, progressive steps to optimize their lifestyles and find their equilibrium.

I also work with women’s groups, speak in corporate settings, create healthy yet delicious recipes, write for several platforms (including my own!), and am always looking for new and interesting ways to convince more women that, no matter what your various existing roles and responsibilities, there’s always a way to make wellness accessible...and that it’s always worth making that investment!

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Chef & Sustainability Advocate.
Nine-Time Book Author.

Founder of The Scott Gooding Project.

Scott Gooding

Sydney, Australia

I’m a holistic nutrition and performance coach, sports nutritionist, Health Coach, author and chef. I've worked in the health and fitness industry since 2005 and created The Scott Gooding Project, a hub for health and well-being.Through IIN I was about to grasp the uniquely individual aspect of nutrition prescription.

I’ve been lucky to amass nine published books and work with clients all over the world via Zoom. I’m an advocate for food provenance—knowing where our food has come from is integral to understanding human health and the security of our global ecosystem. My 2019 book, The Sustainable Diet, helped us navigate our food systems and how to shop and cook consciously. I’m a father of 3 and live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

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Author + Entrepreneur.
Global Health Coach.
Author + Entrepreneur.

Founder of Mujer Holística.

Maria Jose Flaque

Costa Rica, Central America

Before becoming a Health Coach I felt like I was living without a purpose, I had a lot of anxiety and I was in automatic mode, just going through life without meaning. I desired a change, but had no idea how to begin. Then, in 2011, I found IIN and my life changed completely. I now live a life of purpose, with passion and surrounded by beautiful people. I would not be where I am had I not enrolled in IIN and pursued my career as a Health Coach.

I am the founder of one of the biggest Spanish speaking wellness platforms, Mujer Holística, where I inspire women to connect with their spirituality and to live a life of abundance. Every day, my work reaches millions of women around the world and my books are bestsellers in multiple countries. But the best part of my work is not the external success or recognition. It is the women I get to share my journey with each day, the amazing community that Mujer Holística holds space for. I feel so blessed to be able to impact the world in a positive way, doing the work that I love.

My career as a Health Coach also allows me to work online and travel the world as a nomad, working remotely from places like Bali, Portugal or Costa Rica, something that seemed impossible before IIN. I truly believe that you can create the reality that you live in. My journey as a Health Coach has given me endless blessings and has allowed me to live an amazing life. I share IIN with everyone I know because I believe this program can transform many lives, not only mine.

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Spiritual Guide.
Meditation Teacher.

Transformational Speaker..

Sah D'Simone

Venice, CA, U.S.

Sah D'Simone is a spiritual guide, meditation teacher, international transformational speaker, and best-selling author who has dedicated his life to helping others to live in alignment and achieve their highest potential.He is pioneering a Spiritually Sassy, heart-based healing movement rooted in science-backed, tried-and-true techniques, in which joy and authenticity illuminate the path to enlightenment.

Sah's infectious enthusiasm for healing is grounded in a masterful and revolutionary synthesis of ancient Tantric Buddhism, contemplative psychotherapy, meditation, breathwork, and integrative nutrition... all delivered in his own radiant, approachable, and playful style.

His first book, 5-minute Daily Meditations, is an international best-seller. His second best-selling book, Spiritually Sassy: 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers, is out now. Sah is a TEDx speaker, has worked with Google, MoMa, Kanye West, Cannes Lion, American Express, the United Nations, New Balance, Bloomingdales, and Havas.

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Best-Selling Ayurveda Author.
Host of the Highest Self Podcast.

Ancient Soul in a Modern Body.

Sahara Rose

Miami, Florida, U.S.

I didn't become interested in health coaching because it was fun or hip, I did it because I had to. Dealing with my own health issues, inclusive of digestion, hormonal, skeletal and chronic insomnia/ anxiety, I signed up for IIN so I could learn more about nutrition. Soon, that desire to heal myself became a desire to heal others and I launched my career as a Holistic Health Coach, focusing on Ayurveda.

Since then, I've gone on to write two best-selling Ayurveda books nationwide, Eat Feel Fresh: A Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook and Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda, both with forewords by Deepak Chopra, who called me, “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift."

