How to Write a Media Advisory to Attract Attention (+ Free Template) - ROI Advisers (2024)

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One of the most effective ways to increase your brand’s visibility is a media advisory. This can help generate more mentions in popular news outlets, highlight key points and attract attention when it counts the most. If you want to use this tool effectively, there are several things that need consideration.,

A media advisory is a document that helps clients, organizations, or businesses to get the attention of the media. The “media advisory sample” will help you write your own media advisory.

How to Write a Media Advisory to Attract Attention (+ Free Template) - ROI Advisers (1)

A media advisory is a one-page invitation for members of the press to attend a forthcoming event. While media advisories are similar to press releases and are prepared in a similar manner, the purpose of a media advisory is to persuade journalists to attend your event rather than merely report your news. Learn how to draft a media advice that draws attention and promotes media attendance by downloading our media advisory template.

You’re not sure you’re ready to write a media advisory? Leave your media advisory to the pros at Newswire to give your event the greatest chance for media attendance. They’ll write and disseminate your advise there, providing you peace of mind that it’ll be in good hands and allowing you to concentrate on your forthcoming event.

Visit Newswire for more information. for more information.

Media Advisory Template for Free

How to Write a Media Advisory to Attract Attention (+ Free Template) - ROI Advisers (2)

It is important to follow the accepted media advisory format journalists expect to see. To make learning how to write a media advisory as quick and easy as possible, we created a Media Advisory Template for Free you can download that adheres to the standard media advisory formatting and guidelines. Use it as you follow the steps below for how to write a media advisory.

Download our Media Advisory Template for Free now:

In six easy stages, you’ll learn how to draft a media advice that produces results:

1. Double-check if a media advisory is the right tool for the job.

When you want the media to attend an event as part of its coverage, you should write and send a media alert. In instance, if you want the media to cover a noteworthy subject linked to your firm, you should create and submit a press release. A press release may be used to promote an event, but it may also be used to announce the opening of a new location, the employment of a new executive team member, or the receipt of a significant award.

The main distinction between a media advisory and a press release is the action you want the receiver to do when they get it. A media advisory is a one-page, information-only invitation delivered to members of the press in order to urge them to attend so that they may write their own news story based on their direct experience.

A press release, on the other hand, is more akin to an essay that is intended to be shared in its entirety. It includes crucial facts and information in order to pique public (and media) interest in a news release that may or may not be tied to an event. The ultimate purpose of a press release is for its contents to be picked up and spread by both small and major media outlets, resulting in increased coverage and exposure.

If you believe a press release is a better fit for your needs and objectives, click here to learn how to create a press release and get a free press release template to help you get started.

2. Use the Correct Formatting for Your Media Advisory

Before writing your advisory, it’s important to get the structure and formatting right. If you want your media advisory to be read by people in the media, follow industry standards in formatting so the reader knows exactly where to look for specific event details quickly. To make your writing process easy, download our Media Advisory Template for Free.

You can hire a competent graphic designer for as low as $5 on Fiverr to spruce up the layout and style of your media advisory to make it more eye-catching and attractive to journalists.

3. Identify Your Target Market

Next, figure out who your target audience is and how to appeal to them. It’s critical to understand your target audience so you can speak to them on topics that will pique their interest.

The sort of event is the strongest predictor of who your media advisory’s target audience is. For example, if you’re conducting a business or news press conference, you’ll want reporters and journalists in attendance, however if you’re giving a fundraiser, you’ll want a social scene writer in attendance. Make sure the content of your advise is tailored specifically for the people who will be reading it.

Reporters who cover particular, key issues such as politics, education, local business, or technology are found in almost every media organization. Determine which kind of media professionals are most likely to be interested in your event and write specifically for them. Read some of their pieces and write your advise with them in mind when contacting individual reporters that cover events relating to your sector.

4. Create an enticing headline

It’s critical to put effort into developing a compelling headline that will entice readers to read the rest of your article and attend your event. The headline of your media advice is the summary that appears at the top and center of the page. It should be written in bold style and be between 65 and 80 characters long.

Here’s how to make a catchy headline:

  • Be succinct: Maintain a maximum character limit of 65 to 80 characters (including spaces). If your title is too lengthy, it will most likely be chopped off in Google’s list of search engine results, as well as in searches conducted on smaller displays, such as mobile devices.
  • Tie it to a hot subject or current event: Tying your event to a trending topic or current event is an excellent approach to build interest in it. If you’re having an event in October, for example, you may tie it in with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This will make your event seem more current, and it may pique the curiosity of those who might otherwise pass over your media alert and event.
  • Start with a value proposition: Journalists aren’t looking for anything to do on a Friday night; they’re looking for something to do. They’re seeking for story ideas for their respective news organizations. The greatest method to pique their attention is to start with the primary reason they should attend your event.