I believe health is so much more than the physical, and transcends into the mental and spiritual. The purpose of health is to use that radiance to share your gifts with the planet. To share more of my spiritual interests and stories of top authors and healers around the world, I launched the Highest Self Podcast, which is now ranked as the #1 top podcast in the spirituality category on iTunes. I share the belief with IIN that our primary foods are not what we put into our mouths but what we put into our souls.

I am eternally grateful for all that has happened to me because it's allowed me to serve in a deeper and more meaningful way, and of course, find the gift that is Ayurveda.

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Hometown Explorer.
Junkie for the Outdoors.

Founder + CEO of Purely Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Stein

Boulder, CO, U.S.

IIN definitely changed the course of my life. Before attending the program, I worked for a handbag company in NYC and probably would have stayed the course in that industry.IIN gave me the confidence and belief that I was in control of my life and could go after my dreams. There is no doubt that I would not have started Purely Elizabeth, had I not had my experience at IIN.

I am now the founder and CEO of Purely Elizabeth, an all-natural and organic food company. I started the company in October 2009. We focus on using the most innovative, nutrient-dense ingredients on the market like chia, quinoa, amaranth, kaniwa, coconut sugar and coconut oil, while making the products taste absolutely delicious. We recently released the first Probiotic Granola on the market and a Grain-Free Granola! The past seven years since starting Purely Elizabeth has truly been life changing on so many levels.

I love that the industry we are in truly has an effect on people’s lives. It’s pretty rewarding to hear feedback that our products have helped customers live a healthier lifestyle. It’s also amazing to be surrounded by such like-minded individuals. The industry is filled with passionate people who are happy in what they are doing.

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Passionate Dietitian.
Venezuela Native.


Andrea Castellanos

Miami, FL, U.S

Being a woman in Venezuela, the most beauty-obsessed country in the world is challenging. The pressure to conform to an impossible standard of beauty was, and is, incredible. I tried every diet on the planet, every pill on the market, and every trick in the books. I was on the verge of an eating disorder and very confused about my emotional state and body image.

It was not until I stopped obsessing over my weight and focused on my wellbeing that I understood what worked for me. After working in a clinical environment studying patient’s actions and reactions, I realized that people's bodies, metabolism and habits are different in many ways. The Institute for Integrative Nutrition taught me that the one-size-fits all dietary approach simply doesn’t work. Knowing this inspired me to create "YourDietMethod".

My mission is to assist and teach people proper nutrition suited for their lives so they never need to diet again. I want girls to be comfortable with themselves, no matter what their environment is. I want women to feel sexy, no matter what their body type is. I want to inspire people to become the healthiest version of themselves.

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Raw Vegan Chef & Health Coach.
Zero Waste Cooking.

Founder of Four Human Kind.

Maya Badran

United Arab Emirates

I am Chef Maya Badran and I have always had healthy living at my core. In 2012 I was inspired to learn about raw vegan food. This journey opened my mind to the huge impact our food choices have on our well-being and the well-being of our planet.I coupled my love for food with my compassionate nature and trained to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a raw vegan chef with focus on zero food waste cooking.My mission is to empower people to embark on their own journey towards health and well-being by making conscious choices when it comes to food and zero waste cooking.

In 2020 I launched a brand called Four Human Kind with my partner and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Tony Shoushani to educate people to how to cook raw vegan food, and recently I launched another brand to bring awareness on food waste and the impact it has on climate and hunger. This past year, I was invited by the United Nations World Food Programme to cook with three other renowned chefs bringing awareness on zero food waste cooking.

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Mother and Healer.
Integrating Nature with Nutrition & Energy Work.

Founder of Elemental Growth.

Ashley Michaud

Ontario, Canada

When I found IIN, I was a brand-new mom. A year before I was backpacking around South America barefoot with a pocked full of seeds, and not much else. As a single mom I didn’t have a lot of money, yet through this investment began my journey and now coaching people across all our beautiful nations.