Here are some instances of fascinating media advisories headlines:

Examples of Media Advisory Headlines

5. Fill out the Media Advisory Body’s form with information about your event.

Now that you have a headline, fill in all of the details about your event. Only the most significant data, such as the location, date, topic, and purpose for the event, should be included in media advisories, which should be no more than one page in length.

Explain the nature of the event, what will happen, and what they will encounter at your gathering. Will there be a nice picture or narrative opportunity, for example? Who is going to be there? Will there be any celebs or social media influencers in attendance? Next, include information on when and where the event will take place, as well as any other information that may be required, such as registration information or driving and parking directions.

At the bottom of your advise, put three pound or hashtag signs (###) as the last line. This informs the media that the information has come to a close, marking “the end.”

6. Make your media advisory available to the public.

Decide on a distribution mechanism for your media alert once it’s ready to be delivered to members of the press who may be interested in attending. Media alerts should be sent out five to seven days before the event. Send your advice and then phone the newsrooms of each media outlet you gave it to follow up and make sure they got it.

There are two primary methods for disseminating your media advice, both of which may be used in conjunction:

  • If you have a list of local news media contacts, you may send your advice straight to them by email. Please keep in mind that your advise should not be included as a file. Instead, paste your advisory’s text straight into the body of your email. It’ll be more likely to get read this way, and less likely to end up in the spam bin.
  • Use a distribution service: Using a professional press release distribution service like Newswire is the simplest approach to reach a large yet focused audience. This provides you the most exposure, increasing the likelihood that your media advice will be recognized and attended by the press.

Follow up with the news outlets that got your media alert once you’ve sent it out. The greatest method to convince journalists to commit to attending your event is to follow up with them. It also helps you stand out among the hundreds of other individuals who have received media advisories, since most don’t bother to contact back.


A media advisory is similar to a press release in that it is an excellent strategy for attracting press to your event, particularly when it is organized appropriately, written clearly, and circulated widely. Use a professional distribution agency, such as Newswire, to reach the appropriate journalists in the right locations and give your media advisory the greatest chance of success.

Visit Newswire for more information. for more information.

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A media alert is a public announcement that is distributed to the press and broadcast media. Media alerts are often used by business owners, celebrities, and public figures to promote a product or service. They can also be used by organizations to alert the public about an issue of concern or to solicit donations. Reference: media alert template word.

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As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics. Let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Media Advisory

A media advisory is a document used to attract the attention of the media for an upcoming event. It is a one-page invitation that persuades journalists to attend the event and write their own news story based on their direct experience. Unlike a press release, which provides detailed information about an event or announcement, a media advisory focuses on encouraging media attendance rather than reporting the news [[1]].

Media Advisory Template

The article mentions a Media Advisory Template for Free that adheres to the standard media advisory formatting and guidelines. This template can be downloaded to help with the writing process. It is important to follow the accepted media advisory format that journalists expect to see. The template provided in the article can assist in structuring and formatting the media advisory correctly [[2]].

Double-Check if a Media Advisory is the Right Tool

Before writing a media advisory, it is important to determine if it is the appropriate tool for the job. If the goal is to have the media attend an event as part of their coverage, a media advisory is suitable. However, if the objective is to promote a noteworthy subject related to a firm or announce a significant award, a press release may be more appropriate. The main distinction between a media advisory and a press release is the action you want the receiver to take when they receive it. A media advisory is an invitation for journalists to attend an event, while a press release is intended to be shared in its entirety to generate coverage and exposure [[3]].

Correct Formatting for a Media Advisory

To ensure that a media advisory is read by people in the media, it is important to follow industry standards in formatting. This helps the reader quickly locate specific event details. The article suggests using a Media Advisory Template for Free, which adheres to standard formatting and guidelines. Additionally, hiring a graphic designer to improve the layout and style of the media advisory can make it more eye-catching and attractive to journalists [[4]].

Identify Your Target Market

Understanding the target audience is crucial when writing a media advisory. The type of event determines the target audience for the media advisory. For example, if it is a business or news press conference, the target audience would be reporters and journalists. On the other hand, if it is a fundraiser, a social scene writer would be the target audience. Tailoring the content of the media advisory specifically for the intended readers is important [[5]].