I place a strong focus on natural remedies for healing and recovery, encouraging my clients to explore the tools and modalities that can help them carry out their purpose on earth. Elemental Growth is an integration program at the forefront of the psychedelic integration field, designed by nature with experience and expertise in nutrition, sustainability, mindset, and energy work.

With guidance from this wonderful institution, I gained the confidence, tools, and community necessary to help the people how I do today. I also published my first book, Be the Change, in October 2019, which has received praise from holistic health professionals around the world.The training programs I invested in gave me my foundation, the alumni gave me faith, and my coaching practice gives me the opportunity to be the human, mom, and healer I was born to be.

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Personal Trainer and Holistic Nutritionist.
i-Lingual Emotional Eating Coach.


Kanna Laird

Seattle, WA, U.S.
www.kannalaird.us (English)
www.kannalaird.com (Japanese)

Lynda brings nearly 30 years of experience in education and the online learning industry. She

I still remember sitting at my kitchen table while my one-year-old napped, desperately looking for an answer to nourish people’s body and soul without vigorous daily exercises or strict diets. I was a personal trainer and holistic nutritionist back then, helping with weight loss as well as disordered eaters by focusing on exercises and food rules, but not taking much consideration of primary food or bio-individuality.

I had believed nothing white should go into the body and that included white rice, which was one of my soul foods being Japanese. This restriction hurt on an emotional level and I binged on it frequently. It just felt wrong for everyone to follow certain food rules when we all have different backgrounds and preferences, and that’s when I found out about IIN and their philosophies. I thought to myself, ”Do I need another certificate? Not really, but I HAVE TO take this program!” and the rest is history.

I now support emotional eaters to build a happy relationship with food - as a nourishment not an enemy. I help them see emotions that lead them to food as information and go through them instead of going around them (learned this from IIN’s Emotional Eating Course), and help them satisfy unmet emotional needs with primary food. My goal for them is to feel confident, happy and healthy at the deepest level, and use their own unique gifts they were born with to live the best life and make the world a better place.

I now have two wonderful businesses both in English and Japanese, and to share my success with fellow Health Coaches, I've been working with Sarah Hagstrom from Plant-Based Coach delivering a step-by-step program for Health Coaches who are driven to succeed. Together, we've been helping health coaches sign consistent clients, grow their business confidence, and establish strong foundations that grow their business cash flow.

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Financial Wellness for Women of Color.
Supporting Women with Healthy Body Image.
Founder of HomeBody Club.

Founder of Elemental Growth.

Tshepang Pooe

Johannesburg, South Africa

I’m the founder of the HomeBody Club, an online coaching and educational platform for women to heal from disordered eating and body image issues. I’ve coupled my IIN training with my educational background in economics, finance and entrepreneurship to create financially accessible wellness solutions, predominantly for women of colour.

In my later years of high school and early university, I started discovering a passion for nutrition, but I thought it was too late for me to venture into nutrition studies since I was already enrolled in a commerce degree. I thought that my passion for health and wellness would be something that would only go as far as myself and my family and friends.

Things started shifting when people began to notice the lifestyle changes I was making and they started asking me to help them, too. I knew I had the capacity to have a positive impact in people's lives, but I didn't believe that I had sufficient skills and knowledge to help people one-on-one. What I did believe I could do was share what I learned through writing. That's when I brought together my creative skills and self-taught health and nutrition knowledge to create my first ever wellness blog.

Enrolling in IIN was one of the most exciting moments of my life; my dream of studying nutrition and coaching was becoming a reality. During my time in the 6-month accelerated track, I started coaching women privately, onlinev, and used my expertise to share educational content on my Instagram and YouTube pages.

My vision is to help women rebuild a healthy self-esteem and relationship with food and their body so that they regain the capacity to show up meaningfully in their lives. My mission is to grow what I’ve started into a scalable online business which serves women of colour across the world in a way that is financially accessible.

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Natural Foods Chef.
Certified Holistic Health Coach.

Founder and CEO of Miami Wellness Club®.

Chris Gonzalez

Miami, Fl, U.S.

Chris is an author, athlete, activist, photographer, model, teacher, motivational speaker, holistic Health Coach, natural foods chef, and the founder and CEO of Miami Wellness Club (MWC), south Florida’s premier guide to healthy living.™

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, he travels the world educating, inspiring, and empowering people to become rich in mind, body, and spirit, forever. His personal journey of loss and overcoming adversity serves as the foundation for his life’s work. Prior to founding MWC, Chris worked in the accounting and wealth management industries serving the needs of affluent clientele. Feeling inspired to flip the script from simply accumulating monetary riches in favor of uncovering the true and everlasting wealth within – our health – he left to pursue a new and revolutionary path. Sharing his unique and integrated perspective, Chris currently writes, speaks, and coaches on the topics of health, wellness, spirituality, and personal transformation, in both English and Spanish. His passion for elevating the lives of others is truly next-level. Chris has lived internationally in the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Spain, and Cuba, and values spending time with loved ones, connecting with god, and experiencing his healthiest life each day.

In 2005, I lost my 47-year-old mother to a rare form of liver cancer. My family and I were devastated and disheartened about the limited options we’d been given for her “healing,” and the dead-end road we were forced to travel in trying to achieve it. This unexpected and life-altering event planted the seed for what is now my life’s work. I became committed to finding true answers to her illness. Doing something positive with this new reality awakened to the alternative solutions that existed all along and inspired by the power of the human body, MWC was created for you to experience optimal wellness while becoming rich in mind, body, and spirit. We’ve spent the last fifteen years exploring the globe compiling the most effective information to solve our society’s biggest challenges. In turn, we uncovered a burning desire to get to the bottom of our perennial birthright, our health. Through this process, our pain became our purpose, and now we’re here to share the most profound gift we’ve learned thus far: the truth.

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International Speaker & Author.
Mother and Grandmother.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

Irma Mejía

Mexico City, Mexico

I have lived all my life in the capital of Mexico. For many years I was curious about health and how it affects our lives.When I read about IIN’s Health Coach Training Program, I immediately felt connected to its mission. I believe it’s been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I leverage my IIN education to help people have a happy, plentiful, and healthy life.

I am an International Speaker, International Health Coach, Therapist, Life Mentor, and I have also taken additional training on how to improve health and wellness. I am also host of the “Transforming Consciences” internet TV program. “Los Regalos de la Abuela” is my first book where I share my journey from depression to happiness, a healthy life, and how to live in abundance, all of which I have because of IIN.

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Bone Health Advocate.
Podcaster and YouTuber.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

Kevin Ellis

St. Louis, MO, U.S.

I'm Kevin Ellis, but most people know me as Bone Coach™. I'm an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, popular podcaster and youtuber, bone health advocate, and founder of BoneCoach.com.

After an osteoporosis diagnosis in my early 30's largely due to celiac disease and nutrient malabsorption, I realized just how challenging it can be for the average person to make sense of what needs to be done to improve their health and their bones and move forward confidently with a stronger bones plan. With a lot of research, and trial and error, and seeking out help from a variety of different people, I was able to transform my health and continue making progress on my own journey. It was at that point I decided to pay it forward to others with osteopenia and osteoporosis struggling on their journeys.

I became an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach through IIN, and loved everything about the experience.My passion for helping and serving others evolved into me. Eventually, I put my knowledge and skills to work, and developed a world-class team and unique 3-step process to help people get confident in their stronger bones plan.

Through our life-changing, and transformational coaching programs, my team and I have now helped people in over 1500+ cities around the world with osteopenia and osteoporosis address bone loss, build bone strength, stop fearing fracture, and lead active lives. I've now dedicated my life to helping women with osteopenia and osteoporosis gain clarity and confidence that improving is possible.

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IIN Alumni and Graduate Success Stories (5)

Lynda Cloud

Chief Executive Officer

Lynda brings nearly 30 years of experience in education and the online learning industry. She previously served as CEO at Equal Ed, a global start-up focused on expanding and equalizing access to online learning tools in emerging and developed markets.

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IIN Alumni and Graduate Success Stories (7)

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IIN Alumni and Graduate Success Stories (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 6000

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.