Create an Enticing Headline

A compelling headline is essential to attract readers and encourage them to read the rest of the media advisory. The headline should be succinct, between 65 and 80 characters long, and written in bold style. It is recommended to tie the event to a hot topic or current event to generate interest. Starting with a value proposition that highlights the primary reason journalists should attend the event can also be effective. The article provides examples of catchy media advisory headlines [[6]].

Fill out the Media Advisory Body with Event Information

Once a headline is created, the body of the media advisory should be filled with the most significant details about the event. The information should be concise and include the location, date, topic, purpose, and any other necessary information. The media advisory should be no longer than one page. It is important to explain the nature of the event, what will happen, and what attendees can expect. Including information about notable attendees, photo opportunities, or narrative opportunities can also be beneficial. The media advisory should end with three pound or hashtag signs (###) to indicate the conclusion of the information [[7]].

Make the Media Advisory Available to the Public

Once the media advisory is ready, it needs to be distributed to members of the press who may be interested in attending the event. The article suggests two primary methods for dissemination: sending the advisory directly to local news media contacts via email or using a professional press release distribution service. It is important to follow up with the news outlets that received the media advisory to increase the chances of attendance [[8]].

In conclusion, a media advisory is a one-page invitation to persuade journalists to attend an event and write their own news story. It is important to follow the correct formatting, identify the target market, create an enticing headline, provide event information, and make the media advisory available to the public. Using a media advisory template and following industry standards can help ensure the effectiveness of the media advisory in attracting media attention and coverage.

How to Write a Media Advisory to Attract Attention (+ Free Template) - ROI Advisers (2024)


How do I write a media advisory template? ›

Media advisories should be no longer than one page in total and should only cover the most essential details, such as location, date, theme, and reason for the event. Like press releases, it's best to limit your entire announcement to about 500 words.

What is the structure of a media advisory? ›

A media alert, or media advisory, is a brief announcement to the news media about an upcoming activity or event. The alert should include the five W's: who, what, where, when, and why.

How do I write a media alert PR? ›

A media alert should say when an event is, where it is, and what and whom reporters will find there. It should also offer a compelling reason for the media to attend. Send your media alert a week in advance of the event. Then update it with any new speakers and re-send it a few days before the event.

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For example, an organization could use media advisories to inform press contacts that a spokesperson will be on-site at a court case to provide expertise on sexual violence and prevention. The advisory tells the press when and where the event is and provides details and context about why the event is important.

What is a media advisory template? ›

Home / Media Advisory Template. A media advisory is used to invite reporters to cover an event such as a press conference, forum, or rally. Your goal is to make the event sound interesting and newsworthy and to make the details easy for reporters to quickly pick up.

What is the headline of a media advisory? ›

Headline: Include the most important/interesting news, in no more than 7 words. This is your chance to grab attention! Introductory paragraph: Short, with a hook. Should explain who did what, when, where, and why.

How long should a media advisory be? ›

A good media alert entices members of the media to attend an event. They must include enough information to do this successfully, but should be no longer than a page in length. Ensure that it is in line with your overall branding too.

How long is a media advisory? ›

Media advisories should be no more than one page long and must include a date and contact name and phone number for reporters. If you email a media advisory more than a week before your event, you should follow up with another advisory email a day before the planned event.

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A media advisory is essentially an alert or a notification. Its primary purpose is to inform journalists about an upcoming event —more like an invitation. It should be enticing enough for journalists to attend and write about the event.

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Press releases and media advisories serve different purposes. Press releases tell the media about something so that they can report on it; media advisories are used to get media to attend your event.

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Personalize your follow up emails to any key reporters. Suggested timing is to send the first media advisory out a week before your event, then again two days before your event, and for the final time the morning of your event.

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Examples of advisory in a Sentence

Adjective He attended a meeting of the advisory committee. She is acting in an advisory role in the administration. Noun We heard a weather advisory saying that heavy rains are expected tonight.

How do you end a media advisory? ›

How to end the media advisory. Include “###” on the bottom line of your advisory to signify to the media outlet that this is the end of the advisory.

What is a media advisory? ›

A media advisory is used by organizations to invite and encourage the media to attend an event, often a press conference. They are sometimes referred to as a press advisory or media alert.

How do you write a media advisory email? ›

When you write a media advisory, include the following key elements:
  1. A brief, direct, and informative headline announcing the event.
  2. A sub-headline to clarify or add more information about the event.
  3. Contact information (name, title, phone number, email address).
  4. A brief explanation of the event's purpose.

How long should a press advisory be? ›

They are generally not a full story but an invitation to the media to attend an event your brand is hosting. It is usually a one-page description of an event that includes the most important details so that journalists can decide whether they want to attend or cover it.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.